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Hello everyone.. I have had this page the same since I made this site in memory of my Dad & 1/28/04 marked 5 years since me Dad passed away & I built this site shortly after he passed away.. So I thought it was time to update this page & put some of the same info back but to let you know how my life has been without the man this site was inspired by.
I'm not sure really where to begin other than to say..Although I've had to go on without my Daddy..It has not been a totally wonderful journey. I never knew how much I depended on him.I also know I was blessed to have had him as long as I did & I know he loved me. Not too long ago my son found a video I had made & it had Daddy & Uncle Glenn..My Dad's brother on it. I instanly went into tears when I heard their voices.It did my heart so good to see them & hear their voices again. My Uncle Glenn died 1/15/98
Oh how I wish I could go back in time. I have had so many memories flood my mind these past 5 years & for those few moments ..He is here with me. I set here thinking..Daddy why did you die? We still need you. Daddy I have kept my promise. I have been looking after Mom & so has Mary & Ellen & Buddy & Randy.
Our last day together often comes to mind. I can see him laying in his bed..ghostly white..Actually grey. I crawled in beside him & we talked for hours about everything & I told him I was proud to be his daughter & that I loved him  & he said I love you too Robbie Sue..You see my Dad didn't know how to show his emotions & for him to express himself like that..Well let's just say..I knew my Daddy was getting ready to leave us.
Then the call we all dread came..My fellow co-workers & I were in prayer & my sister called & said Daddy had collapsed & to get home. I said what do you mean collapsed? Well my boss accidently disconnected us & suggested I go back & work until I hear back from Mom because I called & she hadn't heard anything..So I continued to work at the suggestion of my boss..Another call came in & this time it was my Mom..I have left out some of the things that happened because it would take alot of pages to get the whole story down.
The second call came & this time it was Mom...SCREAMING..HE'S GONE! I said who's gone? Your Dad...HE DID'NT MAKE IT!
I went blank..Robbie did you hear me?? Your Daddy didn't make it..a sob came from deep within  & spilled out into screams  I told Mom I was coming home to be with her shortly before the sob came.All I could think was..My Mom had to hear the news that the love of her life since 9/5/51 was gone ..All alone because the phone call between my sister & I was disconnected because my boss tried to put it on speaker..Yes I am angry about that & I never told my boss that. She was there for me & we are still friends & I know she did not mean to hang up my sister & I. He died on 1/28/99  & We buried him on 2/1/99.I could not sleep..I kept thinking ..This can't be real. We had to pick out clothes to bury him in..I made sure he had his VFW tie & hat with all his pins. Then it was time to go to the funeral home & they did all the usual stuff then it was time to pick out the casket. My Mom picked out the battleship grey casket. I was beyond nuts at this time..The guy left to get a call & came in there & told us he was not sure if he could get a military burial..I threw a major fit right in front of everybody. I screamed "I promised Daddy that he would have a military funeral & it was going to be a naval service." All they could get was 2 Sailors & 6 Marines & I was happy with that..Alot of crazy things took place after that but it would take so many pages to write it all down.But needless to say..I got my way..Daddy had an awesome military funeral! I am going to close right now because I am upset but I will finish later when I regain my composure. Daddy I still miss you  & I will never get over losing you.
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