<BGSOUND src="//www.oocities.org/bpventure/touched.mid" LOOP=INFINITE> Craftmanship  

A Man Of Craftmanship 

The value of a person is judge by the impact 
They have made on the people that are close to them 
The impression they leave on family and friends 

There was a  man whose heart was pure love 
There was a man who would give you 
The shirt off his oun back,should you need it 

There was a man named Walter Pletz 
A husband and father of rare gualities 
A man of craftmanship, he made every thing right

Whether working with wood to make a picture frame 
Or a heart to build a life 
My knowledge of Walter came to me 

By the way of a loving family 
A wife and mother who misses him so 
From the jokes he'd play to sitting in rocking chairs 

A daughter who blossmed into a lady 
Who with her Father's love of working with wood 
Could also build a cabinet with skills he taught 

And four sons to carry on the family name 
To earn a Father's pride is every son's goal 
For a man named Walter who now lives in heaven 

His family, friends and church 
can remember him with love and respect
A man of craftsmanship 

Written for Betty
 ~by Robert Lee Hays ~