May 5, 2004

aec logo.gif (5652 bytes)

One, two, three, there's a Jackson in your house
All that he will do is chase you too and watch you in the tub
Turn around and act the clown and scratch you in the rump
One, two, three, there's a Jackson in your house
And he will never catch a mouse.

Lester Bowie
(through '99)
trumpet, flugelhorn, steer horn, kelp horn, siren, bass whistle,
celeste, cymbal rack, bass drum, gongs, percussion,

Malachi Favors Maghostut
(through '03)
electric bass, banjo, sitar, zither, horns, kazoo, bird calls, kongoma,
whistle, melodica, gongs, cans, log drum, ballophone, bass pan drums, percussion,

Joseph Jarman
(through '93, from '03 on)
sopranino, soprano, alto, tenor, baritone, bass saxes

soprano, alto, bass clarinets,
oboe, bassoon, piccolo, Eb flute,C flute, alto flute,
piano, harpsichord, celeste, synthesizer, accordian, marimba, bass pan drums, vibes, guitar,
siren, whistle, bike horn, conch shell, bells, gongs, bell rack, dinner chimes,
tom-toms, congas, woodblocks, ballophone, drums, percussion,

Roscoe Mitchell
sopranino, soprano, alto, tenor, baritone, bass saxes

clarinet, piccolo, flute, bamboo flute, bulb horns, gourd, harmonica, recorder,
guitar, steel drum, pans, bongos, congas, gongs, tambourine, angklung, 
cowbells, darabukkas, chimes, woodblocks, drums, percussion,

Famoudou Don Moye
(from "Chi-Congo" on)
"Sun Percussion"
trap drums
bendir, djimbe, djun-djun, donno, chekere, bird calls, African drums,
whistles, horns, long horn, conch shell, chimes, bikehorns, gongs, tops, kongoma
ballophone, bass marimba, bass pan drums, wood blocks, cow bells, temple blocks, tablas,
cans, claves, bells, triangles, bongos, congas, tympani, maracas, brake drums, cymbals,

Articles and Interviews
Lazaro Vega's 9/98 interview with Lester Bowie
Steve Voce's Bowie obit in The Independent
Jason Gross' 99 interview with Joseph Jarman
Lazaro Vega's 4/10/00 interview with Roscoe Mitchell

Ahmed Abdullah's Lester Bowie Anecdote

Art Ensemble Links
Art Ensemble of Chicago-official site
Ancient to the Future:AEC Project
AEC Yahoo group
Group biography at AACM site
Group biography at Joel Chriss Agency site
ECM page
Dan Plonsey's Roscoe Mitchell discography
Michael Wilderman's Lester Bowie photo gallery
Gary Giddin's Lester Bowie article
Bowie reminiscences-compiled by Gregory Tate
Ted Panken's Bowie/Favors interview

Ted Panken's Roscoe Mitchell interview
Ted Panken's Mitchell/Meyers interview
Peter Margasak's Roscoe Mitchell Article

Fred Jung's Roscoe Mitchell interview

Tom Dill's Lester Bowie appreciation
Scott Hreha's "Welcome Home Jamaica" review
Alex McGregor's appreciation of the group
Beppe Colli's '99 Roscoe Mitchell interview
Beppe Colli's '01 Roscoe Mitchell interview
Jack Gold's Roscoe Mitchell Interview  
Bob Sweet's Joseph Jarman interview


The "AEoC - Ancient to the Future" project is a work oriented to compile as much information as possible about the Art Ensemble of Chicago, with the final aim of publishing a book about the group. The project is led by the German writer and musician Hartmut Geerken and counts on full backing by the band. There is an accompanying Yahoo group mailing list.

This is a discography of the Art Ensemble of Chicago. It does not include recordings of the individual members apart from the group. I have attempted to include all releases, except compilations, with information on catalogue numbers, date, location, song titles, times, and outside musicians. I am sure there are mistakes and omissions, and would appreciate any information to make this list more accurate and more complete.

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While I have endeavored to make this discography complete, I have done no research other than listening to records, reading liner notes, and corresponding with other netizens. I am appreciative of all the help I have received from Anthony Rogers, Jan Ström, George Scala, Chuck Nessa, Lynn Rardin, Dan Plonsey, William Kenz, Gerd Heinlein, Bill McLaurin,  Alastair Dickson, Sam Byrd, Frank Malczewski, Brian Olewnick, Luca Conti, and Jim Cogdell, some of whom have access to the work of Dutilh & Goddet, Janssens & De Craen, Bruyninckx, and Lord.

Last Updated 6/13/2007
Recent Changes in Yellow


This is a book on the Art Ensemble Of Chicago -- put together by Lincoln T Beauchamp, aka Chicago Beau. The book's a selection of essays and writings on the group and their music -- done by members and associates, most of whom you'd recognize from recordings. Writings include "Races Places Faces & Asses" by Hartmut Geerken, "Odwalla" by Joseph Jarman, "Venting For Don, Luba, Ari, & Ken" by Chicago Beau, "Full Force: Ancient To The Future" by Kalamu Ya Salaam, "Reflections On Paris: The Early Days Of The Art Ensemble" by Chicago Beau, and assorted interviews with members of the group. But even best of all, the book's filled with loads of vintage photos -- all in black and white, and capturing the group at some of their best moments! The whole thing's nice and large, oversized and hardcover, about 100 pages. It is available for $50 at the AECO Store  and sometimes at Dusty Groove for $39.99



By the time of  the recordings in the first section of this discography, Roscoe Mitchell had been performing with Lester Bowie, Malachi Favors, and Phillip Wilson as "The Roscoe Mitchell Art Ensemble", and while Joseph Jarman had yet to join, the music referred to here marks a good starting point for the group's recorded history. "Numbers 1 and 2" (under Bowie's name) and "Congliptious" were released during this period; "Old/Quartet" came out in 1975. All of these recordings, plus the ones marked "unreleased" below, were released in 1993 as "The Art Ensemble", a limited edition five cd box , Nessa ncd-2500. 

The box is now out of print.

5/18/67 Old/Quartet Nessa 5,
Bomba 22049
Pete Bishop's Basement Theme Statements: (RM) 8:08
  Slow Theme
  Bell Song
  Fast Theme
  Chinese Song
Old (RM) 8:03
Tatas-Matoes (LB) 3:45
Quartet No. 1 (group) 22:02
Phillip Wilson-drums
Only Old was released
The Bomba cd adds Theme Statements
5/19/67 Old/Quartet Nessa 5,
Bomba 22049
Pete Bishop's Basement Quartet No. 2 (group) 36:45 LB,MF,RM
Phillip Wilson-drums
6/26/67 (unreleased)   Pete Bishop's Basement Oh Susannah (RM,MF) 31:03 MF,RM
Phillip Wilson-drums
8/11/67 Numbers 1 & 2 Nessa 1,
Bomba 22024
Sound Studios Warm Up (group) 2:10
Number 2 (RM) 21:35
Number 1 (group) 25:09
LB,MF,RM Only Number 1 was released. The first 3:12 was cut off
8/25/67 Numbers 1 & 2 Nessa 1,
Bomba 22024
Sound Studios Number 2-take 4 (RM) 8:33
Number 2-take 6 (RM) 14:26
Number 2-take 7 (RM) 19:44
LB,MF,JJ,RM Only take six, appended by a "blow out", the first 10:15 of take 7, was released
The Bomba cd has the full versions of both take six and seven
9/2/67 (unreleased)   Lester Bowie's Basement A To Erika (MF,RM,JJ) 21:39 LB,MF,JJ,RM
Charles Clark-bass
Thurman Barker-drums
11/2/67 (unreleased)   Lester Bowie's Basement Quintet (JJ) 22:46 LB,MF,JJ,RM
Thurman Barker-drums
11/25/67 Old/Quartet  

Nessa 5,
Bomba 22049

Roscoe Mitchell's apartment Solo (RM) 5:29 RM  
3/4/68 Congliptious Nessa 2,
Bomba 22033
Chess Studios Tutankhamen (MF) 6:39
Tkhke (RM) 7:33
Jazz Death (LB) 7:20
LB,MF,RM Each cut is a solo by the composer
3/11/68 Congliptious Nessa 2,
Bomba 22033
Chess Studios Carefree (RM) 3:07
Carefree (RM) 3:05
Carefree (RM) 2:35
Tatas-Matoes (LB) 2:17
Congliptious/Old (RM) 19:30
Robert Crowder-drums
Only Congliptious/Old was released on the album.
The third take of Carefree/Tatas-Matoes was to have been a 45 single, but was never released. They are, however, on the Bomba cd

In early 1969, the group, with Jarman, but without a drummer, left for Europe, where a promoter advertised them as "The Art Ensemble of Chicago", a name which they kept.

Catalog numbers in bold are thought to be in print, though it is difficult to be sure. Many out of print and used titles are available online. Here are some resources: CD Now, CD Universe, Dusty Groove, Compact Disc Europe, Cadence. Particulary good for finding used, out of print records is GEMM, which points you to the inventories of thousands of record stores. Also, eBay is another good source. 
(L= live recording)
6/23/69 A Jackson In Your House Byg Actuel 2,
Actuel 204,
Affinity AFF9,
Metronome MLP 15370,
Toho 8027,
Get Back GET 302,
Affinity AFF752,
Charly 293,
Charly 066,
Fuel 2000 061146,
Sunspots Spot 543,
Snapper 66
Paris A Jackson In Your House (RM) 5:40
Get In Line (RM) 5:45
The Waltz (RM) 1:15
Ericka (JJ) 3:33
Song For Charles(RM) 17:30
On the cd, "Hey Friend" (RM) 6:10, which appears to be a live cut, is substituted for "The Waltz".

An lp on Spanish Polygram, "Dexterity", part of the Maestros del Jazz series (FM 68813-1), consists of this album minus "The Waltz" and "Erica", plus "Hey Friend", "Dexterity", and "Rock Out".  "A Jackson In Your House" appears to be a different take.

6/26/69 Tutankhamun Freedom 40122,
Arista Freedom 1903,
Trio PA 9715,
Intercord Stereo 28 473-7 U,
Black Lion BLCD760199
Paris Tutankhamun (MF) 18:10
The Ninth Room (RM) 15:35
Tthintthedalen:pt1 (RM&MF)4:24
Tthintthedalen:pt2 (RM&MF)4:54
The two versions of "Tthintthedalen" are on the Arista and Black Lion issues only.

Arista Freedom 1903 is titled "The Paris Sessions"

6/26/69 The Spritual Freedom 40108,
Freedom 278125,
Arista Freedom 1903,
Trio PA 7034,
Black Lion BLCD760219,
1201 Music 90272
Paris Toro (RM) 8:25
Lori Song (JJ) 3:53
That The Evening Sky Fell Through The Glass Wall And We Stood Alone Somewhere (JJ&LB) 5:58
The Spiritual (RM) 20:07
Arista Freedom 1903 is titled "The Paris Sessions"
7/7/69 People In Sorrow Pathe Marconi
C 062-10523,
Nessa N-3,
Toshiba 880032,
Toshiba EMI  EOJ 50040 Odeon label,
EMI/Odeon CJ32-5013,
EMI/Americans Swinging In Paris 7243 539667 2
Boulogne People In Sorrow: pt1 (AEC) 17:05
People In Sorrow: pt2 (AEC) 23:05
EMI/Americans Swinging In Paris 7243 539667 2 is titled "The Pathé Sessions"
8/12/69 Message To Our Folks Byg Actuel 28 ,
Actuel 204,
Affinity AF 77,
Byg (Japan) YX-8029,
Get Back GET 328,
Affinity AFF752,
Charly 293,
Charly 066,
Fuel 2000 061146
Sunspots SPOT 549,
Snapper 66
Paris Old Time Religion (RM) 7:41
Dexterity (C.Parker) 4:05
Rock Out (RM) 8:36
A Brain For The Seine (AEC) 20:17
8/12/69 Reese And The Smooth Ones Byg Actuel 29 ,
Affinity AFF22,
TohoYX 6063,
Get Back GET 329,
Sunspots SPOT 510,
Fuel 2000 061247
Fuel 2000 061417
Paris Reese (RM)The Smooth Ones(LB):pt1 20:30
Reese (RM)The Smooth Ones(LB):pt2 20:30
  Also included, along with "Erika", "Song For Charles" (both 6/23/69), and "A Brain For The Seine", on 2 LP Monkey MY 40015

Fuel 061417 is a 2fer with Don Cherry's MU pts.1&2 and is titled "The New Traditionalists"

10/5/69 Eda Wobu


JMY 1008-2 Paris Eda Wobu (AEC) 48:48  
10/14/69 (45 single) Sarravah 40014 Paris Je Suis Un Sauvage (A Panou/AEC) 4:12
Le Moral Nécessaire (A Panou/AEC) 6:12
Alfred Panou-vocal,leader

"Je Suis un Sauvage" has been released on a CD called "Bilongo. A Third Collection of Modern Afro-Rhythms", Comet / Planet Woo CD 017

Both titles have been released on the CD "Le Grenier de Saravah: Rare and Unreleased Tracks",Sarravah/Omagatoki OMCX 1104


10/69 Amougies-European Music Revolution/Music Power


   Amougies,Belgium 240:00 Directed by Jérôme Lapperousaz & Jean-Noël Roy
Released in 1970

Documentary footage of a music festival featuring the Art Ensemble,Don Cherry & Ray Draper,Joachim Kühn,Anthony Braxton & John Surman,Frank Zappa, The Nice, and Pink Floyd

Comme A La Radio Sarravah SH10006,
Sarravah YZ 143,
Sarravah SHL 1018 LP 
Sarravah SHL 1018 CD


Paris Comme A La Radio (B.Fontaine,Areski) 8:04
Tanka II (B.Fontaine,Areski) 2:04
Le Brouillard (B.Fontaine,Areski) 3:25
L'été L'été (B.Fontaine,Areski) 3:56
Leo (B.Fontaine,Areski) 3:52
Brigitte Fontaine-vocal,leader
Areski Belkacem-percussion
Leo Smith-trumpet
Kakino De Paz-zither
Albert Guez-lute

Tanka II and L'été L'été are also on the 45 Sarravah 40015

Other cuts on the album do not include the AEC

An English language version of "Comme a la Radio" has been released on the CD "Le Grenier de Saravah:Rare and Unreleased Tracks",Sarravah/Omagatoki OMCX 1104
The instumental tracks are the same as on the French. version, with the alternate vocal replacing the original.
The liner indicates a version of "J'ai 26 ans" also includes the AEC, but this is untrue


2/10/70 Certain Blacks America 30AM6098,
Inner City 1004,
Emarcy/Universal France 0678482,
Verve 067848
Paris Certain Blacks (Do What They Wanna) (C.Beau) 24:00
One For Jarman (C.Beau) 6:00
Bye Bye Baby (S.B.Williamson) 11:00
Chicago Beau-tenor,piano,harmonica
Julio Finn-harmonica
William Howell-drums


Go Home Galloway 600502,
(no label)2005006-X2
Paris Hello Chi (AEC) 2:54
From Bengali (AEC) 3:51
From St. Louis (AEC) 2:30
Fly With Honey Bee (AEC) 6:23
Hello Chi (AEC) 2:38
Dance (AEC) 15:22
Fontella Bass-vocal
Ivan Julien,Bernard Vitet,Ambrose Jackson-trumpet
Jean Louis Chautemps,Alain Matot,Ventosa-alto
Kenneth Terroade-tenor
& 2 trombones, 3 percussionists, string ensemble

"Hello Chi" also known as "Peter and Judith"

Chi-Congo Carson 3678,
Paula LPS 4001,
Decca  258054,
Toshiba 88010,
Scorpio (catalogue # unknown),
Fuel 2000  061528
Paris Chi-Congo (MF) 11:40
Enlorfe pt1 (RM) 6:41
Enlorfe pt2 (RM) 7:56
Hippparippp (RM) 10:30
7/22/70 Les Stances A Sophie Pathe Marconi
C 062-11365,
Nessa 4,
Toshiba 88022,
Universal Sounds US 11 LP,
Universal Sounds US 11 CD,
EMI/Americans Swinging In Paris 7243 539667 2
Boulogne Theme De Yoyo (Beasley,LB,RM,MF)9:00
Theme De Celine (AEC) 3:10
Variations Sur Un Theme De Monteverdi (I & II) (AEC) 3:03/1:44
Proverbs(I) (AEC) 2:02
Theme Amour Universal (AEC) 4:24
Theme Libre (AEC) 8:50
Proverbs (II) (AEC)1:23
Fontella Bass-vocal and piano

This is the soundtrack for a film. The group appears in one scene, performing a number

In the EMI/Americans Swinging In Paris version, both "Proverbs" are sequenced between "Theme Amour Universal" and "Theme Libre". Third "Variations Sur Un Theme De Monteverdi" and "Proverbs" are listed on the cover, but do not exist on the CD

EMI/Americans Swinging In Paris 7243 539667 2 is titled "The Pathé Sessions"

8/13/70 Live


Byg (Japan) YX-2040/41,
Affinity AFF 46,
Affinity /Auvi  L6 337 (Vol. 1 only),
Affinity /Auvi  L6 354 (Vol. 2 only),
Get Back GET 2017
Charly SNAD 512,
Fuel 2000 061383
Paris, Chateau Vallon Oh Strange pt1 23:49
Oh Strange pt2 25:32
Bon Voyage pt1 21:33
Bon Voyage pt2 24:06
Fontella Bass-vocal on "Bon Voyage"

Moye probably out on "Oh Strange", which may have been recorded earlier, possibly 10/5/69
8/70 With Fontella Bass America
Prestige 10049,
Toho YS 2792 MU,
Musidisc 500 172,
Emarcy/Universal France 0678652,
Verve 067865
Paris Part One-How Strange (AEC) 3:09
Part Two-Ole Jed (AEC) 18:43
Horn Web (RM) 19:37
Fontella Bass-vocals


12/29/70 Seasons Byg Actuel 42-43-44,
Sunspots Spot 605 CD
Paris Seasons (parts 1-6) 128:00 Alan Silva-leader,bass
Alan Shorter,Bernard Vitet-trumpet
Steve Lacy-soprano
Robin Kenyatta,Michel Portal-alto
Ronnie Beer-tenor
Joachim Kühn,Bobbie Few,Dave Burrell-piano
Jouk Minor,Dieter Gewissler-violin
Kent Carter,Irene Aebi-cello
Beb Guerin-bass
Jerome Cooper,Oliver Johnson-drums

The AEC does not perform as a unit, but since they are all in this group, I have included this session

1970 Borsalino     126:00 Directed by Jacques Deray

Gangster movie in which the Art Ensemble, Leroy Jenkins, and Anthony Braxton perform in the bar of a hotel

72 (45 single) Horse HS 400 506 Paris Mystifying Mama (Marva Broome) 3:41 Marva Broome-leader, vocal

This has been released on the CD "Jazz Bizniz 3:Independent Jazz, Soul, and Outernational Sounds", Counterpoint CRCD 109
and also on Payback on "16 Killer Nuggets of Funk", PAY 003LP or PAY 003CD and   Sarravah/Omagatoki
"Sarravah for Cafe Apres-midi" OMCX-1071 

1972 is given on the Counterpoint liner liner, but the Sarravah/Omagatoki lists 1970, which is more likely.

The flip side of the 45 is "For All We Know". I do not know if the AEC plays on this cut.

2/71 Phase One America 30AM6116,
Prestige 10064,
Toho YS 2621 MU,
Emarcy/Universal France 0678662,
Verve 067866
Paris Ohnedaruth (JJ) 21:30
Lebert Aaly (dedication to Albert Ayler) (AEC) 20:56


71 Sexes       11:00 Animated french short directed by Noreen Beasley

It uses music from "Les Stances s Sophie", mainly "Theme de Yoyo" whose lyrics were written by Beasley

1/15/72 Live At Mandel Hall


Trio PA 6022/23,
Delmark 432/433,

Delmark DE-432
Chicago Duffvipels-Checkmate-
Dautalty-Mata Kimasu 76:24
9/9/72 Bap-Tizum


Atlantic SD1639,
Warner Pioneer P 8344,
4 Men With Beards 4M 104,
Atlantic TP-1639,
Rhino/Atlantic 7567-80757-2,
Koch KOC  8500,
Collectables COL 6274
Ann Arbor Introduction by John Sinclair :35
Nfamoudo-Boudougou (DM) 4:18
Immm (MF) 5:20
Unanka (RM) 11:23
Oouffnoon (RM) 3:35
Ohnedaruth (JJ) 14:56
Odwalla (RM) 5:00
The Collectables also includes Keith Jarrett's Restoration Ruin
on the same cd


9/6-8/73 Fanfare For The Warriors Atlantic SD 1651,
Atlantic 90046-1,
Atlantic 50304
Warner Pioneer P 8495,
Four Men With Beards 4M 109,
Atlantic TP-1651,
Atlantic (Fr)7567-90046-2,
Rhino/Atlantic  8122-72395-2,
Koch KOC  8501
Chicago Illistrum (MF) 8:09
Barnyard Scuffel Shuffel (LB) 5:07
Nonaah (RM) 5:38
Fanfare For The Warriors (JJ) 8:08
What's To Say (JJ) 3:57
Tnoona (RM) 6:20
The Key (RM) 1:14
Muhal Richard Abrams-piano

The original liner notes say each title was recorded on each day of the sessions. It is generally thought that the versions from the 6th were issued, though some sources (including the liner notes from the German LP ATL 50304) give the 5th as the recording date.
7/4/74 Kabalaba


AECO 004
AECO 004
Montreaux Kabalaba-Bees (AEC) 3:16
Interlude (AEC) 1:44
Kaba Song (AEC) 3:41
Interlude (AEC) 1:14
Theme For Sco (JJ)/Kabalaba (AEC) 10:48
Duo (AEC) 1:48
Sun Precondition One (DM) 5:26
Interlude (AEC) 1:52
Improvisation  A² (AEC) 6:04
Mal's Delight (AEC) 3:39
Kabalaba Speaks (AEC) 3:59
Muhal Richard Abrams-piano

AECO Store

5/78 Nice Guys ECM 1126,
Trio PAP 9150,
ECM 1126
Ludwigsburg Ja (LB) 8:39
Nice Guys (RM) 1:41
Folkus (DM) 10:59
597-59 (JJ) 6:43
Cyp (RM) 4:49
Dreaming Of The Master (JJ) 11:40
3/19/79 Live In Berlin


West Wind 2051 Berlin As If It Were The Seasons (JJ)
A Jackson In Your House (RM)
Crushed (LB) 41:10
Dreaming Of The Master (JJ)
N'Famadou Boudougou (DM)
Odwalla (RM) 39:00
The titles listed are for the most part erroneous. 

A more likely listing (compliments of Sam Byrd & Jim Cogdell) would be:
Disc 1
Peter and Judith (RM) 32.20
Nonaah (RM) 6:28
Old (RM) 1:53
Applause :37
Disc 2
Bass Solo (MF) 5:27
Tutankhamun (MF) 21:53
Barnyard Scuffel Shuffel (LB) 2:40
N'Famadou Boudougou (DM) 4:40
Odwalla/Theme (RM) 2:20
Applause 2:00

79 Live In Concert At Lugano Festival


Columbia Jazz Video 138C68-9015 Lugano,
Aula Magna
Magg Zelma (MF) 16:39
Reese And The Smooth Ones (RM) 18:55
Cool "T" (LB) 9:18
Peter And Judith (RM) 1:26
New York Is Full Of Lonely People (LB) 8:16
Odwalla (RM) 4:01
1/80 Full Force ECM 1167,
Trio PAP9222,
Amiga 856 203,
ECM 1167
New York Magg Zelma (MF) 19:50
Care Free (RM) :46
Charlie M (LB) 9:17
Old Time Southside Street Dance (JJ) 5:11
Full Force (AEC) 7:24
5/5-6/80 Urban Bushmen


ECM 1211/12,
Trio PAP 2007/8,
ECM 1211/12
Munich, America  Haus Promenade:Cote Bamako I (DM) 4:11
Bush Magic (DM/MF) 5:05
Urban Magic (AEC) 15:39
  b)Warm Night Blues Stroll
  c)Down The Walkway
  d)RM Express

Sun Precondition Two (DM)/Theme For Sco (JJ) 21:53
  a)Soweto Messenger
  b)Bushman's Triumph
  c)Entering the City
  d)Announcement of Victory

New York Is Full Of Lonely People (LB) 7:37
Ancestral Meditation (AEC) 6:56
Uncle (RM) 17:29
Peter And Judith (RM) 2:39
Promenade:Cote Bamako II (DM) 5:572869005
Odwalla/Theme (RM) 5:14
8/80 Among The People
(original title)

Live in Milano
(cd title)


Praxis CM103,
Golden Years of New Jazz #16
Milan Tutankhamun (MF) 18:32
Illinstrun (DM/MF) 7:51
A Jackson In Your House (RM) 10:24
The songs are mislabled on the LP thusly:
Among The People 18:39
Shango King 7:50
Choosing A Cracker 10:18
11/1/81 Live At The Jazz Showcase


University Of Illinois,
Rhapsody Films 8017,
Rhapsody Films 2869005,
Efor Films 28690050
Chicago We Bop (LB)
Promenade:On The Cote Bamako (DM)
Bedouin Village
New York Is Full Of Lonely People (LB)
A Jackson In Your House (RM)
Funky AECO (RM)
Odwalla (RM)
52 min. total
82 Great Black Music, Ancient To Future DIW (no cat. #) Chicago Funky AECO (RM)
Pan Burundi (pt.1) (Trad)
Duffy Pels
Last Dance In Casamance
Non-cognitive Aspects Of The City (JJ)
The Key (RM)
A Jackson In Your House (RM)
Cyp Cards
Tobago Tango (LB)
Pan Burundi (pt.2) (Trad)
Odwalla (RM)
54 min. total
Interviews with the band
overlap and are interspersed
with the music.
4/22/84 The Complete Live In Japan


DIW 8005,
DIW 8021/22,

DIW 815/16
Tokyo Spanish Song (RM) 25:05
Ancestral Voices (JJ)/Old (RM) 11:14
Ohnedaruth (JJ) 22:43
The Beginning (LB) 3:27
Waltz (RM) 2:39
Building The Mid (DM) 6:09
Ol' Time Southside Street Dance (JJ) 10:02
Zero (LB) 6:45
Funky AECO (RM) 5:18
Odwalla/The Theme (RM) 3:29
DIW 8005 has only these titles:
The Waltz 
Ol' Time Southside Street Dance
Odwalla/The Theme 
6/84 The Third Decade ECM 1273,
ECM 1273
Ludwigsburg Prayer For Jimbo (JJ) 9:47
Funky AECO (AEC) 7:39
Walking In The Moonlight (RM) 4:07
The Bell Piece (RE Mitchell) 6:02
Zero (LB) 5:55
Third Decade (DM/AEC) 8:19
Naked DIW 8011,
DIW 818
Brooklyn Dancer (DM) 2:13
Tobago Tango (LB) 7:12
Flash (AEC) 4:18
We Bop (LB) 6:09
Charm #10 (AEC) 3:17
RMR (JJ) 8:02
Galactic Landscape (AEC) 8:09
Way Way Down Yonder (MF) 9:05
3/17-19/87 Ancient To The Future (Dreaming Of The Masters Series Vol.1 DIW 8014,
DIW 804
Brooklyn Ancient To The Future 15:32
  2)Blues For Zen(JJ)
  3)Hexopoldomerxx Coaxia (AEC)

Creole Love Call (D.Ellington) 5:55
These Arms Of Mine (O.Redding) 5:12
No Woman No Cry (B.Marley) 9:23
Purple Haze (J.Hendrix) 5:36
Zombie (F.A.Kuti) 5:52
Bahnamous Lee Bowie-synthesizer

Hexopoldomerxx Coaxia is not on the LP
1/89 The Alternative Express DIW 8033,
DIW 832
Chicago Whatever Happens (LB) 9:59
And There Was Peace (RM) 5:28
Imaginary Situations (AEC) 9:28
Kush (DM/MF) 21:40
The Alternate Express (RM) 4:25
Art Ensemble Of Soweto DIW 8038,
DIW 837
Brooklyn Coming Soon (LB) 1:31
African Woman (E.Ngubane) 13:54
Fundamental Destiny (JJ) 9:13
Fresh Start (RM) 6:41
Khauleza (Ambutho Male Chorus) 2:43
The Bottom Line (AEC) 5:31
Black Man (Ambutho Male Chorus) 9:18
Elliot Ngubane-lead vocals,percussion,keyboard
Joe Leguabe-vocals,percussion
Zacheuus Nyoni,Welcome "Max" Bhe Bhe,Kay Ngwazene-vocals
America-South Africa DIW 848,
DIW/Columbia CK 52954
Brooklyn U.S.Of A.-U.OF S.A. (AEC/J.Leguabe) 17:56
Colors One (AEC) 3:52
Eric T (JJ) 3:11
You Got It (AEC) 14:12
America (Ambutho Male Chorus) 5:12
Zola's Smile (AEC) 3:52
Elliot Ngubane-lead vocals,percussion,keyboard
Joe Leguabe-vocals,percussion
Zacheuus Nyoni,Welcome "Max" Bhe Bhe,Kay Ngwazene-vocals


Thelonious Sphere Monk
(Dreaming Of The Masters Series Vol.2)
DIW 846,
DIW/Columbia CK 48962
Brooklyn Dreaming Of The Masters (JJ) :53
Intro To Fifteen (C.Taylor/AEC) 18:22
Excerpt From Fifteen Part 3A (C.Taylor/AEC) 10:47
'Round Midnight (T.Monk/C.Williams/B.Hanighen) 15:20
Caseworks (C.Taylor/AEC) 8:18
Nutty (T.Monk) 7:24
Dreaming Of The Masters (JJ) :52
Cecil Taylor-piano,voice,percussion
Dreaming Of The Masters Suite DIW 854 Brooklyn Dreaming Of The Masters (JJ) 1:01
Call Of The Captain (AEC) 2:17
Impressions (J.Coltrane) 6:45
Colors Too (AEC) 6:11
Naima (J.Coltrane) 5:34
Spiritual (J.Coltrane) 2:43
Ohnedaruth (AEC) 7:00
Go Head (AEC) 7:35
Song For Atala (AEC) 6:52
Dreaming Of The Masters (JJ) :48
2/14/90 Live At The 6th Tokyo Music Joy


DIW 8043,
DIW 842E
Tokyo Yobu-Sun (DM) 4:35
Ride The Line (MF) 3:56
Song For Atala (RM) 2:49

With Lester Bowie's Brass Fantasy:
The Emperor (S.Turre) 13:45
Variations (RM) 9:07
Jackson In Your House (RM) 4:50
Great Pretender (B.Ram) 3:10
Stanton Davis-trumpet,piccolo trumpet
E.J. Allen,Gerald Brazel-trumpet
Vincent Chancey-french horn
Steve Turre-trombone,conch shell
Clifton Anderson-trombone
Bob Stewart-tuba
Vinnie Johnson-drums

Additional Brass Fantasy cuts do not include the AEC

6/1/91 Fundamental Destiny AECO 008 Frankfurt People in Sorrow (LB,MF,JJ,RM) 19:47
Song For Atala (RM)  16:48
Fundamental Destiny (JJ)  11:56
Odwalla/The Theme (RM)  3:35
Don Pullen-piano
7/7/93 Salutes to the Chicago Blues Tradition


AECO Historical Archive Series 0012 Geneva, Switzerland CD 1
Erika (JJ)/Carefree (RM) 22:38
Blues for Zazen (JJ) 21:22
Tin Pan Alley (Chicago Beau) 12:23

CD 2
The Blues (Chicago Beau) 7:23
Hoochie Coochie Man (Willie Dixon) 12:17
Night Time is the Right Time (Leroy Carr) 9:31
Odwalla (RM) 5:55
Got My Mojo Workin' (Preston Foster, McKinley Morganfield) 5:49

Chicago Beau-harmonica, vocal
Amina Claudine Meyers, organ, vocal
Frank Lacy-trombone
James Carter-Tenor
Herb Walker-guitar

AECO Store

93 Swim: A Musical Adventure Kultur D4009 Bremen intro 1:02
Swim (Klaus Obermaier, Robert Spoor) 23:58 
applause 1:35
Magic Sculptures Stripe the Air, Breathless (Wilfried-Maria Danner) 24:43
applause 3:06
Deutschen Kammer Philharmonie of Bremen

Peter Rundel-conductor


12/27/95, 1/16/96 Coming Home Jamaica Atlantic 83149-2,
Dreyfus 37003
Bonham Springs, Ocho Rios, Jamaica Atlantic:
Grape Escape (LB) 3:55
Odwalla Theme (RM) 5:06
Jamaica Farewell (RM) 1:57
Mama Wants You (MF,LB) 12:34
Strawberry Mango (AEC) 3:45
Villa Tiamo (LB) 1:47
Malachi (RM) 9:33
Lotta Colada (AEC) 3:05

Malachi (RM) 9:31
Mama Wants You (MF,LB) 12:28
Jamaica Farewell (RM) 1:56
Strawberry Mango (AEC) 3:46
Villa Tiamo (Alt.) (LB) 1:41
C Monster (RM) 6:49
Villa Tiamo (LB) 1:47
Lotta Colada (AEC) 3:04
Grape Escape (LB) 3:58
Blue Hole/Mr. Freddy (RM) 11:54
Odwalla Theme (RM) 5:08

Jarman out
Bahnamous Bowie-keyboards on Strawberry Mango



10/25-26/96 Zero Sun No Point - Dedicated To Mynona & Sun Ra
Leo #329-330 Munich, Marstall Theatre Zero Sun (Geerken, AEC) 65:29
No Point (Geerken,AEC) 63:25
Hartmut Geerken-gongs, percussion, voice

Pre-recorded text/voices of Sun Ra, Salomo Friedlaender/Mynona, Amiri Baraka, Ezra Pound, etc.,

Broadcast by Bayerfscher Rundfunk. 

Based on two radio plays, "Zero Sun" & "No Point",  by Geerken

 The project features one of the world's largest gong collections by Geerken & Famoudou Don Moye's "sun percussion" collection brought together on stage for the first time

6/4/97 Urban Magic


Musica Jazz MJCD 1150 Laroche-sur-Yon, France Urban Magic (DM) (13:05)
Mama Wants You (MF) (10:30)
Dancer (DM) (3:32)
Chant (RM) (12:40)
Villa Tiamo (LB) (3:15)
Horn Web (RM) (6:05)
Odwalla (RM) (3:56)
Strawberry Mango (AEOC) (5:22)
Live performance included with the 3/03 issue of the Italian magazine Musica Jazz

AECO Store

9/01 Tribute to Lester Bowie ECM 1808 Chicago Sangredi (DM) (7:42)
Suite For Lester (RM) (5:22)
Zero/Alternate Line (LB/RM) (9:16)
Tutankhamun (MF) (8:10)
As Clear As The Sun (RM,MF,DM) (12:41)
He Speaks To Me Often In Dreams (RM,MF,DM) (13:52)   
Bowie out

AECO Store



1/22/03 Reunion Around Jazz-Il Manifesto CD 122 SIAE  Rome,Centro Rai di Produzione Radiofonica
Illinstrum (DM/MF) 10:09
T Two Twin (RM) 5:57
Wolonà (B. Sissoko) 4:41
Ce Soir  A Bankoni (B. Sissoko/DM) 4:33
Hail We Now Sing Joy (JJ) 5:59
Medley: 23:11
  All In Together (RM)
  Zero (LB)
  Alternate Line (RM)
  Odwalla (RM)
Urban Bushmen (AEC) 6:28

Jarman returns
Baba Sissoko-tama,'ngoni

AECO Store

2/27-3/2/03 The Meeting Pi P107 Madison, WI Hail We Now Sing Joy (JJ) 6:40
It's A Sign Of The Times (MF) 18:55
  A.Malachi Favors (solo)
  B.Roscoe Mitchell (solo)
  C.Joseph Jarman (solo)
  D.Don Moye (solo)
Tech Ritter And The Megabytes (RM) (4:28)
Wind And Drum (AEC) 11:16
The Meeting (RM) 6:58
Amin Bidness (AEC) 8:40
The Trian To Io (AEC) 5:06

AECO Store


4/24-26/03 Sirius Calling Pi P111 Madison, WI Sirius Calling (AEC) 3:23
Come On Y'All (AEC) 3:25
Two-Twenty (DM/JJ) 2:20
He Took A Cab To Neptune (AEC) 6:22
Every Day Is A Perfect Day (DM/JJ) 2:47
Til Autumn (RM) 6:46
Dance Of The Circles (AEC) 5:37
Cruisin' With JJ (AEC) 4:33
You Can't Get Away (AEC) 3:48
Talko (AEC) 9:11
There Is A Message For You (AEC) 4:19
Slow Tenor And Bass (RM) 5:19
Voyage (MF/RM) 3:30
Council, The (AEC) 3:32
AECO Store
4/2-3/04 Non-Cognitive Aspects of the City


Pi P120 New York City
Song for My Sister (RM) 17:00
The Morning Mist (AEC) 6:47
Song for Charles (JJ)  8:52
On the Mountain (AEC) 19:25
Big Red Peaches (RM) 7:34
Odwalla (RM) 5:21

Erika (JJ) (19:59)
Malachi  (RM) 9:01
The J Song (JJ) (11:46)
Red Sand Green Water (AEC) 14:28 
Slow Tenor and Bass (RM) 2:27
Odwalla (RM) 3:59
Favors out
Corey Wilkes-trumpet, fluegelhorn, pocket trumpet
Jaribu Shahid-bass,electric bass
4/30/04 Return to Mandel Hall


      Corey Wilkes-trumpet, fluegelhorn, pocket trumpet
Jaribu Shahid-bass
Baba Sissoko-percussion

In addition to the CD, there will be a DVD video edition