

Soft Bugs

Order Hemiptera, Suborder Sternorrhyncha

This page contains pictures and information about Soft Bugs (Suborder Sternorrhyncha) that we found in the Brisbane area, Queensland, Australia.

This soft body bugs suborder includes aphids, mealy bugs and scale insects.

Classification : 

There are many family in this suborder but we have recorded vary few yet. Please come back from time to time and see if we have put more records in this suborder.

Superfamily PSYLLOIDEA  

wpe8.jpg (33817 bytes)Family Psyllidae - Lerps Insects
Lerps insects are sap suckers and often aggregate in colonies. They insert their stylets into the plant and begin feeding and constructing a lerp. Lerps are formed from the honeydew excreted by the insects. Each species has its own characteristic. They can be cones, univalves, bivalves or fan shapes. 

Superfamily APHIDOIDEA 

Family Aphididae - Aphids
Aphids are small to very small in size. They are soft body and usually wingless. There are the winged form with very thin membranous wings. Usually their body is in pear-shaped. Most species have a pair of posterior at the abdomen. Like most other bugs they are sap-sucking insects. 

Superfamily COCCOIDEA 

Family Margarodidae - Mealy Bugs
Mealy bugs or Mealybugs are sometimes found in group on plants indoor or outdoor. Their bodies are flat with waxy excretions of white powdery substance. They seldom move and feed in the same way as aphids and scale insects. Ladybirds and lacewings are their predators.
Gall-inducing Scale Insect - Family Eriococcidae
The scale insects in this family induce distinctive gall on plants, either occur on stems or on leaves. 
Family Dactylopiidae - Cochineal Insect
There are only one genus in Australia, they are introduced species. 
wpeC.jpg (34082 bytes)Family Coccidae - Scale Insects
The insects in this family are covered with wax secretion. The covering may be scale-like or mussel-shaped. Young scale insects are very small. When they grow, most of their external organs, such as their legs, wings and antenna, are reduced and become functionless.
Family Diaspididae - Armoured Scales
They are also known as Hard Scales. They are elongated white scale. Females have the hard scale cover. Males are free living. 

1. Insects of Australia, CSIRO, Division of Entomology, Melbourne University Press, 2nd Edition 1991, pp 443.

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Lerps Insects - Family Psyllidae ] Aphids - Family Aphididae ] Mealybugs - Family Margarodidae ] Scale Insects, Soft Scales, Wax Scales - Family Coccidae ] Other Soft Bug families ]

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Last updated: October 13, 2006.