Credits Leopardess: Creator of Evolution, webmistress of this site and created everyone in the Guardian X (with the exception of Kerrie) and Mirror Ukiyo, Bai Hu and Shiniko Kajahara from the Guardian Force. dysfunctional-sama: Apprentience of Leopardess and co-webmistress of the site. Creator of Kerrie Maxwell. Also editor of chapters and some drawings. Starfire: Editor of chapters and creator of Kaii and Arii Ryusakii. <Guardian Force> Adds great effects to our sophomoric chapters in the story. Genki Tenshi: Creator of Rinna Akenokoru and drew some of the pictures. She's not part of the team anymore. Bittersweet: Creator of Sayuri Yokota. Snow Flakes: Creator of Carmen Angel. <Fun Fact: Cousin of Leopardess> Midnight Star: Creator of Siri Hiwatari Valkyrie aka Shiva Elf: Creator of layout and buttons, and made our site's main page what it is today. We also used her pseudonym as a character in the first few chapters of Evolution. |