Here now a list of other Buffy/Giles Fanfics that are worthy of your time. The list isn't very long and none of the stories are epics as for example the Goshen Series from Bonetree for the X-Files...okay Wrong is definitly going into the direction of becoming an epic ;-). I will add more stories in time but until then-Enjoy! What Shall We Do With A Drunken Slayer by Jacqui (G) Spoilers: The start of season four, sometime after Beer Bad-Joss has shown us time and time again that alcohol is bad, and yet, do you think Buffy listens? Of course not. Very Funny! Wrong by Nightshift ( R / NC-17)) Spoilers: Season 6 up to halfway through Hell's Bells- Buffy's confused about Riley, upset about Spike, and worried about Dawn. Not to mention the whole "came back wrong" thing. Tara can't possibly be right, it's time for someone better versed in magic to take a look. Sounds like your cue, Giles. Disconnected
by JBG (PG-13) Spoilers: Season
6 up till Tabula Rasa-Buffy tries to cope with life without her Watcher.
On the other side of the ocean, her Watcher is doing the same thing.
Little do they know there’s a very good reason for their anguish.
The winners of the Believe Award-Second Round!
First Place: A Different Life by Rari Cross (R) Spoilers:Major spoilage of many things up through Wrecked-Buffy is given the opportunity to make a wish. Then she is told she must undo it. Will she? Very cute fic with unusual couples (Huntress) Second Place: Flinch by Jacqui (NC-17) Spoilers: First three seasons are fair game. A different take on Graduation. Buffy offers Angel her blood...but the outcome is quite different. Rated NC-17 for violence! Third Place: Every
Touch On Memory by Denorios
(PG-13) Spoilers: Prophecy Girl, What's My Line, Passion, Helpless,
Hush, The Body, Tough Love, The Gift - Buffy is dead. Can her watcher
cope with the loss? WARNING: Not a happy fic! -NEW-
The Believe Awards Nominess for the
next round! Where Do We Go....? by Gail Christison (PG-13) - Buffy goes to England with Giles after the events of Chosen, while the rest of the Scoobies are on a road trip The Long Goodbye by Koala ( R) - Spoilers : Season 7 up to "Lies My Parents Told Me" - Epilogue to"Lies My Parents Told Me" Buffy and Giles finally have it out The list of nominees is very long and it will take some time to read through this lot but I promise I will add some more stories soon.