Genl. N. B. Forrest Genl. James Longstreet

The Forrest / Longstreet Camp meets at 6:00 p.m. on the second Tuesday night of each month at Helen's Restaurant, located on Highway 56 south of Gainesboro.


CommanderGerald Syke
1st Lt. CommanderJeff Davenport
2nd Lt. CommanderGene Spray
AdjutantHenry Ford

Mail / Phone Contact:

Henry A. Ford, Adjutant
228 Allentown Road
Gainesboro , Tenn. 38562


The Forrest / Longstreet Camp is proud to announce the formation of two new reenactment units; The 4th Tennessee Infantry, Co. D, and The 4th Tennessee Cavalry. For information on either of these two units, contact Past Commander Henry Ford.

Visit the 4th Tennessee C.S.A. Home Page!

Visit these other Sons of Confederate Veteran Web Sites

Sons of Confederate Veterans Home Page
Alabama Division, SCV
Arkansas Division, SCV
Arizona Division, SCV
California Division, SCV
Florida Division, SCV
GeorgiaDivision, SCV
Indiana Division, SCV
Kentucky Division, SCV
Louisiana Division, SCV
Maryland Division, SCV
Missouri Division, SCV
North Carolina Division, SCV
Oklahoma Division, SCV
South Carolina Division, SCV
Texas Division, SCV
Virginia Division, SCV
West Virginia Division, SCV

Longstreet - Zollicoffer Camp #87, Knoxville
Genl. Robert H. Hatton Camp #723, Lebanon
James R. Chalmers Camp #1312, Memphis
Battle of Shiloh Camp, Savannah
Savage / Goodner Camp #1513, Smithville
Robert E. Lee Camp #1640, Memphis

Copyright © 1997~1999 Forrest / Longstreet Camp #1685 SCV

Last Updated: March 10, 1999

Site maintenance and HTML authoring by Allen Sullivant, Brentwood, Tenn.