Ethanol Turbine ( Biomass )






.   Clean and renewable power cogeneration (electricity and heat).
.   Its power/steam production does not depend directly on sugarcane harvests.
.  Use of ethylic alcohol to power this turbine eliminates any problems associated with   sugarcane bagasse that, from our standpoint, should continue to be used to power traditional steam boilers and turbines.



                 Made of carbon or stainless steel.  These turbines are powered by ethylic alcohol (biomass), a renewable, ecological energy.    
             These turbines work under both single cycle (aeroderived) and combined cycle conditions to produce clean energy (electricity and heat).           
                They work under the same conditions as any other gas or liquid-powered turbines used in cogeneration systems and traditional thermoelectric plants, as well as in operation of any known means of transportation, such as airplanes, ships, trains, buses, trucks, etc.
               In sugar and alcohol production facilities, they can be used for the production of thermal power and heat, and complement sugarcane bagasse-powered thermoelectric plants or even replace them, as alcohol production in such facilities is permanent, abundant, and cost-effective.
               These turbines discard the traditional boilers, as they fully use the heat produced by their hot exhaustion gases, like in natural gas turbines. 
               They work perfectly as microturbines, and meet small residential/commercial demands to large industrial demands.



Aeroderived Turbine