This story is originally known as 'Guardian Tamers'. This story was inspired by the guardians of Kinomoto Sakura from Cardcaptor Sakura (do NOT confuse with Cardc(r)aptors). The story is also inspired by Pokemon and Digimon. Later, the story was known as 'Raydeva Tamers', then 'Reideva Tamers' The lastest title is 'Evolution'. Unlike those Animes, Reidevas get in touch with almost any type of human emotions. Reidevas have magic, demons... etc in it.
What are Reidevas? Basically, reidevas are strange creatures with incredible powers that co-existed with mankind and our normal creatures. Partner reidevas are only one-of-a-kind and they are much stronger than most reidevas. Reidevas have also been used and neglected. Therefore, when the Eartherrens created 5 beasts with the goal of making them the strongest. They suceeded but the 5 reidevas escaped and brought those reidevas who are still wild and free to create a world called Universal Unknown. Note: Some Reidevas are gentically-created, some are cloned and some are just further evolutions of our normal animals.
Where is it taken place? This story takes place in the 'real' world where creatures with incredible powers live harmonously with ordinary creatures. Scientists experimented on them and found out that these Reidevas can be controlled and breed by people. Those who capture and train them for battling are called 'Tamers'. Reidevas can be also used for breeding. But than again, not all reidevas are caught, many of them still live in the wild.
Universal Unknown and how to capture reidevas Universal Unknown is silmilar to our world in most wats buy there are no rules except 1, The strong shall survive and the weak shall die, in other words , it is a strong-eat-weak world. To protect themselves from stronger Reidevas, they must find a tamer but in order to go to the real world, must archieve their highest strength posible.. These victors were appear in the tamer's, that they want to train with, dream. If that person allows them to be under there leadership, that Reideva will be reborn under their command. Some Reidevas just happen to find themselves in the real world, they are called the 'Feral Ones' and create havoc for the real world until they got themselves a tamer.