Are you stuck trying to figure out how your Jeansonnes or Johnson's fit into
the overall picture? Trying to track down a collateral line that married into this
family?? Looking for info on day-to-day life a couple of generations back? Trying
to track down old family documents, etc.?? Post a query, so that other researchers
of our family can help you out! Eventually, we will automate the query system. For
the short term, it will be e-mail based.
Please e-mail us at: Jeanroots@oocities.com
Put "Johnson/Jeansonne Query" in subject line of message. We will either
do your look-up for you, or if we don't have the answer at hand, will post it on
the website for others to answer.
Johnson / Jeansonne New
Data Sharing:
Do you have Jeansonne/Johnson resources you can do lookups in? Do you have
interesting family info you're prepared to share with others? Then please e-mail
us, and we'll post it on the website! Please put "Jeansonne/Johnson
Data" in subject line of message.
Help Us Fill in the Blanks:
There are a lot of branches of the Jeansonne/Johnson family we don't have
much data on yet. Please contact us and share
your info, (please put "Jeansonne/Johnson Data" in subject line of message)
and we'll add it to the GEDCOM so that everybody can benefit. (Please note that data
on living individuals will be privacy protected for on-line access). We can
accept data in just about any format - GEDCOM, PAF, MSWord, plain text, etc. etc.
-- you name it, we'll figure it out!
Johnson / Jeansonne Researcher Contacts:
We are putting together a page with contact names and e-mail addresses of
Johnson/ Jeansonne researchers interested in sharing data, with a note of which Jeansonne/
Johnson branch each researcher is from. If you'd like to be included, please e-mail
and put "Jeansonne/Johnson Researcher" in subject line.
to Jeansonne / Johnson Genealogy Home
Best viewed while
eating crawfish.