Minimanual of the Urban Guerrilla each hand a weapon
in each home a terrorist
in each barrio revolutionary cells
only in this way can we do it!
Carlos Marighella
First published in Portugese as a mimeograph in São Paulo, Brazil, in June 1969,
Minimanual del guerrillo urbano, by Carlos Marighella, quickly
took its place as a classic of revolutionary warfare alongside the works
of Che Guevara (Guerrilla Warfare), Mao Zedong (On Guerrilla
Warfare and On Protracted War), and General Vo Nguyen Giap
(Guerrilla Warfare). While Guevara and Mao remain in print, and
Giap to the best of my knowledge unavailable, Marighella's work is
difficult to find in it's entirety. Thus, I have transcribed it here. The
text is taken from the following edition:
Marighella, Carlos. The Terrorist Classic: Manual of the Urban Guerilla.
Trans. Gene Hanrahan. Chapel Hill, N.C.: Documentary Publications, 1985.
- Introduction
- The nature of the Urban Guerrilla
- PART 2
- Personal Qualities of the Urban Guerrilla
- PART 3
- How the Urban Guerrilla Lives and Operates
- PART 4
- Technical Preparation of the Urban Guerrilla
- PART 5
- The Weapons of the Urban Guerrilla
- PART 6
- Shooting: The Urban Guerrilla's Reason for Being
- PART 7
- The Fire Team
- PART 8
- Urban Guerrilla Logistics
- PART 9
- Urban Guerrilla Tactics
- PART 10
- The Initial Advantages of the Urban Guerrilla
- PART 11
- Surprise
- PART 12
- Familiarity with the Terrain
- PART 13
- Mobility and Speed
- PART 14
- Intelligence
- PART 15
- Decisive Action
- PART 16
- Strategy
- PART 17
- Targets and Tactics
- PART 18
- Armed Assaults
- PART 19
- The Tactics of Bank Assault
- PART 20
- Raids and Infiltration
- PART 21
- Occupation of an Area or Place
- PART 22
- The Ambush
- PART 23
- Street Tactics
- PART 24
- Strikes and Sit-ins
- PART 25
- Encouraging Desertions, Creating Diversions, and the Expropriation of Weapons, Ammunition and Explosives
- PART 26
- The Liberation of Prisoners
- PART 27
- Executions
- PART 28
- Kidnapping
- PART 29
- Sabotage
- PART 30
- Terrorism
- PART 31
- Armed Propaganda
- PART 32
- Conducting a War of Nerves
- PART 33
- Carrying Out Revolutionary Action
- PART 34
- Some Tactical Observations
- PART 35
- Rescue of the Wounded
- PART 36
- Urban Guerrilla Security
- PART 37
- The 7 Deadly Sins of the Urban Guerrilla
- PART 38
- Mass Support
- PART 39
- Urban Guerrilla Warfare as a School for Recruiting
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