Ultimate Weiß Kreuz Bishonen Babe Lair!
This is Kat-san's peeji, the author of one of my favorite fictions Paradise lost. A site with great fictions, poetry, and other fun stuff! It's still under construction though.
This page is FULL of mp3's of Weiss Kruez!! This page has a bunch of other great music too like the opening song of Lodoss War TV Series. If you like jap. music and songs this is the place to go.
This is another Weiss page filled with infomation, pictures, and sound files!!! Lo-chan made a great page here. (and she's awfully nice too)
Weiss:Florists by day, Assasins by night
A site Dedicated to the lighter side of Weiss Kruez, complete with her own explations of each character and original nicknames (*Calico-chan giggles* Like Nagiwagikins *Nagi chokes on his saliva*).
This is Yahiko-chan's peeji! It a really cute place filled with various stuff! And he likes Omi-kun too. ^^
Welcome to Willow-chan's peeji Bishounen Possesions! This site is really good but hasn't been getting much acknowlegement so go visit and give her some!! *Threatening look* -_* Rar.
A page dedicated to original Gundam Wing fanstuff. Has doujinshi, fanart, fictions and more.
A web-page created by yours truly and my best friends S-kun and Sol-kun. Has various anime and character information and lots of fanart too!