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Thoughts of an archaicJEWISH Israelite

I have read ,so many opinions, on the net, and listened to so many suggestions, but it really startles me to understand, why with our superior numbers, we haven't been able to scuttle the system that had  enslaved our  bodies, and now our minds for such a long period of time, The system that has supres5ed us Israelites for so long, is called in the west, Capitalism, or by some, capitalistic democracy, but that is just an illusion, democracy is the system designed  by YAH, for the chosen, that is the 613 Mitzvots and all other statutes ordinances and commandments, which  YAH in his wisdom provide for us so we could have more fulfilling and abundant lives . This unadulterated system of democracy, specifically designed for us, was to prevent all the pitfalls, we  now find our selves going through because of disobedience. 

For Capitalism to succeed, it  needs a large consumer base, sufficiently brain washed, to buy, material, products and services we don't need, in ever increasing quantities.

Now since we children of YAH, constitute, over 82% of the World's population, then we also constitute 82% of the worlds consumer base, for allowing capitalism to flourish,

I don't condone in any way physical, confrontation, we must let YAH provide our protection and guidance, but if we remove our support to capitalism, by withdrawing our consumer participation, then the caucasians, will definitely picture us in a different light.

In other words, we should only, cater to the establishment run by the brothers,

by brothers I mean all that are not of caucasian descent,

The brothers include, all Africans , or descendants of the black continent,

    The Brothers from India







                                Native of Australia, Papua, New Guinea, Borneo, Malta, the Philippines , West Indies, Argentina, Mexico, Chili, Venezuela, etc, etc,

in other words, any brother not of caucasian, lineage

Let the caucasians and all their, organization, and secret societies, find alternatives for pedaling their wares , or in other words, let them market their despicable system of democracy, and decay among their own kind, and let us return to ;as our brothers from the American continent used to say, live in harmony with Nature. In our extended families, under the direction of our elders, and the chosen sages, so that the garden of Eden which we have lost can return under the guidance and protection of YAH.

doesn't any one ever question the fact, that the 18 to 22% of the earths population control 80% or the earth's wealth, which by the way is situated in the homelands of all our brothers and ancestors. How did we allow, albinos from the caves and grottos of Europe, to enter our lands and  overcome, decimate, steal, and control all of our wealth, and resources, 

Now I know we have very intelligent brothers and sisters out there who have also become part of the system, and who instead of aiding and abetting the welfare, of the brothers and sisters, have decided to jump on the caucasian band wagon, and just putter along with the rest of the disillusioned, spreading their combined caucasian, system of democracy, squalor, indecency, immorality and Godlessness.

But 2006 is going to be our Year of change, nature will do to them what they have done to us for the last 600 years, trust me there is enough time left to witness how YAH takes control, and how his wrath will return to his people what is rightfully theirs, so until next time this is your brother Howard Israel Ben Rohan saying goodbye and good day, and may YAH contain, nature and strengthen your resolve


October 21st 2006

about me, 

simplicity and in tune with YAH (that is my hope)

so lets begin at the very begining

The beginning: 

The beginning is a good place to start My humble beginning, December the 10th 1943,(those last years of world warII one of the gifts to our nations by our albino brothers) I began life in this sad environment as Randolph Howard Shillingford, of afro, European descent., (as an RC) My Family tree, was traced to the united Kingdom and Africa where there are countless numbers of Israelites, stripped of their birthright, dehumanized and in some instances, especially around the thirteenth and fourteenth century transported to worlds far away. They have over time lost their identities, especially since  the albino population have tried in every which way, to erase all that was descent and human from the  mind and psyche of these  brothers and sisters, for the sole purpose of instilling in their minds, the deceptive notion, that all that is good and progressive was of albino, creation . but  now with the advent of science and archeology,  we are finding that the last six hundred years has been nothing but an illusion. It is now time to return to the people of YAH all that was and all that was intended before the blatant deception and subversion of the truth by the descendants of an albino race bent on earth domination, by what ever means, even if it meant enslaving or decimating, a race, which was in fact responsible for all the innovations in science and technology, and which the albino’s have taken credit for, by destroying or subverting truth. But thanks to the reintroduction of the computers and scientific, and archeological findings, the truth will yet be known and out brothers and sisters can come to know at long last what is the purpose of our existence and why YHVH chose us to do his bidding, even though it was our sinful acts, and disobedience which was the real cause of our demise, but as we all know That YAH is in control, and all is not what it seems, this blatant disregard for a people has resulted in the dehumanizing of a great and powerful, and loving people, and replaced it with a people demoralizes, and unsure of what role they were meant to play in the grand scheme or things It  forces me to assume the identity rightfully mine and to explain to our brothers and sisters, that it will all be given  back, but not willingly, and only if and when we mend our ways, turn from strife, hatred and confrontation, and return to YAH the respect and reverence which only he deserves, only then will the Father do what he has said all along, take care of his flock and shepherd his lost sheep, and make this place the better place it has always been his intention to provide to his elite, you my brothers and sisters, For in a life of eternity, 600years of abuse, is basically just a fleeting  glance, soon forgotten

Now to some really important Questions

1 I would really like to know from any one , how it is that all the European explorers during their explorations of this planet, no matter whether it is northern exploration, southern encroachment, eastern exploitation, or southern, holocaust, have never encountered any other member of their race, don't you think that a little odd, that all the indigenous people found were in fact people of color, (the lost ten tribes I assume)  There is not one instance of European explorers ever finding any other race, than our brothers and sisters,  (Ever wondered why? )

2 If albinos were in fact the first to cross the Atlantic, then how come they found only our brothers and sisters at the end of those crossings  , how come there were always us not them, at the closing of those European expeditions

3 In the thirteenth and fourteenth century, Europeans thought the world was flat, yet for thousands of years we knew that the earth was as stated in Tanach, same as the sun and moon and all the heavenly bodies, created by YAH, that was before we had abandoned his teaching, and rejected his protection, and care, AND BECOME LOST

well as to the esthetics, the history, and archeological findings, I will leave the explanation to the more astute, minds of our leaders, but me I will just delve on the spiritual effects that knowledge imparts, when you are able to separate, truth from deception and lies.

4 If we knew for thousands of years that the earth was round, how come,  we accepted for the past few years, that is was Columbus who gave us insight into that reality that the world was round. the same  columbus who committed almost the same atrocities as  did hitler, but on a grander scale, he obliterated our peoples, even after we had approached him baring gifts, sounds familiar? search the archives of truth and find the answers, don't be complacent as our parents, who were to timid to even search for their blood line, or their ancestral heritage.

5. our problem started when we stopped listening to YAH and began following the ways of the gentile Canaanites, that YAH had forbidden us to, under the threat of death and enslavement. Which you can see has been our demise for thousands of years,

and  yet today, we are plunging headlong into the abyss of squalor, disrespect, and immorality, without even a thought to the days when we were all we were supposed to be, glorious and in control.

So what it is that is preventing us from doing what’s right

6 we have not yet learned to ignore the ways of the world, and  

stop  looking to albinos for a quick fix, They are the ones partly responsible for us being lost, so where in logic or common sense, can we by following their lead, find our way.

7. The word of YAH is and has always been the only way, there is no reason to look any farther

8 Spirituality? Isn’t it funny that all the prophets bar none are all people of color, and yet we have allowed albinos to portray our beloved ancients as Caucasians even when most of them know that it is as false as it could ever get.

YesHuwa was Jewish, of the blood line of David, so why is he portrayed as Caucasian .

 When he was born his parents  selected to go live among the blacks of Egypt to escape the destructive grasp of  Herod, obviously if he was albino as the stories dictates, there is no way he could hide among the blacks of Egypt, Go Figure!!!!

And lastly , this website is dedicated to all the brothers and sisters who have taken upon them selves the responsibility to search out truth and to tell it as it should be , not as it is made to be


22 October 2006

Homosapiens and the cult called CHRISTIANITY

every one is entitled to his opinion, this is mine, not based on truth or historical manipulation, but the deep down spiritual awareness, which has always been my guide in all things,

Praise YAH


Ask your self the question, why is it that all the cultic, appearances of the twentieth and twenty first centuries, all came out of Christianity and or the christian teachings,

If indeed christianity was of YAH, surely nothing evil and despicable could ever come out of it , so ask your self why is it that all those confidence tricksters, and con artiste, actually choose christianity, for collecting their prey, well it is simple enough, christianity and the roman church has for centuries, controlled our thinking, our education and our ability to respond, and now it is taken over by unscrupulous, men bent on acquiring monetary gain for themselves and their organizations, If the church of rome, could be so successful, for those two thousand years, don't you think, that was a warning bell for all of us gullible unprotected brothers out there, well you have all heard stories, so lets not dwell on this,

YAH did not institute a church, or a place of worship, he was totally against it, for how can you choose a place of honor for YAH when all that you see is his , and his presence is every where, the only reason that YAH allowed the building of the temple, by Solomon, after the  continual  persistence of David, was to not appear the totally stern father he was made to be, by his disrespectful children

the Hebrew word which translates into church, means nothing more than an gathering or assembly, and as you can see during the ministry of Yahoshua, all his gatherings, were done under the heavens, 

 Matthew 8:20  Yeshua said to him, "The foxes have holes, and the birds of the sky have nests, but the Son of Man has nowhere to lay his head." 

I am not one for bible quotes, so you will just have to start reading, and be completely enthralled by the wealth of information, within the pages of the Tanach, and the so called Christian bible, as was I and not take the lazy way out like our fore fathers, who only read the quotes given by their priests and pastors, Just a thought 

Psalms 146:3 

Put not your trust in princes, nor in the son of man, in whom there is no help.

ג  אַל-תִּבְטְחוּ בִנְדִיבִים--    בְּבֶן-אָדָם, שֶׁאֵין לוֹ תְשׁוּעָה.

so welcome to a journey of discovery into the life and histories of the black peoples of the Africas, as outlined in the holy book of YAH the Tanach, and its companion reader, the new Testament , (the life and times of Yahoshua, )  

and lets get this straight,YAH is not a man, never was and never will be thats from his own Mouth

Numbers 23:19 God is not a man, that He should lie; neither the son of man, that He should repent: when He hath said, will He not do it? or when He hath spoken, will He not make it good?

יט  לֹא אִישׁ אֵל וִיכַזֵּב, וּבֶן-אָדָם וְיִתְנֶחָם; הַהוּא אָמַר וְלֹא יַעֲשֶׂה, וְדִבֶּר וְלֹא יְקִימֶנָּה.

November 18 2006

In the beginning, does not commence with Adam and Eve
But rather millions of Years earlier, Isaiah 14:12 to be exact
Repeated again in Luke 10:18 , this was ions before the creation of humans
Now we know that angels can take on human form, 

Gen 18:1-And YHVH appeared to him by the terebinth trees of Mamre, while he was sitting 
In the tent door in the heat of the day. 
Gen 18:2 So he lifted his eyes and looked, and saw three men standing opposite him. And when 
He saw them, he ran from the tent door to meet them, and bowed himself to the ground, 
Gen 18:3 and said, “YHVH, if I have now found favour in Your eyes, please do not pass Your servant by. 
Gen 18:4 “Please let a little water be brought, and wash your feet, and rest yourselves under the tree. 
Gen 18:5 “And let me bring a piece of bread and refresh your hearts, and then go on, for this is
Why you have come to your servant.” And they said, “Do as you have said.” 
Gen 18:6 So Ab_raham ran into the tent to Sarah and said, “Hurry, make ready three 
Measures of fine flour, knead it and make cakes.” 
Gen 18:7 And Ab_raham ran to the herd, took a tender and good calf, gave it to a young man, 
And he hurried to prepare it. 
Gen 18:8 And he took curds and milk and the calf which he had prepared, and set it before them, 
And he stood by them under the tree as they ate. 

Who is this the sons of YhVH
Job 38:7 When the morning stars sang together, and all the sons of God shouted for joy? 
So we have to assume there were beings before Adam, and the destruction of those beings and their
Offsprings, is what all the destruction in YHVH words refer to
Saul, disobeyed, in putting an end to the Amelekites, and because of his very humane characteristic
Wars have never ever ceased, as a matter of fact, it has escalated to out of proportions, even in this

So we have to assume all the vengeful acts of our Father is always against the seed of the serpent
Who are in fact portrayed here as nonhuman or members of the Caucasian race, if you don't believe me
Check out all the historical accounts of wars and the atrocities committed against peoples of another 
Nation or another race, it has always been done in the name of and for a God, I wonder which God are 
They referring to, remember that Satan, father of the Caucasian race is the God of this world,
YHVH has absolutely nothing to do with it , and now they are turning the minds of the humans, to 
The idea that YHVH's word is obsolete, and is what myths are made of,

Claiming that all the atrocities in the , bible and mistakes can be attributed to an unloving Father,
But from the very beginning YHVH is fighting always against the fallen angels and their seed, who 
Have taken over the resources of the world, paid and supported warfare, in every corner of the globe
Unaware to all us humans of what is going on,

Remember , not all Caucasians are sons of Lucifer, but the majority , who are bent on world domination
And promoting, a New world order are in fact the sons of Satan, they them selves secretly admit it,
They are, the Christian and many Christian denomination, the ones who sanction, wars and support wars
Against humans in other parts of the world, wars that they them selves have orchestrated, financed and 
For all the disturbing, answers, just visit my web page, spend some time and browse the links, you will 
Be surprised what you will learn, and please take your heads out of the sand, it is not befitting a human,
Or Caucasians of human or para human ancestry, to take it all lightly
Of whatever 

Isa 14:12 How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! How art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations! 
Isa 14:13 For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north: 
Isa 14:14 I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the most High. 
Isa 14:15 Yet thou shalt be brought down to hell, to the sides of the pit. 

Heb 13:1 Let brotherly love continue. 
Heb 13:2 Be not forgetful to entertain strangers: for thereby some have entertained angels unawares. 

responses to the DARK BIBLE


David Slaughters Them (agnostic  thinking) christian bible

"And he brought out the people that were in it, and cut them with saws, and with harrows of iron, and with axes..." (I Chronicles 20:3)

1.same quote, Hebrew tenach

1Ch 20:3 And he brought out the people who were in it, and put them to work with saws, and with iron picks, and with axes. And thus Dawiḏ did to all the cities of the children of Ammon. Then Dawiḏ and all the people returned to Yerushalayim.

Decapitate Them! agnostid-christian bible

"And Israel joined himself unto Baalpeor: and the anger of the LORD was kindled against Israel. And the LORD said unto Moses, 'Take all the heads of the people and hang them up before the LORD against the sun, that the fierce anger of the LORD may be turned away from Israel.'" (Numbers 25:3-4

2.same quote,Hebrew Tanakh

Num 25:1 And Yisra’ĕl dwelt in Shittim, and the people began to whore with the daughters of Mo’aḇ,

Num 25:2 and they invited the people to the slaughterings of their mighty ones, and the people ate and bowed down to their mighty ones.

Num 25:3 Thus Yisra’ĕl was joined to Baʽal Peʽor, and the displeasure of יהוה burned against Yisra’ĕl.

Num 25:4 And יהוה said to Mosheh, “Take all the leaders of the people and hang them up before יהוה, before the sun, so that the burning displeasure of יהוה turns away from Yisra’ĕl.”

before we can make a judgment as the agnostics do, including all those christian, and satanist cult denominations, you have to agree, that the people of Israel had aligned them self with the seed and of lucifer and YHVH was from the beginning of creation, decided he would protect his people from the seed of the devil, the best way he knew how, So it doesn't surprise me that the present descendents of lucifer will try every which way to turn the elect from truth, and salvation, as they know their time is limited, These include those who are bent on establishing the new world order, Members of the Illuminati, (world bankers, and leading politicians  bar none), members of the Skull and bones, and the free masons rosicrucian secret societies

who is referred in scripture as the mighty ones, we all know they are the fallen angels, cohorts of lucifer and his sons, and associates

on this domain, which YHVH have taken great pains to lead, educate and guide his children, we often times prefer to listen to the voice of doom, in the guise of salvation, this is the subliminal messages which bombard us continuously on the airwaves the television, the media personalities, and the leading evangelistic figures, and churches bar none.

talk to any one in there golden years, and you will realize that, the world is tottering on the brink of intentional suicide, and it is all due to the efforts of the seed of lucifer,,,,,,,, go figure

all wars that have ever been fought, have been financed and propelled into reality, by the same group, and their descendants from time immoral, what we witness, and give sympathy to is an illusion created by the same people who finance the wars, and provide the propaganda,  it has not changed, for info on these and other related subjects, visit    http://infowars.com http://www.oocities.org/bomberh22/index.html   http://www.mind-deprogramming.com

another important subject for discussion Who financed Hitler's war in Europe wouldn't you like to know? http://www.truthout.org/docs_2006/111406R.shtml http://www.nobeliefs.com/nazis.htm

wet your appitite with these, and I will continue to answer the balance of the questions and comments of the bleck bible, 

caution, unless you have the faith of a true israelite, do not open the link to the black bible that is included on my web page, untill I have answered all the alligations of the agnostics who have perpertrated this ruse, will continue at a future date


Here at last, skipping to another subject which has been on my mind for a little while. Surfing the net has brought me to the realization, that no matter what the brother does to improve the lot of the family, there will always be an idiotic self impelled grandiose, brother or sister, out there bent on undermining the sacred truths, under the influence of the evil one. Whose only gratification is to derail the wonderful truths we have now come to know.! My answer is just ignore him or her, they usually go away, don't ever vol0ntaire an answer, it is like feeding pearls to swine, guess you have already heard the expression. Tell me when last have you supported the widows of the family, in any which way,

 over the past few days?

 1.past few weeks?

2.past few months?

3.past few Years?

4.past few decades?

or when last have you contributed to the welfare, of the family, provided educational know how to our brothers on the streets, in the shelters, in the prisons , on welfare, and those unable to provide for them selves, then if we as a family have done none of those things, what good is it to know the truths of YAH, of what importance is it to you or any one, to know the immerging truths, when we know longer live by example, for it is only by our example and the doing, we can truly embrace the spiritual exclusiveness, which is ours and which Yahoshuah tried during his relatively short and interrupted stay on this rock to enforce the way we should live to be at one with , the Father, and our beloved brother                                                

Honestly when is the last time you or any one you know did  anything to empower , protect, support, encourage, any member of the brother hood, if the answer is well you know , or with a long pause, or if there is no response, then you should not volunteer an opinion, on the web, or any where else for that matter

seek your self gratification else where, and surely , you can use your influence, else where, the Caucasians might have a place for you in the new world order, your time will be better spent there , just leave our education and direction to the ones already chosen to enlighten us through the pages of the HEBREW ISRAELITE WEBPAGES and  other affiliate Pages. May be, they some times get it wrong, but at least they are making the honest effort we have not made, feeling better to bury our heads in the sand, 

now lets see what our Torah brothers have to say

Matt 5:16   

Mat 5:16 “Let your light so shine before men, so that they see your good works and praise your Father who is in the heavens.

11 Tim 3:16-17   

2Th 3:16 And the Master of peace Himself give you peace always in every way. The Master be with you all.

2Th 3:17 The greeting of Sha’ul with my own hand, which is a sign in every letter, thus I write.

James 2:17  

Jam 2:17 So also belief, if it does not have works, is in itself dead.

Galatians 6:4   

Gal 6:4 But let each one examine his own work, and then he shall have boasting in himself alone, and not in another.

James 2:14  

Jam 2:14 My brothers, what use is it for anyone to say he has belief but does not have works? This belief is unable to save him.

Rev 22:12-13  

Rev 22:12 “And see, I am coming speedily, and My reward is with Me, to give to each according to his work.1 Footnote: 1See Mt. 16:27, John 5:29.

Rev 22:13 “I am the ‘Aleph’ and the ‘Taw’, the Beginning and the End, the First and the Last.

John 13:17   

Joh 13:17 “If you know these teachings, blessed are you if you do them.

Prov 14:21  

Pro 14:21 He who despises his neighbour sins; But he who shows favour to the poor, O blessed is he.

Matt 24:21,22-24  

Mat 24:21 “For then there shall be great distress,1 such as has not been since the beginning of the world until this time, no, nor ever shall be. Footnote:1Or great pressure, or great affliction.

Mat 24:22 “And if those days were not shortened, no flesh would be saved, but for the sake of the chosen ones those days shall be shortened.

Mat 24:24 “For false messiahs and false prophets shall arise, and they shall show great signs and wonders, so as to lead astray, if possible, even the chosen ones.

Rom 6:23  

Rom 6:23 For the wages of sin is death, but the favourable gift of Elohim is everlasting life in Messiah יהושע













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