CAD Games

AutoCAD Freefall

This AutoCAD game is a time-speed game.

It has a ModelSpace, PaperSpace and a Command: prompt.

Initially 9 icons are present at the top of ModelSpace.

When you click Begin, the icons start falling down.

Type a command name and press Enter before its icon reaches the PaperSpace.

The speed of falling icons can be adjusted between 1 (slowest) to 5 (Fastest).

Download the game - (14 kb)

AutoCAD Sweeper

Do not mistaken this one for Windows Minesweeper.

This is a very, very, very tough game.

The objective is to turn all blank tiles to AutoCAD icons.

Clicking a tile will toggle between an AutoCADicon and a blank tile.

Horizontally and vertically adjacent tools will toggle as well.

Download the game - (14 kb)

You need VB runtime dlls to play.
Solid Edge Sweeper

Do not mistaken this one for Windows Minesweeper.

This is a very, very, very tough game.

The objective is to turn all blank tiles to Solid Edge icons.

Clicking a tile will toggle between an Solid Edge icon and a blank tile.

Horizontally and vertically adjacent tools will toggle as well.

Download the game - (14 kb)

You need VB runtime dlls to play.
SolidWorks Sweeper

Do not mistaken this one for Windows Minesweeper.

This is a very, very, very tough game.

The objective is to turn all blank tiles to SolidWorks icons.

Clicking a tile will toggle between an SolidWorks icon and a blank tile.

Horizontally and vertically adjacent tools will toggle as well.

Download the game - (14 kb)

You need VB runtime dlls to play.
Inventor Sweeper

Do not mistaken this one for Windows Minesweeper.

This is a very, very, very tough game.

The objective is to turn all blank tiles to Inventor icons.

Clicking a tile will toggle between an Inventor icon and a blank tile.

Horizontally and vertically adjacent tools will toggle as well.

Download the game - (14 kb)

You need VB runtime dlls to play.

The target is to transpose the position of all Circle and Erase icons.

Click on a tile adjacent to a blank tile to move into the blank position.

Tiles can cross-over one adjacent tile to move into blank position.

Tiles can cannot move or cross-over diagonally.

Download the game - (10 kb)

You need VB runtime dlls to play.
AutoCAD Puzzle

The target of this AutoCAD puzzle is to arrange horizontally, icons in each of the toolbars viz. Draw, Modify, Dimension and Standard.

For example, icons from the Draw toolbar - Hatch, Block, Rectangle and Circle (in any order) are to be arranged in the top row.

Click tiles adjacent to the blank tile.

Tiles cannot be moved diagonally.

Download the game - (15 kb)

You need VB runtime dlls to play.
AutoCAD 2004 Puzzle

This one is the 2004 version of the above.

Download the game - (15 kb)

You need VB runtime dlls to play.
CATIA Puzzle

The target is to arrange horizontally, icons in each category viz. Sketch, Features, View, and Dress-Up.

Click on a tile adjacent to the blank tile to move.

Tiles cannot be moved diagonally.

Download the game - (10 kb)

You need VB runtime dlls to play.

Inventor Puzzle

The target is to arrange horizontally, icons in each category viz. Sketch, Features and View.

Click on a tile adjacent to the blank tile to move.

Tiles cannot be moved diagonally.

Download the game - (10 kb)

You need VB runtime dlls to play.
3D Studio MAX Puzzle

The target is to arrange horizontally, icons in each category viz. Shapes, Modifiers, Objects, and Transforms.

Click on a tile adjacent to the blank tile to move.

Tiles cannot be moved diagonally.

Download the game - (22 kb)

You need VB runtime dlls to play.
Solid Edge Puzzle

The target is to arrange horizontally, icons in each category viz. Shapes, Modifiers, Objects, and Transforms.

Click on a tile adjacent to the blank tile to move.

Tiles cannot be moved diagonally.

Download the game - (22 kb)

You need VB runtime dlls to play.

The target is to arrange horizontally, icons in each category viz. Shapes, Modifiers, Objects, and Transforms.

Click on a tile adjacent to the blank tile to move.

Tiles cannot be moved diagonally.

Download the game - (22 kb)

You need VB runtime dlls to play.
CadGuruCool's BlueDot - A Solid Edge Game

1. Choose any two digit number in mind.

2. Add together both digits of the number.

3. Subtract the total from your original number.

4. When you have the final number, look it upon the chart below and find the relevant icon.

5. Concentrate on the icon and have it clearly in your mind.

6. Click on the CadGuruCool's BlueDot and it will show you the symbol you are thinking of...

Download the game - (220 kb)

You need VB runtime dlls to play.
CadGuruCool's iGuess - An Inventor Game

1. Choose any two digit number in mind.

2. Add together both digits of the number.

3. Subtract the total from your original number.

4. When you have the final number, look it upon the chart below and find the relevant icon.

5. Concentrate on the icon and have it clearly in your mind.

6. Click on the CadGuruCool's iGuess button and it will show you the symbol you are thinking of...

Download the game - (380 kb)

You need VB runtime dlls to play.
CadGuruCool's GuessWorks - A SolidWorks Game

1. Choose any two digit number in mind.

2. Add together both digits of the number.

3. Subtract the total from your original number.

4. When you have the final number, look it upon the chart below and find the relevant icon.

5. Concentrate on the icon and have it clearly in your mind.

6. Click on the CadGuruCool's GuessWorks button and it will show you the symbol you are thinking of...

Download the game - (110 kb)

You need VB runtime dlls to play.

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