Letters of Captain Peter Marchant

47th Tennessee Infantry

Taken in Petersburg Va.,May the 7th 1863
Price $6.00
This ring was made in Camp Chase by a prisner. I bought it expressly for you and have worn it four months. I was on my left hand when this likeness was taken, the other one I still ware as a relic of Camp Chase, my trip up north-------three hundred dollars
P. Marchant


47th Tennessee Infantry

Barry Dunagan's Genealogy and History

Gibson in Gray

Camp Trenton
Feb 16/62

Dear Sousan, Recieved your welcom letter on this evening an was glad to hear from you that you wre all tolerable well an I am glad to inform you that I well, this evening I supose you home heard of our defeat at fort henry it was true but our loss was trifling they have bin fighting of at fort donelson for four days yesterday our boys went out of the fort and fought them on the on the open field whipt them and drove them at the pointe of the bayonet the yankeys gave way and retreated beyond their encampment we have not got the full details of the fight but I supose it was terific the loss on boath sides was grate we took over one thousand prisners and two batteries and a large amount of small arms tents and other military stores I regard it as a test battle it is thought that they have given it up they now expect that they will come down the railroad to memphis they have chosen out one hundred men out of our regiment to go to night up to the tennessee river and cut down the bridges on the railroad I feel in hopes that the tide of war will change I think their will be some hard fighting this spring but i hope it not last longer our troops at fort donelson is said to be in high spirits and I can perceve that our boys here is getting in the tune to fight the report of fort henry is still dishartning them serve to stimulate them to a willingness to go eny whare I do not think we will leave here for some time though we will be at out countrys call
theres a consderabele stir now with the boys geting ready to go when the train comes they expect it in an hour I would be willing to go with them if it was nessery but there was enuf that was willing to go I donot supose they will be gone more than two days you must right as soon as you can
very affectionately yours
P Marchant

that letter that was found and bought up here when I was at home was from Mary and Amanda Fuller



Camp Murfreesboro
December 23, 1862

Dear Sousan,

amongest the many uncertiantys and changes I have found it convient to right you a few lines in the out sit I must say with devout grattitude to the giver of all good that I am in as good health as I ever was in my life(I) weigh 148 Lbs, that is 3 lbs more than I ever weighed befour. The helth of soldiers is very good. I have rote three letters to you since I left Tupalo, one from Georgetown Ky. another from Shelbyville Ky another from Tullahoma Tennessee. I do not know that eny of them ever reached you and therefore I am at a loss to know how to right. We are now in 30 miles of Nashvill, it is not beleaved that their will be eny fight. Their has been two divisions of the army sent to Mississippi from hear and I beleave the yankeys will leve nashvill without a fight. I suppose you have herd of the battle of Richmond Ky, if not my letter you have herd it from the papers. We was in it, that was the first time that I ever saw the the enemy in line of battle. Our regiment had to charge through the worst brier thicket I ever saw and just as we got out of the briers they oppened fire, the fire upon us which was gallantly returned by our boys( the fight was spirited) the ball whisled on every side , Isaw men fall befour and on eather side of me yet I was unhurt, their was no one in my company hurt, our loss was estimated at 500 killed and wonded, that of the federels about 2800 and taken 5 or 6 thousan prisiners. We marched in Ky 802 miles frankly on fourst marches traveling sometimes 15 hours in 24. Sometime we had nothing to eat but green corn 3 ears a day was out rationins. I beleave som of the men suffered for sumthing to eat and allso for water. I have freckently filled my canteen befour I wold lie down and that wold be all the water I wold get the next day. You may think it strainge but it is the truth, I never suffered for eny thing to eat or drink, I have marched hard for severl days to geather one small pr day though the most of the time in kentucky we had plenty and since we left and come back to Tenn we have all got fat. We get a plenty of meal flour bacon beef and pork. Salt is scarce though we have enuf . We have had two snows, one on the 26 of Oct, we war at Knoxvill, the other on the 5th day of this month, with that exception we have had very plesant weather. We are now very well fixed, we have a brick chimney to our tent, the fier place is large enuf for size to stay by and do our cooking by, allso we have bed ticks that we fill with dry grass or leaves and plenty of blankets. Gooch and myself sleep to geather we have a bed and 5 blankets and my same old coveler that I brought from home. Our blankets is of a supereor quality I have slept with one of them over me in rain and keep perfectly dry they are yankey blankets.


Our regiment has bin consolated making only five companies, I will get the position of Second Lieut. as I rote you in my last litter I have plenty of clothes for this winter I only want a par of boots which I think I shall get in a fwe days. I have over two hundread dollars now and about 150 is dieu me. I wold send some home but I do not suppose it will pass in Dyer yet and it may be that I can use it to a good advantage. I am in good spirits, I beleave it will not be long befour times will be better. I hope you have the fortitude to bar your trials. I remember you in my prayers daly and nightly. I have the little testament that John gave me before I left home, it is my daly companion (I have now more confidence in a special providence that I ever had in my life, I veryly and fully beleave that all things shall work togeather for good to them that love and serve the lord.) We left George Thurmond at Koxvill at the hospital and I have not herd from him since, it is likely though that you have heard from him. I beleve I have riten all that I know wold intirest you, I hope it will not be long befour I shall have the pleasure of being at home with you and tell of my travels at leasure. Give my love to pa and mother. Tell them I wish to be remembered in their prayers ( I have often thought of them and prayed that they might find grace in this time. Tell Sabelia and family howde for me and all hoo my wish to hear from me) Kiss the children for me and when I get an answer from you I will know better how to right

Very affectionalily yours
(to Sousan Marchant) Peter marchant



October 31, 1863

Missionary Ridge- Picket duty at Chattanooga in September. Sept. 7 left on unusually dusty roads to Lafayette Ga. Arrived on the 10th and marched back toward Chattonooga 10 miles and formed a line of battle and remained 48 hours then back to Lafayette on the 18th and started back to Chickamauga on the 19th after maneuvering in quick and double quick until about 12 noon. Meet the enemy and fought about 2 hours not being abel to move the yankeys from the strong position forced to fall back. Capt. J.N. Wynne mortally wounded and died Sept. 22. On Sunday the 20th under constant shower of cannister and shell until late in the morning when the enemy lines gave way and fled in confusion to Missionary Ridge and we gained the ridge after a short skirmish and remained until Oct. 22, then to Sweetwater, arrived Oct. 30, 1863

Capt. P. Marchant


Camp near Dalton Ga. Dec the 16th 1863

Dear Sousan I am thankful to say that I am well this morning I am at a loss to know to commence righting I have rote so often that I do know what would be newes to you. I have some confidence that Tom Leadsinger got through with a letter to yo. Old Mr Payne from near Newburn arrived hear this morning I have not seen him myself I do not supose he could tell me anything about you though he will take letters to Sallina, Miss and send them thrue by caverly. The news of the Battle on Missionary Ridge prehaps may be new to you it was an unexpected affair to most of us on the 23rd of Novthe yankeeys could be seen in line of battle and marching in column it was but a short time until the bugle sounded assembly. We ware soon in line of battle and marched out to our rifle pits. They drove our pickets in we cold have held our position but the line on our left gave way and we were ware ordered to fall back which we did to our breastworks near our camps ware we lay in line of battle all nigh and next day at ----- our regiment went out on picket about 12 oclock the 24th the attack was made on lookout mountain and continued until 10 oclock at night. When they took it with grate loss to themselves next morning they attacked our right the fighting was of a more deasparate carector than usual they ware replused on the right with heavy loss. The center was attacked about 12 oclock on the 25th our regiment was still on pickett and was driven by the left of our line giving way we then formed near the foot of the ridge and now comes the difficult task to climb this ridge under fire. Their batteries had fair play at us all the way. The ridge is as difficult to climb as Obion Bluff but we suckseeded in gaining the top of the ridge the regiment filed to the right I had bin unwell for some time and the fatague of climbing the ridge I was unable to go any farther I had no thought of the yankeeys coming up to us the first time I knew of them the bullets was coming very thick where I was laying by this time the regiment was out of my sight. I then got up to see what was going on the first thing I see was men running in confusion from the top of the ridge. At first I could not tell what it ment but I I soon saw that it was a stampede so I determined to effect a retreat if I could. So I started one as good luck wold have it I had not gone but a short distance when I saw Col Watkins orderly leading a horse which he was gtlad to get clear of. The road was thronged with with wagons, ambulances, men on foot and horsbac.k. I had rode about 1/2 mile when I saw a capt and 2 lieuts and four or five men that belonged to our regiment I enquired if they knew anything of the command they said they did not that our command was completely scattered so I determined to go on to the bridge about 2 miles I crossed about sunset and waited until the regiment or at least part of it came up. Their was some of the boys that did not get with it for 2 days. I have given you what I saw of the fight I was not in it and was very fortunate to get away at that it was a very close fight our loss in killed and wounded was light. We had the advantage of ground and the boys used it. It is said by those who saw it that is was the greatest slaughter that they saw in eny fight. Their was one yankey regiment that came up the ridge and got over the breastworks when two batterys and a regiment of infantry opened fire on them not more than 10 of them ever got away. Henry Wynne was kille3d we lost a good many prisners our loss is determined at 3000. We are now in Dalton Ga. about 40 miles from Chattanooga we have built shebangs with good chimneys and have plenty of dry leaves and grass for beds with two blankets apeace. We sleep very comfortable it has been predicted that we wold have starved out long since but our comesary like the widows mealtub still afords sustanance 3/4 of a pound of beef 1 pound of flour or 1 1/4 pound corn meal is our regular rations somrtimes we get nice sugar potatoes and by looking at the date of this letter and you will recolect that just two years ago our regiment was organized at trenton. Since that time what I have seen and heard wold furnish material for a history as large ans as interesting as that of the american revolution. What of sickness and suffering humanity at Corinth and retreat from that place our stay out Tupalo our ride to Mobile on the cars on a steamer up the alabama river to Montgomery on the cars again to Knoxville our march over the Cumberlian Mountains part of the time with rations and part without severl days on nothing but green corn three years a day to the man sometimes on nothing but fresh beef without any way of cooking it only to broil it on the cols. At london ky we had plenty we staid there several days after leaving their our rations soon gave outand the day before the Battle of Richmond Ky we drew green corn again but did not have time to cook it. On the 30th day of August we encountered and vanquished the enemy and captured abundant of supplies of every kind during the month of Septemberwe lived well on the 8th of Oct the Battle of Perryville was fought our brigade was on the field but not engaged our retreat out of Ky on half rations crossed the mountains at comberlian gap. On this retreat I have seen as many as 15 dead mules and horses a day nearly all the fences were used by the soldiers to make them fires at night. We got back to Knoxville the 24th of Oct having marched over 1000 miles on the 30th of Oct we took the cars again arrived at tulahoma middle tenn on the 5 of Nov remained their about a weak and marched to Murfreesboro whare we remained doing some pickett duty until the Battle of Murfreesboro which was fought on the 30th and 31st of Dec 1862. Then I spent 4 months and 4 days with the yankeys fairing sometimes very well and sometimes not so well I was exchanged and landed t city point may the 4th /63. I found the command at Shelbyville we commenced the retreat from this place on the 27th of June the most fataguing march I ever witnessed, halted at tulahoma rested one night went out on pickett and stood in line of battle nearly all day in the heavyest rain I ever saw fall after remaining on pickett 36 hours we war ordered back to town about 10 oclock at night and reaching the depot it was the greatest stir I ever saw infantry cavilery and artilery--- and crowding we marched all night until 12 oclock the next day the weather was very warm the night of the 3 of July we slept on Comberlian mountain this is the 3rd time I have marche over this mountain. On this march severl soldiers and one negro died of over heat and fatague we crossed the Tennessee river on a pontoon bridge July the 5th we camped at shell mound hear we got a plenty of rations and rested one dayI visited the saltpeter cave at this place it is a large cave about 100ft wide at its mouth 20 ft high a soled rock above and on either side after going in some 100 yards the cave forks I took the right hand after going some distance crossed a little river on a narrow bridge this prong of the cave seamed to turn gradula to the right after crossing this stream the cave was smaller not more than 12ft wide and sometimes as high at other places we wold be going up and again climbing down holding to the rock. Their was a grate ment curisoties in this cave. I saw some marble in its natural state it was a verey unfavorable time to go in their was so many with their torches that the smoke filled the cave so that one could scarcely breathe or see. I did not go more than 5 or 6 hundred yards. the name of this cave is King Jack after the indian chief who discovered it. We arrived at Chattanooga July the 7th, drilled, stood pickett, and worked on fortifications until the 7th of September when we commenced another grand move the weather was very dry and warm for the season, their was more dust than I ever saw. It would hide a man on horseback at 10 stepts. On the rode from the 7th to the 19th when the Battle of Chickamauga commenced we ware on the alert or in line of battle after the battle we stood pickett and dug rifle pits until the 25th of oct when we ware ordered to Sweetwater a distance of 70 miles we only remained their a few days on the 5 of Nov we took the cars being ordered back to Missionary Ridge when within 9 miles of that place a decayed crosstie gave way which resulted in throwing the locomotice and 2--- of the track broke one mans leg and crushed and bruised up severl others. We then left the cars and marched the remaing distance. Nov 8 took our position at the foot of Missionary Ridge here we ware in plain vision of the yankeys cold see them on the forts the skedadle from that place I give in the comencement of this letter perhaps I have rote more than will be red with interest but in giving the outlines of my travil I think ten times more than I have space for in the intervil of these marches and battles I have devoted a good portion of my time to the study of Military Tacktics. I have bin befour the bord three times, once at corinth, and was promoted to 2d Liut, again at chattanooga July 7th 1863was promoted to first Lieut again at Missionary Ridge Oct 25th and was promoted to captain. I have no military asperations though I have done my duty as a soldier and my ardous labor has been rewarded and more Ifeel that I am a living witness of Gods mercy and care and I feel sanguin of our final sucksess if this letter ever comes to home I want you to rite by the first oppertunity and send me the age weight and height of all the children tell papy and mother to right. I will be glad to see a letter from them this letter will do for all if they have the patience to read it.
affectionately yours
P Marchant


Line of battle, Chattachoochie River, Ga.
July 15, 1864

Dear Sousan,

I recieved your letter yesterday dated June 30th with a letter to N.B. Wright. I wrote a few lines to them and started at this morning I was almost stalled when I first scaned the comencement of your letter I feared that some unkind fate had happened to you but I soon discovered that it was only emagenaqry simply because I was in line of battle. It is over now 60 days that I have bin in line of battle or on the march. It has been the hardest time that I haver witnessed but I am devot....... thankful to a kind providence that my life and health has bin spared. I was as glad to get a letter yesterday as I ever was to get one and to hear that you ware all doing well. I wold like to have some of your potatoes we drawe a few but not enuf to do eny good. We get a plenty of good bacon and corn bread and a few vegetables

(the barer of this, Mr Moppin, will bring letters back to the army but I do not know whare you shold send them, you perhaps will fin out by Mr Leadsinger I wold like toget a letter by him)

Well I must stop now and go to preaching( now preaching is over Brothe Miligan chaplain of the 13th preached a very instructive and interesting sermont on our present condition concluding by telling us that his firm convictions was that the humble and faithful of christians was the most effectual means of closing the war. This has bin my my opinion all the time. The news reaches us this morning that our troops in 3 miles of washington city and that be likely to relieve Gen Lee. As for Gen Johnston I cant tell what he will do wheather he will still fall back befour Shermon or not. We crossed the Chattahoochie River the 8th of this month. Since that time we have been lying still we kneeded rest on this campaign and have marched all night without halting three nights I have worked all night without eny sleep many other nights I have worked by relief, some wold sleep and the others work

I never saw men do as much work and as much marching with as little complaint every one has the greatest confidence in Gen Johnston

Well Sousan it is not convieant for me to right a long letter today when this campaign is over I hope to be able to come home on furlough but if not I can then right a letter that will take your patiients to read. Surfice to say that I am in tolerable health at present. I have bin unwell severl days. I staid at the ambulance whare I could have a good place to sleep or rest. The doctor attended strickly to me and I got well. I have never bin yet to a hospital noiw and am tolde by those hoo have bin their that it is allmost like going home. The hospitals is visited by ladyes and the Relief Society which is old citizens hoo give their attentions to the sick and wounded of our army, but I hope I shall never have to go to eny hospital, there is enuf that has to go. I have bin very fortunate I have only had one man wounded in my company.

Robert Shackleton was wounde in the right arm, his arm was amputated, the last I heard of him he was getting along very well. I have sent of 4 other to the hospital other companys in the regiment lost several killed and wounded and some captured. One company lost 12 men in one day on pickett another had six wounded that same day. The yankeys charged our works at the dead angle near Kenasaw Mountain, our brigade killed severl hundred yankeys and captured one stand of colors, 75 prisoners and never lost a man, only about 15 that was on pickett on front of our works, most of them was captured---you stated that you had rote severl letters that I have recived since our arrival at Dalton are as follows---Oct 3/63, Dec 5/63, Feb 22/64, April 8th/64, April 13th/64, April 24th/ 64, May 24/64 the last one June 30/64. I must close for the presant. K Wynne and Willis Chamberlian is boath well, I saw Willis a few days ago. Give my love to all inquiring friends, Brother Burns and Brother Avery Wright evrychance you have and I will do the same

Yours Truly

P. Marchant


July 16th, 1864 (part of this letter missing)

Since righting the first I have found out that it wold not start befour Monday and wors than that it is doubtful about them going at all but there is nothing like trying if it reaches you it will be some satisfactin to you if not it will go like most of my letters have but OH how thankful I am that some of my letters gets to you and some of yours to me. When I get a letter from you it is like finding a pleasant shade on a weary march.
Georgia for the most part is a broke rocky poor contry, I speak of northern georgia there is some valeys that are fertile. But it is a fine watered contry. We hardly ever stop without being near good springs so that we have plenty of good water. Our regular rations is corn bread and bacon, we get a mess of beef ocasinaly, we get coffee about twise a weak. Some times we draw crackers and sometimes buy lofe of bread from Sutler wagons.
(missing 2 pages)

Have not settled but though you had paid him for all that was don it is true I cannot do eny thing for you but I like very much to know how you are getting along. I was glad to hear that Snip worked so well but the other is old enuf to work, I expect she will be hard to manage.
We had preaching last night and again this morning by Brother David Dickey, preached agin sermend this morning. I suppose you know he belongs to our Regiment. Brother Bennet our chaplan proposes to have meeting at 8am and at sunset as long as the Brigade is still, their is considerable intrust manifested about 20 come forward to be praid for. Severl has profest religion since we left Dalton. I am glad to see that men are disposed to humble themselves under the chastisments of God, I think it fortells a batter dayh in conclusion let me say to you let us put our trust in him that has bin our support and not fear what men can do that the Lord may hep you to instruct and bring up our children aright is the fervent prayer of devoted husband

P. Marchant


In front of Atalnta Geo
Aug 2nd/64

Dear Wife, having rote severl letters to you in the last fwe days I hardly know how to commence but from the uncertainty of their going I shal have to right as though I had not rote befour I recieved your letter dated June 30th and was glad to hear that you ware all well. I have not bin----chattahooche abou the 8th of July though nothing serious. The Dr. thinks it is only fatique concequently I have not bin on duty but a few days. I have been trying to rest. Our duty on this campaign has bin very hard, falling back befour the enemy and having to withdraw from under their guns. It was nearly allways nesseary for us to move in the nightleaving a strong pickettto cover our retreit and when we took another position we had to work sometimes all night to be ready for our sertian visitors our Regiment has lost 185 men on this campaign, it lost 90 killed and wounded in two days on the 20th and 22nd of last month. Iwas not in the fight of the 20th. Two of my company was wounded, Col Watkins, Lieut Col Wyatt and Capt Sampson was allso wounded. I was in the fight of the 22nd when we found that we ware going to fight I took command of the company we charged the yankeys in their works and carried them when we got to the works many of them thrue down their arms lay down in the ditch and wold hold up their hands and beg for quarters the loss in killed and wounded was heavy on boath sides we took a grate meny prisners the official report is that our corps (Hardee's) captured 4400 prisners 16 peases of artilery a larg e amount of ordernance Generl Wheeler burnt 500 of their wagons the same day they have bin shelling Atlanta ever since the 20 of last month ( I have heard of only one person being killed by the shells they have struck meny houses but the people have sellars or holes prepared to keep out of danger while they are shelling you can have no idie of the distress of the citizens of this country) georgia is now undergoing the severest scruge that ever visited eny land two large armys on hur soil and either is enuf to spoil eny land country our own army tare down and distroy as they go like the army worm they make the fruitful planing a disert. It is distressing to see the pailing torn down and stript of evry hearb that cold be eat at all and such as was not eatable is distroyed in meny instances the houses the houses are torn down or the plank and boards torn off this is very rong but in an army theair is all kins of men and grate meny it seems dont care for themselves nor eny one elce and I suppose whare the yankeys goes they tall all they find and distry what they cannot move I rote to you about the middle of last month in it I give you a discription of the fight of the 27th of June at the dead angle in that fight our loss was trifling( only a few picketts killed and captured the yankeys came up in 20 paces and in front of Maneys Brigade they got to the works and planted the colors) but we repluced them with heave loss we are now on reserve ( our brigade was releived by some state troops night before last.) we had bin on the front line ever since the 22nd. The yankeys works are in plain view of ours the miney balls whis over our heads day and night( which keep us close to the wirks though the most of the ball are spent so they seldom kill eny one if they hit them I have sean severl hit on the head and did not hurt the bone but wold glance.)
I was hit by a spent ball just below the left knee in the charge of the 22nd it made a lick spot and was very sore for severl days. I fired my first gun in battle that day it was a yankee gun that was loaded by a yankee I picket it up in the ditch and shot at them as they run.
The yankeys have bin making some raids in our rear they made a raid on the Macon road a few days ago tore up mile of track and burnt a few wagons captured a great meny of our mules and drivers but Gen Roddy happened to be in the right place with his caverly and captured seven hunfread yankeys killed about 90 in the fight and recaptured all our prisners and stock their was another raiding party on another of the road I heard an order read from Gen Whealer yesterday stating that he had met the enemy and routed them capturing 4 peases of atrilery and a number of priseners and thoug that he had then cut off and wold capture the entire party it seams that Gen Shermon is tired of fighting on the line and is trying to cut off our suplies and force us to fall back without fighting us but I think Gen Hood is preparing to watch his rear and I hope be able to to keep his communication open the yankeys are undoubtetly as tired of this campaigh as we are. Ire d a good meny litters that they lost on the 22nd from their friends at home nearly all advised them not to renlist but to come home. I saw one from a father and mother to their son telling him not to renlist but to come home and vote for a pease candidate expressing the belief that the was wold not stop as long as the abolistionist had controle of the goverment it is hopet that the people of the north has sean enuf to convince them that the south is not to be whiped without a grater sacrefise than they are willing to make. I think that sighns are hopefull not with standing we aere noiw in the hardest sgrugle of the war( the darkest our is just before the day) it is incourging to see so meny of our soldiers becoming religeous( Since we left Dalton we have had preaching anf prayer meeting whenever we cold sometime while the yankey balls cold be heard whising over our heads. I have seen as meny as 30 mourners at a prayer meeting without eny excitment but seamed to be in good earnest. I saw 16 joined the church one night hoo had profest on this campaign. Give my love to mother and kiss the children for me and when you right tell me all about them how they are getting along learing and about the stock, how your cows and hogs and sheep are doing and particularly the colt, well I have rote enuf for the presant, tell pappy and mother howd, tell mother that I mailed hur letter---the ----day. I is time I shold have had an answer but it has not come. Everything is so uncertain now adays there is only one hope that is shure and that is the hope that religion inspires then let us put our in him who is able to help we have grate caus to be thankful for the blessings that we enjoy even in theas times of his chastisements. You will have a change to send a litter by Mr Minsey he is Mrs Peacocks brother you can learn when he will be coming back. Tell pappy to rite.

Affectionately Yours,
P. Marchant


In front of Atlanta Geo
Aug 5th 1864

Dear Sousan, this is the fourth letter I have rote in the last 8 days hoping that some of them may reach you. I recieved yours of the 30th of June, it came to hand about the 14th of July. It was accompained by a letter to N.B. Wright which I mailed the next day. It is time that I hear from it but there is little mail now. Their has been nothing occured of interest since I rote on the 29, 30 and 31st of last month. We are at the same place though we have bin relieved from the front lineso that we could fall back in the rear and rest a while. Our pickett line was drove in a few daysa ago and 3 me of my company were captured William and Carrol Pace and William Murry. I expect Sabilia knowes them all, George Murry was wounded on the 22nd and got a litter from him the other day he was getting along very well and thought he wold get a furlough and go home

We have bin at Atlanta now 15 days and it is thought we will be able to hold this place. The Yanks have tried flanking and we turned them back on the 22nd, they have tried sending raiding parties in our rear and we captured them, now I supose they will charge our works and I feel very confident that we will repulse them every time, the malitia of georgia has bin called out, it is thought there is now about fifteen thousand at this place they can do very well in works but they cannot stand soldiering much. Gray headed men and boys is not able to do the duty that is required of soldiers now but they can stay in the works and fight while the army is manevering against the enemy. We have no reliable newes from Va but I hope all is going on right. I feel as confident of our final sucksess as I ever did. I do not think I was ever more gratified at getting a letter than I was when I got your last. You get the last few lines I rote at Newhope. I rote again about the 16 of June from Golgotha then at Chattahoochie about the 15th of July. I hope you will have a chance to right by Mr Minsey or by Mr Fairest. Wright as oft as you can. I want to know if you get salt and how you are getting along about farming tools. I suppose your plows are nearly worn out. Wright a long letter and tell me all about how you are getting along. I cannot right to all but I expect all to read and hear what I right

P. Marchant


Jonesboro Geo
Sept 15th 64

Dear Sosan I am always glad to wright if I have no other newes but that I am well. Ihave nor recieved a letter from since the 31st of July though I learned from Thomas Leadsingers letter of August 14th that you ware all well at that time I have rote a dozen letters since the 22d of July. Doubtless you have got some of them and others are now on the road. But as this is a prety good chance I will try again I will try again. I have given you the acount of the battle of the 22nd we have had some sevier fighting again on the 31st of August. Cleburns and Bates Division was engaged, one division was in reserve but on the 1st day of Sept the yankeys charged our works and suckseeded in braking our line. Gen Govan and 500 of his brigade was captured our brigade was ordered to suport the line the fighting was desperate, I do not think I was ever in a more daingerous posicion. I had one man killed and 4 wounded in my company but we held the posicion until after dark and took care of our wounded then fell back to Lovejoy Station, 7 miles. Next morning we commenced fortifying, about 2 oclock PM the enemy appeared in our front but finding us ready they only planted bateries and sheled our line with but little effect. During the night of the 5th they withdrew and tore up the railroad back for severl miles we marched back to Jonesboro on the 6th. We are now 20 miles from Atlanta we have bin resting hear ever since though I donot supose we will stay hear long.

Today was set apart by Generl Hood as a day of fasting and prayer it is gernerly observed I beleave in camp we had servis at 9 AM, Oh that the Lord wold wright all harts to seak his face and pray for a speidy and honerable pease. I have no newes of intrust to right in severl letters that I rote. I mentioned that I was not well but my health was never better than at this time, we have bin getting some sweet potatoes and new peas which is a treat to us after laying in the ditches so long eating bacon and bread. You stated in your letter that the protracted meeting wold commence the 3 Saturday in this month I wold like very much to be preasent but such is the circumstances that surtound us at this time it is imposable but there is one thought that gives me comfirt that if we cannot meet at home or at friendship that our prayers can meet at the throne of grace then let us not dispare but trust in him hoo is able to help. In our late battles I have experienced fully that the Lord is a strong hold in that day of trouble. Wright as oft as you can and give me all the newes it may be that I will right more before this gets off

Affectionately Yours
P. Marchant

Tell Mr. Davis that George is well. W.W. Chamberlain is well he has not heard from home since Sabelis letter of July 31st. I was glad to hear that Sabelia state that my letter of July 10th got there safe.



Near Kenesaw Mountain

Oct 2 64

Dear Sousan, Since my last we have marched about 35 miles we are 26 miles from Atlanta we ware only 20 from Atlanta when we started we are now in Shermons rear, last night we ware informed from Gen Hood the design of this campaign. He stated that he was going to get posesion of the railroad in Shermons rear and forse him to fight us on our own ground. I hope this campaign will be a sucksess but Mr Leadsinger can tell you more about it than I can right now, the troops are in fine spirits and think that we will get Atlanta from Generl Shermon but it is useless to speculate time will develop the affair I fell very hopewell I beleave we will suckseed after all I I have nothing of intrust to right I rote to you on the 25th of last month by Col Wyatt and the 28th I rote a letter to send by Mr Leadsinger he thought then that he wold leave as soon as we moved but has concluded to stay a while longer so I thought to rite again I still don't know when he will leave I rote to you about making me a suit of clothes but if it is too much trouble I don't want you to make them. Capt. F.G. Sampson is gone into Dyersburg and will bring out clothing for the regiment.
I have had a grate deal of satifaction taling with Mr Leadsinger about your affairs, he tells me that you work too hard and expose yourself more than is nessery I have bin afraid of that and hope you will be as prudent as posable when Mr. Thurmon leaves you don'nt be uneasy about making a living when you work take your time and not over do yourself, plant small crops of everything, sow a pleanty of wheat and you can do with little corn. I had rather you wold dispose of a part of the stock than to try to make so much corn inf you can sow rye for winter pasture and grass for hay.

I told Mr Leadsinger to assist you in trading Snip which he said he wold do I want you to manage as you think best, Sell or trade eny of the stock you can advise with your friends for in my situation I cant give advise for I am no farmer. Now a soldiers live is not like that of a farmer but let me tell you one thing that I know if you will care for your health you must be particular not to get too warm ove heat is the most daingerous of eny thing elxe you wold not be as likely to be sick from lying on the ground in the rain all night with one blanket over you as you wold from a little over heat. I doo hope that this war will close before long if not I expect to come home before another campaign sets in if Im lucky So I must close for the presant I want to rite a little more not to uncle Freeman you will give it to Mr. Leadsinger. I thaut it best to put in your lette as it wold have to be in a envelope

Write Soon
Affectionately Yours
P. Marchant

Since closing my letur I have recieved one from Sister Mariah and Sabelia Chamberlain. It was rote the 13th of September they ware all well Sary has mised hur chill Willis also got one he is well his Regiment in now in our brigade when we camp we are about 100 yards apart Susan and Sarah is living at Dimion Ferrels