Power generation system by steam turbine with steam extraction.




                                       We design and manufacture conventional steam electric power production systems powered by natural gas, diesel oil/biodiesel, biomass, etc. without steam extraction, equipped with high-pressure steam boilers and steam turbines operating by backpressure and steam extraction. Overall output of some 86%.

                              Such systems are used by private and public electric power production companies all over the world.

                         Such systems have also the great advantage of being installed in any place, as their steam condensation comes from water under forced ventilation with no dependence on rivers or sea. See drawing and photo below:




Steam turbine with steam extraction.


Turbine price:

Price of each KW produced is equivalent to its international price of  US$ 900  .


Manufacture of our products is fully outsourced to our worldwide network of accredited partners. This is the reason why our delivery time is unique.



Manufacture Warranty:

Our equipment is warranted against manufacture defects only for the maximum period of 15 years.

Forms of Payment:

50% at the date the equipment is ordered.
50% upon the equipment shipment.


Sale of turbines:

For retail or wholesale purchase of our 1-KW / 1.5-GW turbines for a delivery period up to 60 days, please send e-mail your order to: arnaldoinacio@yahoo.com.br


Brazilian Conglomerados Tecnológicos

Rua Pilar , n-10

Bairro: Timbí

Cidade : Camaragibe – PE


Fone: 81-3456-0279 / 9177-6054