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Click Here to Download the AHPA Rules in PDF Format.


As adopted by
the American Horseshoe Pitchers' Association of America

Revised April 1, 2005


Sec. 1.1   All members in a sanctioned league must be an AHPA card-carrying member in good standing.

Sec. 1.2    AHPA of America State of Indiana dues must be turned into the state secretary no later than June 15th each year.

Sec. 1.3    Any new rules or rule changes are to be presented to a member of the rules committee and/or the chairperson of the rules committee for discussion. All rules pertaining to financial costs of the AHPA of America must be submitted to the Board of Directors for their approval or disapproval before being presented to the membership. Proposed changes will then be forwarded to each state Secretary 30 days prior to the meeting. Each state will determine how to notify their members of the proposals. Proposed changes must receive approval by a 2/3 vote of the membership present and voting.

Sec. 1.4    Full time students will be required to pay half price for a membership card. The Host Club may keep $1.00.

Sec. 1.5    No alcoholic beverages will be permitted on or around courts by participants or officials during competition.


Sec. 2.1    Indoor pitching - When indoor courts are constructed, the height of pitching boxes shall not be over six (6) inches above floor level. Ceiling height shall be at least twelve (12) feet.

Sec. 2.2    Layout of courts - A court shall consist of two pitchers' boxes with a stake in the center of each and shall cover a level area overall of ten (10) feet in width and fifty (50) feet in length.

Sec. 2.3    Pitcher' box - The pitchers box shall be six (6) square, with the stake in the exact center.  (See the diagram)

Sec. 2.4    The stake area of the pitchers' box shall be filled to a depth of six (6) to ten (10) inches with potter's clay or substitute of like nature and kept in a moist and putty like condition in the stake area.  (See the diagram)

Sec. 2.5    Stake Distance. - The distance shall be forty (40) feet between stakes. Measured from the pitcher's platform level, from the center of each stake.  (See the diagram)

Sec. 2.6    Foul lines surrounding the pitchers box shall be clearly defined  (See the diagram)

Sec. 2.7   When a number of courts are constructed as required in tournament play, the Stakes shall be a minimum of ten (10) feet apart between courts and front pitching box foul lines shall preserve a straight line across the entire layout. Construction should be made to permit north - south pitching.  (See the diagram)

Sec. 2.8   Pitching distance for women, juniors, senior men and handicapped persons shall be a minimum 30 feet with a foul line 27 feet from the stake. When women, juniors, and short distance men and handicapped persons play on a court constructed for 40 foot pitchers, foul lines shall be marked 10 feet in front of the 40 foot foul lines with an imaginary stake marked three (3) feet behind the 30 foot foul line.  (See the diagram)

Sec. 2.9   The pitcher's platform shall consist of an area: The maximum distance to the right or left of the stake or imaginary stake is three (3) feet. The minimum distance right or left of the stake or imaginary stake is eighteen (18) inches. The maximum distance in front of the stake or imaginary Stake is three (3) feet.  (See the diagram)

Sec. 2.99

Court Diagram


Sec. 3.1   Stakes - The stakes shall be of cold rolled steel, one (1) inch in diameter, and shall extend no shorter than fourteen (14) inches and no higher than fifteen (15) inches above the clay surface with a three (3) inch incline toward the opposite stake.

Sec. 3.2   Official Shoe - A shoe shall not exceed 7 1/4 inches in width, 7 5/8 inches in length, and shall not weigh less than 2 lb. 4 oz. and not more than 2 lb. 10 oz. On a parallel line 3/4 of an inch from a straight edge touching the points of the open end of a shoe, the opening shall not exceed 3 1/2 inches. A 1/8-inch tolerance is allowed on used shoes.


Score Board


Sec. 4.1   110 Points to be used as a base of 50 shoes, 90% of the difference between actual score and 110. Three games or 150 shoes to be used to establish handicap.

Example:-   A player has 240 actual points for his three games, an average of 80 actual points per game. 110 minus 80 actual, equals 30, 90% of 30 being 27 handicap. 80 actual plus 27 handicap for a total of 107 with handicap. Round totals when calculating averages and handicaps.

Example:-   If a pitchers average is between 79.50 and 79.99 round their average up (80). If the average is between 79.1 and 79.49 round their average down (79). Handicap points to be used in full, starting with first round.

110 - 0 94 - 14 78 - 29 62 - 43 46 - 58 30 - 72 14 - 86
109 - 1 93 - 15 77 - 30 61 - 44 45 - 59 29 - 73 13 - 87
108 - 2 92 - 16 76 - 31 60 - 45 44 - 60 28 - 74 12 - 88
107 - 3 91 - 17 75 - 32 59 - 46 43 - 60 27 - 75 11 - 89
106 - 4 90 - 18 74 - 32 58 - 47 42 - 61 26 - 76 10 - 90
105 - 5 89 - 19 73 - 33 57 - 48 41 - 62 25 - 77 9 - 91
104 - 5 88 - 20 72 - 34 56 - 49 40 - 63 24 - 77 8 - 92
103 - 6 87 - 21 71 - 35 55 - 50 39 - 64 23 - 78 7 - 93
102 - 7 86 - 22 70 - 36 54 - 50 38 - 65 22 - 79 6 - 94
101 - 8 85 - 23 69 - 37 53 - 51 37 - 66 21 - 80 5 - 95
100 - 9 84 - 23 68 - 38 52 - 52 36 - 67 20 - 81 4 - 95
99 - 10 83 - 24 67 - 39 51 - 53 35 - 68 19 - 82 3 - 96
98 - 11 82 - 25 66 - 40 50 - 54 34 - 68 18 - 83 2 - 97
97 - 12 81 - 26 65 - 41 49 - 55 33 - 69 17 - 84 1 - 98
96 - 13 80 - 27 64 - 41 48 - 56 32 - 70 16 - 85  
95 - 14 79 - 28 63 - 42 47 - 57 31 - 71 15 - 86  

Sec. 4.2   A master sheet is made by each State Secretary or Statistician, each player's record of games pitched, actual points, average and handicaps must be recorded, and kept up-to-date.


Sec. 5.1   Games can be played on Singles, Doubles and Team basis.

Sec. 5.2   A regulation game consists of the pitching of fifty (50) shoes in all contests.

Sec. 5.3   Choice of Pitch - Choice of first pitch shall be determined by the toss of a coin or shoe. In successive games between the same players, the loser shall have choice.

Sec. 5.4   First pitch alternates, as it evens up advantage of pitching against iron.

Sec. 5.5   In delivering the shoe the pitcher must stand within the pitcher's platform.

Sec. 5.6   A player, when not pitching, must remain on the opposite side of the stake to the player in action and to the rear of the pitchers platform.  (Refer to Sec. 2.9 and diagram)

Sec. 5.7   No contestant shall walk to the opposite stake or be informed of the position of shoes prior to the completion of an inning.

Sec. 5.8   Broken Shoes - When a shoe lands in fair territory, and is broken in separate parts, it shall be removed and the contestant allowed to pitch another shoe in its place.

Sec. 5.9   All fair shoes will be counted where they lay, even though they may have been hit by a foul or a fair shoe.

Sec. 5.10   Foul Lines - Any shoe delivered while the pitcher's foot extends on or over the raised foul line shall be declared foul and removed from counting distance.

Sec. 5.11   In delivering a shoe, the pitcher must remain behind the foul line until the Shoe has left their hand.

Sec. 5.12   A foul shoe shall not be scored or credited except in the score sheet column headed "shoes pitched."

Sec. 5.13   Foul Shoes - A shoe pitched while the contestant stands beyond the box foul line limits. A shoe striking outside the opposite pitching box or on the hard surface area when courts are so constructed.

Sec. 5.14   Foul shoes will be removed from the pitchers box.

Sec. 5.15   A shoe must be pitched over if it hits the tent or any foreign object. (Providing it is less than 12 feet high.)

Sec. 5.16   Measurements - Measurements to determine points scored shall be made with official device and straight edge.

Sec. 5.17   Conduct of player and members - No contestant, while opponent is in pitching position, shall make any remark or utter any sounds within the hearing of opponent, nor make any movement that does or might interfere with the opponent's playing. Penalty: Both shoes of the offender shall be declared foul in the inning complained of.

Sec. 5.18   Any member of the American Horseshoe Pitchers Association of America who indulges in heckling or unfair rooting against a pitcher in a tournament or league play, whether with malicious intent or otherwise, shall be expelled from the grounds and from the American Horseshoe Pitchers Association.

Sec. 5.19   Any player repeatedly violating rules or guilty of unsportsmanlike conduct may be barred from further participation in the contest. 1st offense - warning, 2nd offense – they will be disqualified.

Sec. 5.20   Winner of games, and final tournament standing governed by most total points.


Sec. 6.1   A game is divided into innings and each inning constitutes the pitching of two Shoes by each contestant.

Sec. 6.2   Score all points earned, in figures only, as follows:

No Score . . . . . . . . . . . . 0
Points . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 or 2
Ringer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Ringer and Point . . . . . . . . 4
Double Ringer . . . . . . . . . . 6

Sec. 6.3   Definition of a Ringer - A ringer is declared when a shoe encircles the stake far enough to allow the touching of both heel caulks simultaneously with a Straight edge.

Sec. 6.4   The points shall be scored according to the position of the shoes at the inning's end, that is, after the contestants have each thrown two shoes.

Sec. 6.5   Ringer credits shall be given on the same basis.

Sec. 6.6   A leaning shoe has no value over one touching the stake.

Sec. 6.7   A shoe must be within six (6) inches of the stake to score.

Sec. 6.8   No contestant shall touch their own or opponent's shoe or shoes until winner of point or points has been agreed upon by contestants or decision rendered by the referee. Referee shall declare foul, shoes thrown by a contestant failing to comply with this rule, and award points to the opponent according to the position of his or her shoes.

Sec. 6.9   The points of the persons name on top of score board will be called first.

Sec. 6.10   Recording of the Results - The recording of results shall be as follows:-

        G-Games pitched
        DR-Double Ringers


Sec. 7.1   All INDIANA tournaments will be sanctioned by the AHPA OF INDIANA

Sec. 7.2   At the conclusion of your tournament series, prepare the court on which you played your final game.

Sec. 7.3   All protests shall be made immediately as the occasion arises. Protests covering shoes or conditions of play can only be made before start of the next game.

Sec. 7.4   Current games pitched, average, handicaps and class will be sent by the league Secretary to all tournaments one-week in advance.

Sec. 7.5   Tournament results, scores and awards must be sent from each tournament to all league secretaries and the AHPA statisticians within five (5) days.

Sec. 7.6   Scores must be posted, for all to see, at all tournaments.

Sec. 7.7   A player must use their previous year's highest average until the AHPA league they pitch in begins, or until they have pitched their first AHPA tournament.

Sec. 7.8   Non-league players must have their actual tournament scores dated and initialed by the tournament secretary on the back of their state cards. The card average shall be used until the state average sheets include the pitcher's average.

Sec. 7.9   To establish an average in tournament play, the entire session will be used.

Example:-   In a five game session, five games must be used. In a three game Session, three games will be used, etc.

Sec. 7.10   A pitcher, who pitches in more than one AHPA chartered league, must have their actual scores from all leagues sent to the state secretary and the AHPA statisticians for determining tournament averages and handicaps. (This includes sub(s) average(s) of 600 or more shoes.)

Sec. 7.11   Tournament awards available to win: Payout from each tournament will consist of High Overall actual and High Overall with handicap. This would be in addition to each respective class payout.

Sec. 7.12   All tournament trophies must state AHPA, year, and class.

Sec. 7.13   Dress code - Shirt, pants or shorts, dresses or skirts and shoes are required wearing apparel at all state tournaments. (Recommended, name on back of Shirt.)

Sec. 7.14   Non State Championships Breakdown

110 - over . . . . . Will receive no handicap.
Classes where no Handicaps are used in individual competition.
Ladies   Men
91 - Over Class A 100 - Over Class A
80 - 90 Class B 90 - 99 Class B
80 - 89 Class C   Men Only
70 - 79 Class D Men and Women
60 - 69 Class E Men and Women
50 - 59 Class F Men and Women
40 - 49 Class G Men and Women
39 - Under Class H Men and Women

Sec. 7.15   Men pitchers 70 years and over or handicapped may declare to pitch a minimum of 30 feet. They will compete in their division according to their averages along with the 40-foot men pitchers.

Sec. 7.16   Anyone who in the past has been a Class A pitcher, (For the year with a minimum of 600 shoes pitched), but has dropped to a lower class, can declare to pitch in Class A if he or she desires.

Sec. 7.17   A minimum of 1/2-hour warm-up time prior to pitching shall be available. Cut off time for tournament play to begin shall be at 9 :00 am and 1:00 pm unless otherwise stated.

Sec. 7.18   No player may pitch alone.

Sec. 7.19   The Host Club shall allow all guest pitchers first opportunity to fill positions for tournament play. Host Club members are required to drop out if courts are full to accommodate guest pitchers.

Sec. 7.20   A judge appointed by the tournament director shall decide points when contestants are in doubt. He or she shall also see that the rules are complied with.

Sec. 7.21   The interpretation of the tournament director covering technical points and their rulings on matters uncovered by these rules shall be final.

Sec. 7.22   If rain or other elements interfere, players must stop play and not resume until officials authorize. On resuming play, score at time of interference will be in effect; also the same courts will be used by contestants unless they agree otherwise. Must complete 3 games in a 5 game tournament. (All games must consist of 50 shoes.)

Sec. 7.23   All ties for winners will be CO-champions. All ties in money tournaments will be broken by ringer's first and double ringers second.

Sec. 7.24   Appeal may be made to the tournament director if a ruling of the judge is not considered proper. Decision of the tournament director shall be final.

Sec. 7.25   As of November 23, 2002, Tournament entry fees will be a minimum of $7.00 for better payout to winning pitchers.

Sec. 7.26   All tournaments must payout a minimum of 90% of collected entry fees.

Sec. 7.27   After April 1, 2003, tournament averages will be determined by the new scoring method. Tournament averages will be determined by the actual league scores added to the actual tournament scores and divided by the total number of games pitched. The AHPA secretary will keep all records and send all averages to each tournament weekly.


Sec. 8.1   A Junior player who reaches his or her 18th birthday, may chose to change their status from Junior to Adult. This player must sign a waiver declaring the change in status and re-establish their handicap. Minimum age for the youth division in tournaments will be 12. Juniors may not compete in the ladies or men's divisions.

Sec. 8.2   Juniors under 18 must have parents or guardians written consent.

Sec. 8.3   There will be one handicapped class for the youth, boys and girls combined.

Sec. 8.4   All Juniors will be required to pay the full tournament entry fee but have the choice on receiving money or plaque as payout for winning the class.

Sec. 8.5   Playing rules for Juniors are the same as for adults with the single exception that the pitching distance shall be a minimum of 30 feet between stakes (27 feet from foul line to the opposite stake).


Sec. 9.1   Nominations for Mr. and Mrs. Horseshoe must be submitted to the board of directors no later than July 1. Nominations can be submitted by any club or any member in good standing. A nominee must have been a member of AHPA for at least five years.

Sec. 9.2   Cash awards eligibility: These awards may be won only once during a pitching Season.

Points for a
50 Shoe Game
150 Points - Perfect Game $100.00 Gold on White
145 Points $ 50.00 Silver on White
140 Points $ 30.00 Morron on White
135 Points $ 20.00 Green on White
130 Points $ 15.00 Yellow on White
125 Points $ 10.00 Red on White
120 Points $ 10.00 Light Blue on White
115 Points $ 10.00 Purple on White
110 Points $ 5.00 Black on White
105 Points $ 5.00 Brown on White
100 Points $ 5.00 Blue on White

Sec. 9.3   A pitcher may earn a patch for pitching their first "100" point actual game in league or tournament play.(This award may be won, one time only.)

Sec. 9.4

8 Points.   Overall Winner (Both Actual and Handicap)
6 Points. First Place in Class.
4 Points. Second Place in Class.
2 Points. Third Place in Class.
1 Point. Show up and pitch.

Sec. 9.5   Pitchers with 100 point average in tournament or league play, qualify for the 100 point club patch, after pitching 1000 shoes (or more) in league play or 1250 shoes (or more) in AHPA sanctioned tournaments, while maintaining their 100 point average, within the same season. (This award is awarded one time only.)

Sec. 9.6   Awards are to be sanctioned, certified and governed by the AHPA Board of Directors.


Sec. 10.1   The highest actual score regardless of the pitchers class will be considered the Actual State Champion. Their Score will remain in their handicapped class.

Sec. 10.2   Adult individual events will consist of five (5) games for the men and five (5) games for the women.

Sec. 10.3   In the state championship adult individual tournament, each player is required to pay their scorekeeper $.50 per game.

Sec. 10.4   The state championships may consist of the following events for AHPA members: Adult individuals, Juniors, Senior citizens, Mixed doubles, Mother/daughter and Father/son.


Ladies   Men
91 - Over Class A 100 - Over Class A
81 - 90 Class B 90 - 99 Class B
      80 - 89 Class C
66 - 80 Class D 70 - 79 Class D
51 - 65 Class E 60 - 69 Class E
36 - 50 Class F 50 - 59 Class F
35 - Under Class G 40 - 49 Class G
    39 - Under Class H

Sec. 10.6   Junior AHPA events will consist of five (5) games. Juniors may not compete in the adult individual events, only the junior's event.

Sec. 10.7   Mixed doubles, (five games) must consist of one male pitcher and one female pitcher.

Sec. 10.8   Mother/daughter division and father/son division will consist of five (5) games. Grandmothers may pitch with granddaughters. Mother-in-laws may pitch with daughter-in-laws. However, those combinations will compete as mother/daughter and only one must be a member of the AHPA. The same applies to the male gender.

Sec. 10.9   Senior citizens will pitch five games. They will be classified as separate women's and men's senior class. A player is a senior after their sixty-second birthday.

Sec. 10.10   The winners for the classes of the senior citizens, mixed doubles, mother/daughter and father/son will be determined in the following method: All contestants will have their scores totaled two (2) ways, actual and actual with handicap. First: The contestant with the highest actual score will be considered the actual champion. Second: The highest handicapped total of the remainder of the contestants will be considered the handicap champion. Third: The highest actual total of the remainder of the contestants will be considered the actual runner-up. Fourth: The highest handicapped total of the remainder of the contestants will be considered the handicap runner-up.

Sec. 10.11   If rain or other elements interfere, players must stop play and not resume until officials authorize. If conditions are sever enough rescheduling may be required, as all games must be completed.

Sec. 10.12   To pitch in the state championships you must be a resident of that state.

Sec. 10.13   A pitcher must have pitched at least 750 shoes in league or tournament play combined. Tournament averages will be figured from the total actual scores of the previous 12 months plus two days. League shoes pitched after the state championships will not count towards 750-shoe requirement. No requirement of number of shoes for Section 10.3 through 10.6.


Sec. 11.1   The final tournament of the year will be the TOURNAMENT OF CHAMPIONS (TOC)

Sec. 11.2   To qualify, a player must have placed first, second, or third, in any two tournaments or any combination of first second or third in two tournaments.

Sec. 11.3   Handicaps for TOC will be based on 120 points for 50 shoes pitched or 90% of the difference between the Actual score and 120 points.

Sec. 11.4   The full entry fee, for TOC is to be sent with the completed entry form to the TOC chairperson. Entries need to be post marked by the date indicated on the entry form.

Sec. 11.5   TOC will be a two-day tournament, with the youth and team divisions pitching on Saturday and individuals pitching on Sunday.

Sec. 11.6   All pitchers, including youths will pay their score keepers $.50 per game.

Sec. 11.7   All pitchers will pitch four games in the first round in a round robin format. The top eight men, the top eight women, and the top eight juniors will then pitch in an elimination round to determine a champion in each division.

Sec. 11.8   For the TOC only: -

Averages will be determined by actual league and tournament Scores added together and divided by the total number of games pitched. The handicap is based on 120 points or 90% of the difference between the actual Score and 120.

Sec. 11.9   In the TOC tournament, men and women will pitch in their separate divisions. (Men & Women)

Sec. 11.10   Three tournament officials will determine all disputed points. Only one official can be used to break ties.

Sec. 11.11   The final grand champion matches will have an official at each end of the courts, to call all points. (The pitchers will not call the points in the championship games.)

Sec. 11.12   The championship match scoreboard will start with the pitcher's handicap being added to the pitchers first frame's score.


Sec. 12.1   All youths, boys and girls, will pitch together in one elimination tournament for youths.

Sec. 12.2   Youths will be charged an entry fee, for the tournament of champions, to cover costs of court fees and trophies.

Sec. 12.3   All youths may pitch from thirty feet.

Sec. 12.4   All youth's averages and handicaps will be determined by the method in SEC: 11.8.


Sec. 13.1   The Tournament of Champions team challenge, will consist of five members per team chosen to represent their club. One member will be chosen to be used in an emergency only.

Sec. 13.2   Pitchers play with the same partner for all four games.

Sec. 13.3   Winner of the Team event will be determined by the total points accummulated for all games pitched including each each players indivdual handicap points.

Sec. 13.4   A travel trophy will be awarded to the winning club and an individual trophy will be awarded to each winning team member. The number of awarded places will be determined by the number of team entries.