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Tony was born on February 20th 1954 which makes him a Horse in combination of Pisces. What does that mean?

A Horse/Pisces man is romantic, approachable and interested. He is very charming to his friends and in his sub-consciousness he always thinks of ways to make the most out of it. All around he shows a remarkable skill in opportunism but he isn’t calculating-it is simply his nature. Would you tell a Horse/ Pisces man that he is greedy, then he would jump to your throat and name at least 36 good deeds in random order for which he is known by his first name ( you will never know if he was the benefactor or the beneficiary). A Horse/Pisces man is deeply honest, charming and seductive.

The fish's water quenches almost every flicker that the Horse brings to this alliance. Horses do like to scheme and plan. They spend large portions of their time inventing projects and plotting plans. Pisces are the adaptable dreamers of this world. Together the Horse and his Pisces nature may spend a squalid life brewing up pain-killing elixirs or searching fountains of youth. Easily influenced by almost any outside force, this Horse will go cantering blithely through life, so imbued with his own delusions of grandeur that he would not even notice the Big Bad Wolf hot on his tail

Interesting, huh ?


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