Leviathan |
Elemental: Water Starting Level: 17 Starting HP: 1349 |
Where do I get it? You have to draw this guy from the boss NORG during the battle at Balamb Garden in disk two. GF Attack: Tsunami: A water based attack and one of the strongest ones in the game. Useful Abilities: The most useful ability this guy comes with has to be Recover and its one of my most used abilties. Recover lets you restore a person's HP completely without using magic so its limitless. The Spr Bonus is pretty handy too. |
Ability List |
Ability Spr-J Magic GF Draw Item Mag-J Elem-Atk-J Elem-Defx2 Recover Spr+20% Spr+40% Spr Bonus Auto-Potion SumMag+10% SumMag+20% SumMag+30% GFHP+10% GFHP+20% GFHP+30% Boost Supt Mag-RF GF Recov Med-RF |
AP Needed Learned Learned Learned Learned Learned 50 160 130 200 60 120 100 150 40 70 140 40 70 140 10 20 30 |
Leads To... Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing Elem-Atk-J Nothing Nothing Nothing Spr+40% Spr Bonus Nothing Nothing GFHP+20% SumMag+30% Nothing GFHP+20% GFHP+30% Nothing Nothing GF Recov Med-RF Nothing |