Pick me! Pick me!

Welcome minna to the Weiß Adoption Center!! I only have all four Weiß members in SD and bishounen form so far but Schwarz will follow up soon. It's a bitch making all these stuff so please excuse the warped pics (especially Ken's T-T). I'll put up better ones as the time goes by. Here's what you do.

1. Pick 1-2 Weiß characters for adoption.

2. Fill out the adoption form.

3. I'll send your adopted character once I've put in your name.

4. Upload the characters to your page but please link back to this section of my page.

That's all! Have fun minna-san!

~On to the fun!!~


Ready to bring home an assasin?

Your Name: Your Email: Webpage Address: Page’s Name: Will you, or have you already linked this site?

Which Weiß character would you like to adopt?

Second Slayer (if desired)

Any other comments?