<BGSOUND src="//www.oocities.org/bpventure/shinejesusshine.mid" LOOP=INFINITE> Father's Day  


Fathers Day 

I will honor my father. 
On the day that was his 
He is gone from us forever 
He is now our angel 
That watches over us 
He taught us to live life 
He taught me things 
I needed to know 
How to fix my car 
And be nice to 
The boy's and girl's 
He taught me how 
To honor my mother 
He is now in heaven 
I know he sees all 
I remember the things 
he taught me 
Will abide with them all 
I know some day 
We will see him again 

And Father's day will be great 
To be in heaven with him 
At our father's feet 
We will miss him on father's day 
Will see the empty chair 
And know his spirit is with us 
We will miss his happy smile 
A father that was great 
Honor thy father and mother 
You neve know when it is to late 

Author Betty Pletz(wife) 

Written for his children : 
Walter Jr.Donald,Shirley, 
Kenneth and Dale 

~They miss him and wouldn't want 
them to stop doing the things 
he loved to do with them 
They know he is happy where he is at 
They honor him not only on 
Father's day but every day 
He was a great father to them.. ~


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