Shiva |
Elemental: Ice Starting Level: 1 Starting HP: 298 |
Where do I get it? Go to the classroom on the second floor of Balamb Garden and access Squall's study panel from his desk. Select the tutorial option and Shiva along with Quezacotl will be added to your GF list. GF Attack: Diamond Dust: This attack is Ice based and best if used against Fire enemies like the T-Rex. Useful Abilities: There's the Vitality+ and Spirit+ abilities which are good at improving a character's stats and then there's the Doom ability which lets you cast slow death on an enemy. Very hand against hard monsters but some are immune so watch out. |
Ability List |
Ability Str-J Vit-J Spr-J Elem-Atk-J Elem-Def-J Elem-Defx2 Magic GF Draw Item Doom Vit+20% Vit+40% Spr+20% Spr+40% SumMag+10% SumMag+20% SumMag+30% GFHP+10% GFHP+20% Boost I Mag-RF |
AP Needed 50 50 Learned 160 100 130 Learned Learned Learned Learned 60 60 120 60 120 40 70 140 40 70 10 30 |
Leads To... Elem-Atk-J Vit+20% Nothing Nothing Elem-Defx2 Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing (Gained at LV 10) Vit+40% Nothing Spr+40%, Elem-Def-J Nothing SumMag+20% SumMag+30% Nothing GFHP+20% Nothing Nothing Nothing |