Mojave Phone Booth

"If you call it, they will come. If you come, they will remove it"

MSNBC Official News Release
By request of the Park Service, Pac Bell removed the Mojave Phone Booth. An era has ended. I guess I will cancel my next trip (or not, that's just what they want me to do). Complaints regarding this action should be registered with the Director of The Mojave Desert National Preserve, Mary Martin, at
(760) 255-8803.

Photo by Lara Hartley, Desert Dispatch

Booth Links
Check out what other sites have to say about the removal of the booth

The Mojave Phone Booth Trip

Why were we going there?

Getting There

Being There

Official Phone Log


August 21-22 1999

(760) 733-9969
It still rings when you call, how sad.

Click here for the Official Coffee and a Sandwich/Mojave Phone Booth Photo

here for the Official Mojave Phone Booth Souvenir Business Card


Mojave Phone Booth, the movie

Did you know that The Mojave Desert is 2nd in diversity only to the South American Rain Forest?

Simbajak's Homepage


The Phone symbol is The Mojave Phone Booth. This is from a map that Chris the Park Ranger for The Mojave Desert Preserve gave us. The exact coordinates for the booth, for those of you with the proper maps and/or GPS are: N35'17'07.3" W115'41'04.2"

About 23 miles east of Baker, on Interstate 15, take the Cima Road exit. Go southeastish (The Store should be on your left as you drive by) for about an eighth of a mile. There is a dirt road to your right, that may or may not have a sign that says Mojave National Preserve or something about cinders, Take that road, (4X4 is best, but there are better roads that I am unfamiliar with) You'll pass a ranch house (Charlies Place) with some windmills, if Charlie is out, wave and say hi, and you're about a 1/4 mile from the worst part of the road, when you get to the fork in the road, take the LEFT option. Soon you'll see telephone poles that lead you directly to the Booth. About 12-14 miles in all once you exit the Interstate.

A satelite photo of the booth