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Cabatuan, Iloilo

April 10, 2002

Dear Fellow Cabatuananons,

Sometime this coming November, the people of Cabatuan will bid farewell to a revered spiritual guardian, RT. REV. MSGR. AMADEO E. ESCAŅAN, H.P. Msgr. Amad will leavea beautiful legacy of dedicated service during 16 years of inspired pastoral leadership. The time had come for him to move on and share with another community his abundant gifts of dynamic vision, charisma and missionary zeal.

We are all aware of the successful projects initiated by Msgr. Amad involving church reconstruction, christian education, youth development and spiritual enhancement. We would like to focus now on one major ongoing project we hope to see completed before Msgr. Amad departs. This is the construction of a convent and rectory. Budgeted at P11 million, it is now 60% finished with a cost-to-complete estimate of P5 million including P900,000 in payables to credits. The timely completion of this project would be a memorable send-off gift for a well-loved spiritual leader.

We appeal to all Cabatuananons to rally behind a vigorous fund-raising drive to finish our convent. To those who have previously contributed, we appeal that you give some more. To those who may have wanted but missed earlier opportunities to give, we say please give now and give generously. And finally to those in distant place who may never have been previously informed we invite you to join us in a worthy cause.


For better appreciation by out townmates overseas we hope to enclose in this letter, or in future communications, architectural plans and pictures. Follow-up correspondence will henceforth come through a volunteer group which has offered to assist in overseas fund solicitation. This group, headed by ENGR. JOSE MAROMA JR., will manage a sustained information campaign and provide progress reports, financial updates, remittance instructions and other useful information, including internet access. You may remit your contributions to PHILIPPINE NATIONAL BANK, De Leon St., Iloilo City, Philippines, for credit to:


US Dollar A/C # 439-700426-6

Phil. Peso A/C # 439-509164-1

We pray that God endows us with the motivation, the strength and the resources to build a house for His ministers. This is our convent and our children's heritage. Msgr. Amad is only passing by but he happens to be the chosen shepherd leading us now in inspired labor. Let us finish the convent during his watch.

Yours for a greater Cabatuan,

Click here to read letter of appeal of Engr. Jose Maroma

The perspective of the new parish convent.

On-going construction work for the new parish convent.