Nature's  Pharmacy
a guide to foods & herbs and their pharmacy benefits
Details here may be of interest and contain  beneficial information, but always see a professional if you have specific health problems.  This is a guide on the goodness of fruits, herbs, spices and interesting plants.
APPLES reduce cholesterol, are an anti-inflammatory, fight bacteria and viruses (including colds), stabilize blood sugar, prevent cancer, aid in the cardiovascular system and have estrogenic activity.  They may also be eaten before a meal to suppress the apperite.  2 or 3 a day are beneficial.

BANANAS are high in magnesium and may be useful for treatment of diarrhea, colitis, ulcers, dyspepsia; they also have anti-biotic capabilities.  Bananas strengthen the stomach lining and lower blood cholesterol.
PINEAPPLES are anti-flammatory, anti-viral and anti-bacterial and help prevent osteoporosis and bone fractures.  They are also known to help dissolve blood clots.
APRICOTS are best known for their ability to fight cancers that are related to cigarette smoking as well as those of the pancreas. They are highly concentrated in beta-carotene especially in the dried form.

FIGS are cancer fighters that shrink tumours.  The juice also fights parasites like roundworm and bacteria.  Digestion and ulcers are aided and they mad also be used as a laxative.

DATES are laxative and are linked to lower pancreatic cancer rates.  They may trigger headaches in some people.

PRUNES are laxative and a natural aspirin, high in soluble fibre.

ORANGES contain carotenoids, bioflavonoids and vitamin C which all fight cancer.  They lower blood cholestoral and arterial plaque and fight viruses.  Oranges may help fertility, atherosclerosis, gum disease, asthma, breast cancer, bronchitis, and stomach cancer.

helps reverse clogged arteries, retards tumour growth, fights stomach and pancreatic cancer, lowers blood cholesterol, is anti-viral and is an anti-oxidant food that is high in Vitamin C.  Grapefruit juice alone will not give the cholesterol benefit.  The pulp must be eaten along with the fruit.
LEMON contains anti-oxidant and other chemicals that block cancer.  It is an astringent, diuretic, and dophorectic which is good for sore throats, colds and flu.

KIWI FRUIT is used in treatment of stomach and breast cancer in Chinese traditional medicine and is high in vitamin C.

GRAPES only the red kind are believed to have cancer-fighting properties.  They are high in the anti-oxidant quercetin.  The skins inhibit blood clotting and also raise HDL cholesterol levels (the good kind).

PLUMS are anti-viral, anti-bacterial and a natural laxative.

(all the blueberry family contain the same healthful substances) are an anti-inflammatory, prevent and treat diarrhea (especially that caused by E.coli) protects blood vessels and prolong life (flavonoid contents).

BLUEBERRIES block damage to blood vessels (especially in the brain, kidney and prostate and keep the entire urinary tract from infection.  They may also prevent kidney stones and are an anti-viral and anti-bacterial food.  2 glasses of juice per day may be beneficial.

CRANBERRIES deodorize urine, prevent bacteria in the bladder, kidney and prostate and keep the entire urinary tract from infection.  they may also prevent kidney stones and are an anti-viral and anti-bacterial food.  2 glasses of juice per day may be beneficial.

RASPBERRIES are anti-viral and anti-cancer and contain natural asprin.

STRAWBERRIES are anti-viral and anti-cancer in general (they block cancer-forming substances). They also benefit the cardiovascular system and are high in the fibre, pectin.
MELONS are blood thinners and the orange ones contain anti-oxidant (especially beta-carotene).

WATERMELON is an anti-coagulant, anti-oxidant and anti-bacterial containing food.
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ALFALFA improves appetite, helping cure peptic ulcers, benefitting intestines, mild diuretic, allergies, diabetes, gout. nausea, colon, bad breathe, helping stop haemorrhage.  Contains Vitamins A, D, B, B6, C , E & K.
High protein supplement. Contains enyzmes that digest fat.  Pitutory gland, arthritis, chlorophyl, skin disorders, deodorizing and regulating the bowel.

ANISE is a cough remedy and digestive aid, promotes milk production in nursing mothers and may relieve the pain of menstruation.  Hepatitis and cirrhosis may be helped

BASIL is good for intestinal parasites and acnes and aides in fighting infection.

BAYLEAF is good for stress and infections (bacteria and fungi) and may be an antidote for the poison strychnine.
Crushed bay leaves around the kitchen will repel cockroaches.
BAYBERRY can help heal mucuous membrane infections, canker, excellent gargle, astringent, tonic, stimulant, anti-oxidant, sinuses, irregularity of menstruation.

BEE POLLEN excellent source of protein, containing 18 different amino acids with all the essential amino acids, high in vitamins, minerals, enzymes and co-enzymes.  Disinfectant, respiratory ailments, natural and regular sleep, digestive aid,creating muscular vigour, kidney-bladder revitalizer, hayfever, allergies, and energy food.

BLACK COHOSH - astringent, hormone balance, hot flushes, bringing on retarded menstruation, anti-spadmodic affections, high blood pressure, expectorant.  Nervine herb.  Female oestrogen, spinal meningitis, poisonous bites and stings, lowering elevated blood pressure.

BLACK WALNUT - removing parasites and ringworm, heartburn, diuretic, skin diseases.

BLESSED THISTLE - increasing gastric secretions, increasing apperite, aiding digestion, reducing fever.  Too large a dose may cause vomiting.

BLUE COHOSH - making child birth easy, uterine trouble, cramps, inflammation of vagina, delayed and irregular menstruation, stimulant, mild antispasmodic, muscle spasm relaxant.

BURDOCK good for acne, burns, cankers, psorasis, boils, veneral disease, stomach, neutralizing poisons diuretic, skin eruptions, blood purifier and is high in iron.
Blue Cohosh
Blessed Thistle
CAPSICUM (cayene) will help stop bleeding by direct application.  Will not draw, blister or inflame. Stimulant, anti-spasmodic,  circulation, acne, colds, entire digestive system, ulcers. Catalyst for other herbs.

CARAWAY is a digestive aid and is an anti-spasmodic which soothes the digestive tract and aids in mentrual cramps.

CASCARA SAGRADA increasing peristalsis of colon and with large doses, may affect upper bowel the same way.  Ok for chronic constipation, gall stones.

CATNIP mild central nervous stimulant and an anti-spasmodic, infant colic, promoting sweating without increasing body temperature, enema to reduce fevers, sedative.  Safe for small children.
CELERY SEED is a diuretic that is good for weight loss, PMS, high blood pressure and congestive heart failure.  Celery contains a substance that acts as a sedative.  Blood sugar is reduced and menstruation is promoted.

CHILI dissolves blood clots, opens air passages, acts as an expectorant and decongestant and helps prevent emphysema, bronchitis, and stomach ulcers.  Chili in food speeds the metabolism, which burns callories.  It also contains anti-bacterial and anti-oxidant capabilities.
CHAMOMILE increases appetite, is a general tonic, helps bladder troubles, expelling worms, kidneys and spleen.  Taken as a hot tea for inducing sleep; as a poultice for pain, swellings.  Mild eyewash, cleanser for those who had used drugs over a long period of time.

CHAPARRAL - tumours, cancer, warts, psoriasis, arthritis, acne, blood purifer, boils, cleanser.

CHICKWEED - acne, boils, burns, cankers, mild laxative, aiding in weight reduction, breaking down carbohydrates (fat), and contains Vitamin C, potassium.  Blood purifer, diuretic, haemorrhoids, bronchial cleanser, deafness, peritonitis.

CINNAMON helps those with type 2 diabetes and has mild anti-coagulant activity.

CLOVES are anti-inflammatory and help rheumatoid arthritis.  They have long been known to help kill toothache and other mouth pain.

COMFREY - externally : healing skin, burns, abrasions, insect bites, etc as a poultice.
internally:  emphysema.  Contains Vitamin B12 inhibiting cancer growth.  Blood cleanser, ulcers,stomach ache, kidneys, bone-knitter.  Source of complete protein.

CORINDER is a digestive aid, prevents infection from minor cuts, kills bacteria, fungi and insect larvae that attack meat, is an anti-inflammatory that may help arthritis and may help reduce blood sugar.
DANDELION - contains large amounts of Vitamins A, C, and niacin, calcium and iron.  Mild diuretic, indigestion, cleansing the liver and kidneys, benefiting digestive tract, anemia, age spots, senility, gout.

DILL is good for digestion and urinary tract infections (in bath water) and may reduce blood pressure.

DONG QUAI (chinese angelica) - female hormone, menopause, soreness of joints, hot flushes, helping to correct B12 and vitamin E deficiency, insomnia, hypertension, cramps, antispasmodic, blood purge/cleanser.  Also useful for men.
EYEBRIGHT (left) is an astringent, eyewash, good for allergies, hayfever, expectorant, aiding the vision, and uppermost parts of the throat as far as the windpipe.
FENNEL is a digestive aid, may be used for infant colic, promotes menstruation, promotes milk production, and aids in menopause and in prostate cancer when used along with other therapies.  Helps suppress appetite, produces perspiration, is a good eyewash, helps with colic, gout, cramps, spasm, urination.

FENUGREEK has anti-diabetic powers.  It also curbs or prevents intestinal gas, is anti-ulcer, anti-diarrheal and anti-cancer and helps lower blood pressure.
GARLIC has been given the distinction of being called the "wonder drug".  Raw garlic works best as a powerful antibiotic that fights bacteria, parasites and viruses.  Encephalitis has been cured with high does.
It is good for hat disease (2 or 3 cloves a day lessen the chance of heart attacks) and stroke, and contains many preventive anti-cancer compounds and anti-oxidants.

Garlic is good for colds and works as an anti-diarrheal.  It is good for boosting immunity, is an antispasmodic, lowers cholesterol and blood pressure and works as an anti-inflammatory.  It helps relieve gas, is estrogenic and works as an anti-depressant.
Helps reduce fever, yeast infection, removing parasites, douche, removing warts.
GINGER - expelling gas, gastrointestinal stimulant, taken hot for suppressing menstruation, throat and tongue.  Stopping diarrhoea, colds, nausea, stimulating circulation (pelvic area and legs), seasickness. It can help prevent headaches, helps arthritis.  Asians have long used ginger for chest congestion, colds, headache, cholera, diarrhea, rheumatism, nervous diseases, stomach ache and vomiting.

GOLDENSEAL - natural antibiotic, decreasing uterine bleeding and postpartum bleeding, indigestion, colds, stomach, liver, externally for antiseptic properties, small frequent doses for stopping morning sickness, skin eruption, (acne).  Brushing on gums and teeth for pyorrhoea or reducing swelling in tissues, infection.

GOTU KOLA - memory, helping tone muscles,bowel problems, reducing fever, stomach pain, blood purifier, lowering blood pressure, eyes, mental problems, energy, depression, longevity, strengthening the heart, nervous breakdowns.

HAWTHORN - low blood pressure, hypoglycemia, arteriosclerosis, helping to induce sleep, aiding in relieving emotional stress, excellent food for the heart, oxygeniser.

HOPS - indigestion, inducing sleep, relieving toothache and earache pain, diuretic, circulation, and high in trace minerals.

HORSETAIL - building strong fingernails, and repairing hair split ends.  Very high in silica, fatty acids, and starch.  Astringent, helping hair grow, helping with kidney stones, repairing broken bones and indigestion.

JUNIPER BERRIES - killing fungi, excellent gargle, preventing disease, diuretic.  As tea for kidney, urinary, bladder problems.  Pancreas imbalance, prostate gland, and antibiotic.

KELP - high in iodine, natural and other organic minerals.  Glands, aiding in weight distribution, thyroid,  arteries, nails, falling out hair, cleaning radiation from body.

LICORICE - quick energy pick-up effect, soothing and softening effect of abraded tissue, oestrogenic properties, hypogylcemia.  Addisons Disease.  Is rated 43 times sweeter than sugar.  As a dietary supplement has been used to help combat stress by supplying adrenal cortex hormones.
MARSHMALLOW (left)  - respiratory problems, vaginal douche, eyewash, kidneys and bladder, antibiotic.

MULLEIN - asthma, relieving lung congestion, respiratory ailment, gargle, washing open sores.  Used asa tea for inducing sleep and relieving pain, taking swelling out of body.
MINT is a digestive aid, an anesthetic for the skin and a decongestant it also fights infection in herpes, cold sore and wounds.  Mint is good for cramps and mentrrual promotion but should not be used by those who are pregnant.

ONION including shallots, chives, scallions, and leeks are anti-oxidants with lots of cancer fighting agents.  They are thought to thin blood, inhibit stomach cancer, lower LDL cholesterol, raise HDL cholesterol, discourage blood clots and fight atherosclerosis, chronic bronchitis, asthma, hay fever and infection.  Onions are anti-biotic, anti-inflammatory, and anti-viral and act as a sedative.

OREGANO is a cough remedy, expectorant and digestive aid.  it may also repeal intestinal worms.

PARSLEY is a diuretic which helps high blood pressure, congestive heart failure and PMS.  It is high in anti-oxidants so it is good for treating cancer.  Parsley neutralizes the carcinogens in cigarette smoke and may help T-cell lymphoma.  Parsley is a breath freshner, stimulates the uterus to promote menstruation, inhibits allergies and lowers fever.  Pregnant women should eat only culinary or cooking amounts.

PAPAYAMINT - aiding digestion of starches and carbohdryates, relieving upset stomachs, allergies, diverticulitis, haemorrhaging, paralysis, expelling worms, wounds, relieving gas and sour stomachs.

PYLLIUM SEED - normalizing bowel movement.  Should drink a lot of water with this herb, softening stool, aiding in respiratory problems.  Excellent colon cleanser, creating bulk, anti-intoxication.
RED RASPBERRY - settling upset stomach, anti-acid, stimulant, removing cankers, douche, morning sickness, improving lactation, dysentry, diarrhoea, strengthening uterine walls prior to giving birth.
ROSEHIP (left)  - natural source of Vitamin C, diuretic, aiding digestion.

SAFFLOWERS - for those who eat high protein foods this herb has been used for aiding in releasing uric acid, diuretic, indigestion, anti-gas.  Natural source of hydrochloric acid, skin disease, gout.
SAGE is an anti-perspirant, helps heal wounds and stop infections.  Is used as a preservative.  It will fight salmonella and is a good choice to add to foods that will be consumed away from home and outside.  It is a digestive aid, reduces blood sugar (on an empty stomach) soothes sore throats and aids bleeding gums and canker sores.  Sage is a menstrual promoter.

SAW PALMETTO - asthma, sore throat, excellent gargle, colds, reproductive problems of testes, ovaries, prostate gland.

SCULLCAP - tranquilizing effect on nerves, inducing sleep, relieving pain, convulsion, epilepsy.

SIBERIAN GINSENG - anti-fatigue, anti-stress, endurance, longevity, frigidity, female and male hormones, helping body cope with environmental stress.

SLIPPERY ELM - normalizing bowel movement for either diarrhoea or constipation, as poultice for inflamed wounds, skin disease, nappy rash, expectorant, inflamed mucuous membranes of stomach, kidney.

TURMERIC is a spice that contains curcumin, the ingredient that gives it its yellow colour.  Curcumin is an anti-flammatory agent and this is useful for many diseases, including rheumatoid arthritis.  It also eases stomach acid, prevents blood clotting, arrests poisonous toxins before they reach the liver, lowers blood sugar and cholesterol and prevents and treats cancer.

VALERIAN ROOT - relaxant, measles, scarlet fever, convulsions, colic, lowering fevers, cleaning bladder stones, ulcers, preventing gas, nervous disorders, headache, muscle twitching, spasms, and promoting sleep.
COOKING WITH HERBS soup, meat, chicken, desserts, teas +++
Natural Botanical aloe vera based products with herbal ingredients - click here
Gardening Pages
updated 14 October 2001
Updated  9th May 2009