Guardian Forces
Final Fantasy VIII introduces the guardian force. These guardian forces (or GFs) help Squall and his friends in battle and help them junction magic; making them stronger and more powerful. They come in battle once you summon them to help you. While summoning the GF takes any damage that the character should have orginally taken and basically guards them with their life. Once done summoning it unleashes its attack on all the enemies on the battle field. Each GF has a different type of attack depending on their element (if any).
Junctioning GFs:
When junctioning GFs you need to consider how high the compatibility between the GF and the character is. If its not very high then the summoning time is much longer than if it was at the maximum. It could end up taking forever if you were to junction a GF with someone thats not compatible with it. So you should be sure to check on this.
Boosting GFs:
Once you teach a GF the boost ability you can boost it while the summoning sequence is going which makes the attack a lot more stronger. All you do is hold the select button and then a little icon should appear at the bottom right corner. Push the square button repeatedly but if the icon has a little X over it stop or else you'll have to start all over again. Keep boosting until you have to stop or until you get 250 which is the maximum number you can boost to.
GF Growth:
GFs gain levels the exact same way as people do in the game which is through EXP (Experience). But they can also learn new abilities through AP at the same time that are very handy in the game. To teach a GF a new ability go to the GF section of the menu and choose which GF you want to teach. Push the X button and a sub screen should come up with a list of abilities. Choose one and your ready.

Throughout the game you can only have two pages worth of abilities. So if you want your GF to keep learning new things or if you want to teach it something with a scroll or item make sure it has enough space to do so. If there isn't any you can get rid of an unnecessary ability like HP+20% if you already have HP+40% using an amnesia green. You can buy amnesia greens at almost any shops.

Remember to keep using your GFs or their compatibily with you will drop but you can always raise those again by using  items found throughout the game that specify in doing that.
The GFs
~ Quezacotl
~ Shiva
~ Ifrit
~ Siren
~ Brothers
~ Diablos
~ Carbuncle
~ Leviathan
~ Pandemona
~ Cerberus
~ Alexander
~ Doomtrain
~ Bahamut
~ Jumbo Cactuar
~ Eden
~ Tonberry King
Main Page


Guardian Forces


Sheet Music


Side Quests

Triple Triad

SeeD Guides

Chocobo Forests

Animated Gifs

Disk One

Disk Two

Disk Three

Disk Four

World Map

Draw Point Map

Limit Breaks
