
Longicorn Beetles
Wasp-like Longicorn
Decora Longicorn
Flower Longicorn
Ant-mimicking Longicorn
Fig Longicorn
She-Oak Longicorn 
Acacia Longicorn
Dark Brown Longicorn



All members in this family are commonly called Longicorn Beetles. They are also known as Long-horned Beetles. They have very long antennae, typically 11 segmented. The length of their antenna is more than two-thirds, some are even three times as their body length. Their antenna can directed backwards over their body. Their compound eyes are notched at the base of the antennae.

Adults are active fliers. Their body usually elongated and cylindrical in shape. Their legs are medium long. They have obvious strong mandibles for chewing, many feed on flowers. 

Longicorn Beetles lay their eggs  in cracks of bark or under bark. Most Longicorn Beetle larva are wood borers. Usually they are host specific of living or dead trees, usually infest severely weakened trees, dying or felled logs. Their life cycles are from few months to more than a year. 

wpe17.jpg (56786 bytes)
Longicorn Beetle larva, length 30mm 

Larvae are usually white grubs with large dark brown head with strong mandibles. They are slightly tapering towards the end. Some species tunnel deep into the heartwood and some bore largely under the bark. They pupate inside the wood. When hatch, the adults cut emergence holes through the bark.

We have found different species of Longicorn Beetles and listed in the following subfamily pages.  

Subfamily Cerambycinae
Subfamily Lamiinae
Longicorn Beetles not identified yet
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Subfamily Cerambycinae ] Subfamily Lamiinae ] Longicorn Beetles not identified yet ]

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Last updated: November 10, 2006.