Genealogy Websites of
Jeansonne-Related Families

The following families intermarried substantially with the Jeansonnes, and with other families who married into the Jeansonnes, particularly in Avoyelles and St. Landry Parishes. Unless otherwise noted, all of the links below include the family's "GEDCOM" genealogy data chart in a form designed to be read directly on the Web, and/or descendant charts in narrative form.

These charts are indexed by the main surname which they cover. However, most of the charts contain a wealth of surnames which also appear in the Jeansonne GEDCOM. We strongly recommend that you check the surname index for each chart, as there may be links you are looking for in any or all of these genealogies.
If you know of another chart that belongs here, please e-mail us

Acadian Surname Association -- data from the World Congress of Acadians -- mostly Canadian branches of these families are discussed, but it outlines the early progenitors of most of our lines.

Randy DeCuir's Avoyelleans Page has a paragraph on each of the early Avoyelles Parish settlers, showing the origins of the original settler.

J. Rivette's Acadian GEDCOM. Includes LANDRY, SAVOIE, BRASSEAUX, etc. etc. and lots of names from Opelousas Acadian families.

Mark Armond's GEDCOM is one of the most comprehensive sources for Avoyelles Parish familes in existence. Families covered include: DEVILLE, DESHOTELS, DUCOTE, FRUGE, JOFFRION, JUNEAU, etc. etc. - even some JEANSONNE's in here, namely my/our immediate family line (Lee Oliver Johnson, son of Joseph Gilbert Johnson, Jr., m. Salirrah Armand -- this is her family! This link is to the version of Mark's GEDCOM on the Traveller Southern Families Website, which is also a great place to search.

John Barron's GEDCOM contains lots of information about many Avoyelles Parish families. Lots of DUCOTES here also (if memory serves), plus some JEANSONNES. This is also where I got the information about Pierre GUILLOT's "dit" name. John is the author of the Avoyelles Parish LAGenWeb site -- indispensable for research and packed with information.

"Johnny Bee" (Johnny Bordelon)'s Bordelon family history page. The Bordelons are a very old Creole family and were among the very first settlers of Avoyelles. No GEDCOM file yet, but substantial notes about each individual covered, and lots of good historical info. Best way to search this data (if you have a brower that has a "find" command) is to hit "find" and then look for the surnames you're seeking. If your browser doesn't do this, you could copy the pages, and then open them up in your word processing software and then try the "find" command.

Randy McCulloch's GEDCOM covers the BORDELON and DEGLANDON families of Avoyelles Parish. Surnames include FONTENOT, LEMOINE, LABORDE, GUILLOT and VAIBLE (WYBLE).

Cheramie Breaux has lots of Avoyellean Creole families in her GEDCOM, including GUILLOT LANDRENEAU, COCO, MAYEUX, RABALAIS, and several Acadian families, e.g. BOURG, THERIOT, LEJEUNE, PREJEAN..... Plus, Cheramie signed our guestbook and is my 6th cousin a buncha times removed (through the Guillot/Landreneaux/Boftz/Werich line.) (Ok, so all Acadians are related, and so are all Avoyelles Parish families....)

Cyndi Dupuis' Broussard family genealogy. Includes a picture of a mural depicting Joseph Broussard, dit "Beausoleil", who led the Acadians to Louisiana. Lots of good stuff on this site, including sections on the THIBODEAU(X) and TRAHAN families (both of which are in the ancestry of descendants of Charles Jeansonne and Marie-Rose Brasseaux, back in Acadia.) The Broussards and Jeansonnes were the only Acadian families among the earliest Avoyelles Parish settlers. The rest, contrary to popular belief, were Creole.

Randy DeCuir's genealogy page. The Decuirs were a major early Avoyelles Creole family, originally from Belgium. Although I have not yet found any Jeansonnes who married DeCuirs, the DeCuirs intermarried with all the same families the Jeansonnes did -- Mayeux, Bordelon, Rabalais, DuCote, etc., etc., so many Johnson/Jeansonne researchers will find information of interest here. Randy is the editor of Louisiana Roots Magazine. His other website, Early Avoyelles Families (also listed on our main LINKS page) contains a one-paragraph history of most of the early families of Avoyelles Parish, including the origins of the progenitor of that family in the Parish.

Shari's "SS Hypertree" DECUIR genealogy page -- also includes MAYEUX's. Shari runs the Point Coupee LAGenWeb page also.

Connie Lynn Waring's genealogy webpage. Includes lots of info on GUILLOT family also, and many other early, principally Creole, Avoyelles families (lots of names you THINK are Cajun are really Creole -- folks who came directly from France).

Anthony Guillory's genealogy page. This page contains a wealth of information on both the white and black branches of this noted Creole family who came to Opelousas from Mobile. This webpage is fascinating reading for history buffs. The black branch of the family descends from a slave who was emancipated in the will of her master, who was also the father of her children. In order to secure her freedom, she eventually had to take his family to court, in a famous lawsuit of the Spanish period. His GEDCOM is also available on the Web. Anthony also does the St. Landry Parish LAGenWeb site.

Coley Scott also has some GUILLORY's on his GEDCOM which is on the Traveller Southern Families site.

Tim Hebert's family genealogy page is an excellent resource for anyone researching this extensive Acadian family. Tim's family pages are part of a larger Acadian/Cajun genealogy site which is truly comprehensive and has lots of historical data also.

Judy Spiegelman's GEDCOM, covering both her's and her husband's family. Her husband's ancestry includes the Honore Destrehan family of Point Coupee, who intermarried with most of the Point Coupee and Avoyelles Creole families. Surnames in chart include DECUIR, PITRE, RABALAIS, OLIVO, ROY, LAFLEUR, etc etc. This GEDCOM is hosted on the Traveller Southern Families Website (see Armond, above).

Celeste Morrow's GEDCOM includes lots of Avoyelles families and lots of Acadian names, including BOUDREAUX, BREAUX, BRASSEAUX (just to give you some "B's")

Plauche Family Genealogy. This name should be spelled with an acute accent on the "e", but when I insert this, my software won't accept it and crashes. (sorry....) A noted Avoyellean Creole family, in France, the name was apparently originally spelled Plauchier.

Beth Orman Shaff's GEDCOM covers mostly early "Anglo" families in Avoyelles Parish, but has some AYMONDs in here too.

Thibodeau(x) genealogy website (full version in French, shorter version in English) Gives complete historical background on Acadian pioneer Pierre Thibaudeau, Sr. and his wife Jehan Theriot, and full line of descent in early generations, done by one of our Canadian cousins. (Isabelle Thibodeau was the mother of Marie-Rose Brasseaux, wife of Charles Jeansonne, Jr.)

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