<BGSOUND src="//www.oocities.org/bluegumtrees/CelticFrolic.mid" LOOP=INFINITE>
WELCOME - IRISH blarney, wit, wisdom & other things  ......      
Don't rest your eyes beyond what is your own.

A sly rogue is often in good dress.

Dont be talkative in an alehouse.

Leave the bad tale where you found it.

Dont tell secrets to the children of your relatives.

Burren, Co Clare
Idleness is a fool's desire.

The person who brings a story to you will take two away from you.

Dont say everything you want to say lest you hear something you would not like to hear.

Do not keep your tongue under your belt.

*There's many a ship is lost within sight of the harbour.

* Little talk is easily cured.

* The tongue ties knots that the teeth cannot loosen.
Kenmare Market Day
You can keep yourself safe from a thief, but you cannot keep yourself safe from a liar.

Truth stands when everything else falls.

A promise is a debt.

The trouble that follows death is better than the trouble that follows shame.
For advice in wise sayings on love and marriage these have been handed down through the generations......

+  Marriages are all happy; its having breakfast together that causes all the trouble!
+ There'll be white blackbirds before an unwilling woman ties the knot.
+ Many an Irish property has been increased by the lace of a daughter's petticoat.
+ A golden ring can tie a man as tight as any chain.
+ A dishonest woman cant be kept in and an honest woman wont.

Irish wedding sites to check out.....
Irish Heritage site - weddings   www.mdonline.net/fiddlersgreen/wedding.htm
Danielle's Irish Links - (weddings) www.oocities.org/Vienna/Strasse/4525/irish.html
Ireland Now - has a wedding site    www.irelandnow.com/
A little humour with a tint of truth behind it .....

** A man's tongue often broke his nose.

** Never sleep with a stranger or borrow from a neighbour.

** If you want praise, die, if you want blame, marry.
There is nothing sharper than a woman's tongue; there is nothing wickeder than a woman of evil temper.
** What's all the world to a man when his wife is a widow.

** A Kerry shower is of twenty-four hours.
Coastline near Ring of Kerry, Co Kerry
May the Irish hills caress you
Make her lakes and rivers bless you
May the luck of the Irish enfold you.

May the leprachauns be near you
To spread luck along the way
And may all the Irish angels
Smile upon you, St Patrick's Day
Kinsale Harbour, Co Cork, Ireland.
Thatched Cottage in Co Galway
In case of doubt, make it sound convincing.
Crystal at Waterford Factory
Humour triumphs over all forms of aggression!
An Irishmans conscience does not prevent him from sinning; it merely prevents him from enjoying it!
A short cut is the longest distance between 2 points
The best way to get rid of the noise in your car is to let her drive.
Always drive so that your license expires before you do.
A boss is someone who can tell a dull story that is very funny!
For untold ages, women have been famous for untold ages
The Lagan, Northern Ireland, in winter
The person who has a second hand car knows how hard it is to drive a bargain!
Inside every older person, there is a younger person wondering what happened.
Fishermans Cottage, Keem Bay, Achill Island
Lucky stars above you,
Sunshine on your way.
Many friends to love you,
Joy in work and play --
Laughter to outweigh each care,
In your heart a song --
And gladness waiting everywhere
All your whole life long!
Music is "Celtic Frolic" by Geoff