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Deciding at the request of Mr Felipe Andre Isore Gutierrez, residing in The

Considering article 7.30 of the Law on Higher Education and Scientific Research (Law gazette 593, d.d. 8 October 1992);

Having heard the examing board;

DECIDES: Felipe Andre Isore Gutierrez

born on 9 February, 1977 in Campinas, Brazil, (Feench nationality), is to be granted exemption from the propaedeutic examinations in Economics study on the basis of
the certificates showing good examination results at an institute of scientific education obtained by him in Brazil.

Objections to this decision must be made to the Executive Board of the University of Groningen, P.O. Box 72, 9700 AB Groningen within six weeks of the sending date of this decision.

Groningen, 31 August 2001

The Executive Board on its behalf:
The head of the department of General Administrative and Legal Affairs

Mr. Drs. A.H.L. Korten

N.B. This translation is for information purposes only.
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