Bahamut |
Elemental: None Starting Level: 35 Starting HP: 3274 |
Where do I get it? Once you get the Ragnarok in disk three you can go to the Deep Sea Research Center in the southwest corner of the world map. Inside you must answer Bahamut's questions correctly and then defeat him before he'll join you. GF Attack: Mega Flare: This attack is non elemental and isn't very strong but his attack animation is long enough for you to boost him all the way to the 250 maximum. Useful Abilities: Bahamut has the Abiltiyx4 ability and the Rare Item ability which makes it easier for you to get rare items from an enemy after you beat them. He's also a GF with the Mug ability which is nice since now two people can Mug. |
Ability List |
Ability Abilityx4 Magic Draw GF Item Str+60% Mag+60% Mug Move-HP Up Auto-Protect Expendx2-1 Rare Item SumMag+10% SumMag+20% SumMag+30% SumMag+40% GFHP+10% GFHP+20% GFHP+30% GFHP+40% Boost Forbid Mag-RF |
AP Needed Learned Learned Learned Learned Learned Learned Learned 200 200 250 250 250 40 70 140 200 40 70 140 200 10 Learned |
Leads To... Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing SumMag+20% SumMag+30% SumMag+40% Nothing GFHP+20% GFHP+30% GFHP+40% Nothing Nothing Nothing |