Ifrit |
Elemental: Fire Starting Level: 1 Starting HP: 305 |
Where do I get it? Ifrit is found at the end of the Fire Cavern. You have to beat him before he'll become one of your GFs. GF Attack: Hell Fire: This attack is obviously fire based and is best used against Ice enemies. Useful Abilities: HP-J is good to have so that one of you're characters will have a good HP base. There's also Str Bonus which increases a person's Strength by one point every time he or she levels up. If you equip this to a person early in the game by the end of it they'll be really strong. |
Ability List |
Ability HP-J Str-J Elem-Atk-J Elem-Def-J Elem-Defx2 Magic GF Draw Item Mad Rush Str+20% Str+40% Str Bonus SumMag+10% SumMag+20% SumMag+30% GFHP+10% GFHP+20% GFHP+30% Boost F Mag-RF Ammo-RF |
AP Needed 50 Learned Learned 100 130 Learned Learned Learned Learned 60 60 120 100 40 70 140 40 70 140 10 30 30 |
Leads To... Nothing Nothing Nothing Elem-Defx2 Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing (Gained at LV 10) Str+40% Str Bonus Nothing SumMag+20% SumMag+30% Nothing GFHP+20% GFHP+30% Nothing Nothing Nothing (Gained at LV 10) |