Signatures from Loth Heartsong
Dearest Margaret,
I have a hard timewith words especially during atime like this.  But when I gave my son up for adoption right from the hospital, letting them take him from my arms was so hard.  I went through the grieving process and now I know he is in a better place (especially because I had nothing to offer him at that time 7 yr ago)>
I know this seems like a different situation but it really isn't too different in the effects that it has on a person. I want you to know I care very much and I am praying every day that God opens your heart to the realisation that your son is in a much better place.  He is home, were all of us will be someday.  And that home with Jesus is as I believe a very beautiful place.

Love Deana
Wednesday 27 Dec 2000
Aloha My Dear Sister,
My heart is heavy with your sad news but at the same time I have a very strong belief in Jesus and am sure your son had the best Christmas with Him and now will be watching over you.  There are times you'll think you 'heard' him or saw a 'glimps' of him or 'felt' him close or certain scents will cause you to look around.  He is there watching over you.
There is nothing harder in the world than having a child pass on before us but knowing they are in Heaven and we can talk to them all the time helps.
Please know that our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family and that you are loved.  If you ever need to talk you can e-mail me or call.  I am in Hawaii so it is not too bad on the cost.  Or send me your phone # and I can call you.

All my love,
LOTH in Hawaii
Callie                                                  Wednesday 27 Dec 2000
Dearest Margaret
I know you must be burdened under tremendous saddness at this time.  Please know you and your family are in my thought and prayers every day.  Knowing how much we all feel for you might lighten your load for just abit.
Kim                                                      Wednesday 27 Dec 2000
La Habra CA
There may be no words to ease the sorrow you are feeling now.  Please know with heart felt love I come here, hoping you know, hoping you can somehow feel the love that we have for you, that we are surrounding you now with.  That it may make the load you are under a little light, easier even for a moment.  That you are in my prayers and thoughts.  Blessing you, lifting you to a higher understanding.  of a deeper meaning to the word LOVE.
Gwenn                                                  Tuesday 26 Dec 2000
Massachusetts USA
Dear Margaret, words sometimes have not much meaning for us whenb we're grieving, but, I want you to know, your being kept in my prayers.  You take this one day at a time.  Nothing more, nothing less.  remember the wonderful times, the loving careing times.  This will sustain you.  My heart goes out to you and yours.  With love here, Gwenn
Connie                                                   Tuesday 26 Dec 2000
http://Sage's Sanctuary
Dear Margaret,
I want to let you know we all are thinking of you in this time of sadness.  i have you and your family in my prayers.
Take care of and warmth   Connie

Frances                                                     Tuesday 26 Dec 2000
My thoughts and prayers are with you in your time of sorrow