BANANA DOLLAR Yes, banana dollar.

We had been very successful using the English language as a base for developing our American language.

Sometimes doesn't make too much sense the way we change names as in the case o football or soccer, but we didn't register too many complains and we could live with that.

For over thirty years we struggle to change to the metric system; nobody knows how many millions or billions dollars we had lost in trade with our partners in the rest of the world, because of all the delays; and we don't seem to be any closer.

WY don't we do it in two minutes? It can be done. Go ahead, change the name of meter to banana dollar.

Will be one more change in the American language, but don't matter that much. I always could say: I always walk three thousand bananas a day. This ceiling is three b dollars plus fifteen b cents high, (b$3.00 + b$00.15) = b$3.15).

This chair is b$0.75 high.

I have to change the oil of my car at every b$10,000

I bought four b# of tomatoes (b#4.00).

If you need a calculator go to one of those dollar stores and spend one buck, you don't need anymore then that to go throughout the banana dollar system.

Be sure nobody else cheat you anymore on the grocery store; if you know how to use the American money, you know how to use the new banana dollar system (The old metric system)


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Name: Augusto A. Ferreira