Siren |
Elemental: None (Casts Silence) Starting Level: 3 Starting HP: 391 |
Where do I find it? You have to draw Siren from Elvoret on top of Dollet Communications tower. GF Attack: Silent Voice: This attack doesn't do much damage but it inflicts silence on the enemy which is quite handy. Useful Abilities: The most useful ability she has is Move-Find which lets you see hidden Save Points and Draw Points in the game that you wouldn't see without it. She also has Treatment which cures all abnormal status effects and ST-Atk-J and ST-Def-Jx2. |
Ability List |
Ability Mag-J ST-Atk-J ST-Def-J ST-Def-Jx2 Magic Draw GF Item Treatment Mag+20% Mag+40% Mag Bonus Move-Find SumMag+10% SumMag+20% SumMag+30% GFHP+10% GFHP+20% Boost L Mag-RF ST Med-RF Tool-RF |
AP Needed Learned Learned Learned 130 Learned Learned Learned Learned 100 60 120 100 40 40 70 140 40 70 10 30 30 30 |
Leads To... Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing (Gained at LV 12) Mag+40% Mag Bonus Nothing Nothing SumMag+20% SumMag+30% Nothing GFHP+20% Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing |