MARGARET's Pages on BROSNA .....continued      PAGE 2
The Brosna Garda Barracks stand on the south-eastern corner of The Square beside the local cemetery.  An old road at the rear was known as "Betty's Road".  In 1920 there was an attack by the IRA on this building.

Lonely I wander through scenes of my childhood
They call back to memory those happy days of yore.
Gone are the old folk, the house stands deserted
No light in the window, no welcome at the door.

There's where the children played games on the heather,
There's where they sailed their wee boats on the burn,
Where are they now?  Some have gone, some have wandered,
No more to their homes will those children return.

Lone is the house now and lonely the moorland.
The children are scattered, the old folk have gone,
Why stand I here, like a ghost or a shadow,
'tis time I was moving, 'tis time I passed on.
SELF SUFFICIENT - a man in this parish owned a field - small in size, besides his small house.  He cut one sod turf from this field.  In the bog hole he grew potatoes, cabbage and turnips.  He managed to save some hay on the remainder of the field, while he grazed his cow on the long acres  (the roadside).  He also kept a few hens to produce eggs.

INFLATION - in 1840 beef and mutton cost 4 pence per pound.  Butter was considered very expensive at 9 pence per pound.  Around 1950 you could buy a half pound of tea for 11 pence.
A loaf of bread for 4 1/2 pence.  10 woodbine cigarettes 7 1/2 pence.  4 tins of shoe polish 1 shilling. 1 stone of flour 2 shillings.  1 stone of yellow meal 1 shilling 6 pence.  Porter 1 shilling and 2 pence per pint.
A postage stamp 1 penny.  Bicycle tyres - cruser 1 shilling and 9 pence.  Dunlop roadster 2 shilling 6 pence.
Bicycle tube a shilling .  A pump was 9 pence.  A torch including a battery was 1 shilling.  Eggs cost 4 pence per dozen.  A pot of jam 6 pence.  Small money but where could you get it.  For doing a hards day work you got paid 2 shillings.
In or around the 1950's Brosna Village was thriving with enterprising local industries.  In the village each house had their own cow or cows.  There were a total of 86 cows and 24 horses or ponies.

BUTCHERS - Timmie Callaghan,  Eddie Moloney,  Dave Horan,  Den Sheahan - nee Fitzmorris

BAKERS - Maurice Woulfe, Stacks, SMiths, Carrolls, Murphys

BLACKSMITHS - Dannie Cronin, Billas Lane,  Matthew Walsh,  Jack the Smith (Cotter)

DRAPER SHOPS - Dannie Moriarty, Denis Daly, Aenie Leahy, Smiths

Post Office
- Timmie Murphy        
Tailor - Dennis Downey

HARNESS MAKER - Jack Lenihan,  Mick Doody , Tom Sheahan (The Cross)

SHOEMAKERS - Tom Terry O'connor, Jimmie  Flynn,  Jimmie Cordon,  Tady Hartnett

UNDERTAKERS - Jack and Dan Healy,  Ger Downey

PUBLIC HOUSES - Tobins, M.P.Lane,  Jim (Bawn OSullivan),  Lyons,  Morrisseys,  Mossie Connell, Kate Pats Sheahan (Moonlights),  Con Carroll ,  P.Murphy,  Smiths of The Square

GROCER SHOPS - Johanna Collins, Katie Manley, Bridgie Horgan, Nance Woulfe, Fitzmorris's, Dan Donoghue, Aenie Leahy, John Lane, Hannie Horan, Dave Horan, Dinnie Shine, Tessie Sheehan, Rory Horan, Jamesie OConnor, Garveys, Jeffrey OToole, M.Murphy  Post Office, Dannie Moriarty, M.Leahy/Smiths, Cissie Curtin, Julia Bawn Sullivan.

Looking from Knockogno Hill over to Brosna Village. Top to right is the Church & graveyard - September 1991
Farmlands pictured here are  to the right of the village picture....Sept 1991.
I have done extensive work on Curtin/Guiney families in this parish - as a result of inter-marriages I have also traced other family names.  If you want advice/help please email and if  I can,  I will help, depending on time available.
Curtin Book 1 is now available for purchase.
Headstones in Brosna Cemetery for transcriptions listing names on stones
click here.
(7 pages)
Brosna Families - click here
updated 9 May 2009