(click to go to the thing about cup sizes and whatnot down below)

Players in the game

Jon: Me, born 8/14/72
---- 64 oz diet coke (7:1 ratio of caffeine free:regular) (or whatever's available!)
Sally: Jon's Aussie Chick, 2/23/79 (or 23/2/79 if you like), an eversolovely gal
---- Slurpees or bottles of Lift or blue Powerade
Gina: Jon's Sister, born 12/27/69
---- 1L or 1.5L bottle Diet Coke (you can't get big gulps in Germany)
Joerg: Gina's German husband
We made him get a drink when he came to the states! Was geht ab, homey? Wo ist eine 7-11, Herr Breuer?
Tommy: Jon's Brother, born 10/28/76
----64 oz Dr. Pepper
Dad: My (our) dad
----He calls it swill.. sometimes gets iced tea or fancy coffee from Circle K
Mom: My (our) mom
----The one Tommy and I conned into buying us our first refill bottles. Sometimes gets fancy coffee, too
Happy: Our late dog
----(dead.. doesn't drink anything anymore)
Elwood: The LaBree family dog
----Mostly drinks water; likes to lick the side of (or 'bless') a SuperBigGulp cup
Linda: Jon's ex-wife, born 8/17/71 (still in here for clarification)
---- 32 or 44 oz Cherry Coke OR 50/50 Raspberry/Peach iced tea
Mindy the Pooh: Linda and Jon's family dog
----She just sleeps all day quite luxuriously.

Drink guide

7-Eleven: Gulp=12 oz, Big Gulp=32 oz, SuperBigGulp=44oz, Double Gulp=64 oz
Circle K: Thirst Buster=44oz, Ultimate Thirst Buster=64oz
AM/PM: Super Tanker=44 oz
Unocal's Fast Break: Fast Splash=22 oz, Super Splash=32 oz, Mega Splash=44oz, Power Splash=64 oz
(read more about Unocal in the Orange County section)
Somewhere in Vegas: Bladder Buster=pssh oz (never had one myself)

Speaking of excess (if we were), I saw a woman today (10-18-96) fill a Double Gulp with a mixture of Cherry Slurpee and Coke Slurpee. Wow! I can't imagine drinking that much Slurpee. I can only hope she was bringing it home to distribute it with friends or her kids or something. Very impressive, indeed. (sure, it's a dated story, but it still seems pretty amazing)

Wow! At the AM/PM now, they have a cup called The Beast. It's a full 85 oz. 85! It looks like a moviehouse popcorn tub because it's wider than it is tall. It's actually kind of short, compared to other large beverage containers. Maybe (and I stress maybe I'll get one, just for sake of the page. I don't know if I'd do it in the cold of winter, though. We'll see, sometimes we get Santa Ana winds that make it hot and dry.

And check out my section here! I have QuickCam digital camera shots of my 64 oz refill bottles. A true waste of cyberspace.
Ain't that special? You bet it is. The page is called cups.

Back to the 7-Eleven page!

Don't you just love this color? Oy!