COTTER families from records 1867 to 1878 and 1889 to 1900 for Bts and Marriages

Some of the males could be on 2nd or 3rd  marriages here, I have no way of knowing.
Also some  cousins, sons and fathers could be having families at same time. Listed is only how I read the records as I have them.  Spelling differs. You will see inter-marrying names more than once as I get each family name listed.

bt = baptism   b = born   d = died   sp = sponsor   wit = witness   s = son   dau  = daughter
Daniel Cotter married Nora Fealy lived               Cninmageer ?

Patrick Cotter                    Catherine Cotter
bt. 18 March 1877              bt. 11 June 1878
sp. William Fealy                sp. Maurice Leahy
Ellen Cronin                        Sarah Casey
                                           m. Patrick CAHILL (son of David Cahill & Winifred Lane)
                                           13 November 1897 Brosna.  Lived Ballybeg

                                           Bridget  Cahill         Nora Cahill
                                           bt.30 Jan 1898        bt 3 March 1900
                                           sp. Denis Geany     sp. Thomas Sheehan
                                          Teresa Connor         Mary Cotter
Margaret's Pages -- BROSNA details
John Cotter married Hannah Horgan     Knockbrack

Ellen Cotter                      Mary
bt. 19 March 1876           bt. 27 Sept. 1877
sp. John Leane                sp. Adam & Mgt Kane
Nora Leane
John Cotter married Mary Scanlan   lived  Knockbrack

Richard Cotter
bt. 27 Feb.1875
sp. Richard Cotter
Catherine Brosnahan
William Cotter married Nora Connor    Knockbrack

Hannah                      John
bt. 6 March 1873        bt. 29 March 1878
sp. John Cotter           sp. Ellen Cotter
Catherine Scanlan
Richard Cotter married Hannah Wren    lived Knockbrack

Mary Cotter
bt. 18 July 1872
sp. Tim & Hannah Lynch
Richard Cotter married Mary Leane     Moingvane

Julia                       Mary                                     Denis COTTER                          Hannah
bt.29 Oct 1871       bt. .4 April 1875                  bt. 8 Sept 1877                            b.
sp. John & Mgt      sp. Patrick Doran                sp. Maurice Cotter
   Barrett                 Elizabeth Leane                    Elizabeth Lane                             m. John CASEY (s of John Casey
                              m. Michael MAHONY                                                              Mary OConnor of Meenleitrim) on
                             (s of Denis Mahony &                                                                15 Feb 1890
                              Catherine Donoghue) on
                             30 Jan 1894.                                                                                Sarah Casey
                                                                                                                                 bt. 12 July 1890
                                                                                                                                 sp. John Casey & Mgt Cotter
Richard Cotter married Hannah Lynch    Knockbrack

Richard Cotter
bt. 22 Dec 1870
sp. Richard Cotter
Ellen Lynch
John Cotter married Mary Sheahan    Cnocbranc  (Knockbrack)

Catherine                     Robert Cotter                   Ellen
bt. 27 July 1870          bt. 4 Jan 1871                  bt 6 April 1873
sp. Mort. Sheahan      sp. Robert Cotter             sp Mortimer & Anne
Catherine Connor      Elizabeth Cotter                 Connor
BACK to Brosna Index
Mathias (Matthew) Cotter and Mary Doran     Meenleitrim and Carrigeen

John Cotter                 Edmond Cotter                 William Cotter
bt.15 Nov 1869           bt. 2 Nov 1871                  bt. 30 April 1889
sp. Nicholas Cotter     sp. John Barrett                sp. Denis Hartnett
Margaret Connor         Margaret Connor               Mary Keane
Julia Cotter married William ODonnell          Coolegraine

Bridget ODonnell                Mary ODonnell
bt. 24 April 1900                 bt. 24 April 1900
sp.Alexander ODonnell       sp. Nicholas Cotter
Mary ODonnell                    Bridget Cotter
Catherine Cotter married Michael CASEY     Moingvane/Meingvane

Debora Casey                 Sarah Casey
bt. 18 March 1878          bt. 12 July 1890
sp. John Leane                sp. John Casey
Mary Cotter                    Mary Cotter

Maurice Cotter married Catherine OConnor    Dromada

John Cotter
m. Nora Griffin (dau of John Griffin
& MaryRiordan) on 7 Feb 1895 Cloughane
Michael Cotter married Margaret Cahill      Meenvane/Moingvane 

Richard                        Mary                               Bridget                 Timothy               Hannah                    Julia                       Gerard
bt. 23 March 1890       bt.13 June 1891              bt.5 June 1892     bt.23 Sept 1893   bt.8 Sept 1894          bt.22 July 1896     bt. 19 June 1897
sp. William Cahill        sp. Cornelius Connell     sp.John Keane     sp. Ml Murphy   sp.Denis Hartnett    sp. John Leahy       sp. Nicholas Cotter
Julia Cotter                  Catherine Connell           Mary Keane          Mary Cotter        Julia Lane                  Mary Leahy          Mary Cotter
Nicholas Cotter married Margaret Cahill      Knockane

Hannah                 Catherine                    Mary                 William                 Thomas                       Ellen                           Nicholas
bt. 6 April 1872    bt.19 June 1873        bt.9 Jan 1874      bt.9 May 1875     bt 10 April 1878         bt.23 Jan 1890           bt 31 Jan 1892
sp. Wm Cahill       sp. Tim Cahill          sp. Jerh Cotter    sp. Jn Connell       sp. Wm Cahill            sp. Edw. Fitzgerald    sp Jn Downey
Mary Sullivan        Mary Cotter            Cath Cahill          Mary Kerin          Nora Geaney               Cath Cotter               Eliz.Finnegan
                              m. Hugh FOY (s of
                         James Foy & Bridget Doherty
                               of Donegal)
                         on 7 Feb. 1899
                          James Vincent FOY
                          bt.25 April 1900
                          sp. John Leahy &
                           Bridget Byrne
Nicholas Cotter married Catherine Hartnett   Knockbrack

Nicholas Cotter
bt 23 June 1890
sp.Michael Cotter
Jane Hartnett
Patrick Cotter married Margaret O'Keeffe Knockbrack

bt 12 Feb. 1891
sp. Richard Cotter
Mary Cotter
Catherine Cotter married William LEAHY  Carrigeen

Mary Margaret Leahy          Michael Leahy
bt 21 Aug 1892                     bt 29 April 1899
sp. John Leahy                     sp. Denis Hartnett
Ellen Leahy                            Ellen Moriarty
Pages done by Margaret
Julie Cotter married Timothy McAULIFFE    Knockbrack
Michael McAULIFFE           Mary                                    Ellen
bt 25 Nov 1873                      b                                           b
sp Ml McAuliffe                   d.                                           m. Daniel NOLAN of Knockbrack
Mary Kerby                          m. Daniel O'GRADY            on 7 Feb 1890
                                           (son of Maurice O'Grady               |
                                           & Catherine McCarthy of            Bridget Nolan            Ellen
                                           Abbeyfeale, Co Limerick)            bt 15 Nov 1890          20 Nov 1894
                                           on 5 Feb 1899                              sp Ml Nolan               Ml McAuliffe
                                                                                                Julia McAuliffe          Sara McAuliffe