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These four lovely young ladies all played Black Furies in a one-shot game I ran, experimenting with a uni-tribal pack in Werewolf: The Apocalypse. Selene's Mist Pack: Back: Pam Collins (Shiny-Stalker) Front, from left: Hanneke Van Keulen (Seria Wyld-Song), Julie Blayne (Shadows the Moon), myself, and Halle Rodway (Breath-of-Heaven). |
I recently took a trek to Bowling Green (outside my home town of Toledo, Ohio) and ran a Rokea game with the above picture folks. (Jim Comer is another White Wolf freelancer, which is how I got hooked up with these weirdos). The game went well, I think, and I in fact will be running Rokea again at Dragon*Con. The Seekers Slew: Back, from left: Meegan Hayes (Evades Harpoon), myself, Stephanie Gomez (Salvation-Seeker), Jim Comer (Fire-Within-Darkness), Mike Brown (Drifts-Upon-Tides). Front, from left: Neal Jesse (Foaming Crest), Chris Bacome (Blood-on-the-Tides), Chad Imbrogno (Folly-of-Man). |