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The Falls, Ennistymon, Co Clare
The Lagan, Northern Ireland
Margaret's Pages - Irish Folk Wisdom, Proverbs and pictures
Bringing in the hay
Dingle Peninsula, Co Kerry
Killary Harbour, Co Mayo
The Irish Washer Woman
Glengarriff, Co Cork
On this page we have more Irish scenery and wonderful words of wisdom
Enough and no waste is as good as a feast
Our lease on life is short
A scholars ink lasts longer than a martyrs blood
There are fish in the sea better than have ever been caught
Distant hills look green
Falling is easier than rising
There is no need like the lack of a friend
Without money fame is dead
It is a lonely washing that has no man's shirt in it
He who is up is extolled; he who is down is trampled on
A man cannot grow rich without his wife's leave
There was never a scabby sheep in a flock that did not like to have a comrade
Women do not drink liquor but it disappears when they are present
Laziness is a heavy burden
You must take the little potato with the big potato
It's an ill wind that blows nobody good
Who gossips with you will gossip of you
Slow is every foot on an unknown path
Seeing is believing, but feeling is the God's own truth
There are 2 things that cannot be cured:  death and the want of sense
To the raven her own cluck is white
Hunger is a good sauce
Honey is sweet, but don't lick it off a briar
Beware of the public house or limpets will be your food
Promise is in honour's debt
Better good manners than good looks
Any man can lose his hat in a fairy-wind
The grace of God is found between the saddle and the ground
Make the fence or you will pay for the plunder
Be good to the child and he will come to you tomorrow
Page made 29 August 2001
updated 12 Feb 2004