Philippians 4:8
“Finally, brethren,
whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is right, whatever is pure,
whatever is lovely, whatever is of good repute, if there is any excellence and
if anything worthy of praise, let your mind, dwell on those things.”
True (Gk. “alethe”) means
actual, true to fact, conforming to reality, factual” (Vine, Unger, &
White’s, An Expository Dictionary of Biblical Words, p. 1170). It means
not false and has its norm in God (W. Hendriksen, NT Commentary –
Philippians, p. 198).
Examples: Church history; the kind, gracious,
corrective words or actions of people toward either you or someone else;
people’s experiences or lessons learned that could benefit you
morally/spiritually/relationally; people’s words or deeds that could be
spiritually motivating to your well being; the Bible; God’s attributes;
Christian biographies; conversion testimonies.
Honorable (Gk. “semnos”) means a
noble seriousness, worthy of reverence (Wuest’s Word Studies in the Greek
New Testament, vol. 2, “Philippians”, p. 110). It means “dignified, serious
– in speech and behavior (NT Commentary – Philippians, p. 198).
Examples: Either a sermon on or thinking about on your
own, that of reaching the lost with the gospel; God, Jesus Christ, or the Holy
Spirit and their attributes or works; people’s gracious, kind, or generous acts
toward others; Christian people’s sacrificial giving of themselves (their time,
talents, treasures) to build up and/or train other Christians; the Bible; the
Christian’s purpose in life and priorities; martyrs for the Christian faith;
hell, heaven, eternity.
Right (Gk. “dikaios”) means “that which is in conformity to God’s
standards” (J. Walvoord & R. Zuck, The Bible Knowledge Commentary,
NT, p. 664). It means “just, fair, that which is in harmony with God’s will
and law” (NT – Philippians, p. 198).
Examples: Situations or circumstances where people
either said or did the right thing even though under pressure or tempted to
say/do the wrong thing; accomplishing goals or objectives in a legitimate way;
solving a problem or counseling a person the way God would want; having the
proper attitude/motives for something you will be doing or saying; the Bible;
performing some action/decision in a fair or proper way.
Pure (Gk. “hagna”) means
“wholesome, not mixed with moral impurity” (Bible Knowledge Commentary,
p. 664). It means “not defiled or contaminated, free from fault/sin/evil” (An
Expository Dictionary of Biblical Words, pp. 903, 175).
Examples: How you can help someone in need
because you love them Christianly; edifying conversations, hymns, or spiritual
songs; biblical sermons/speeches; God’s creation or nature scenes; the Bible;
cassette tapes on Christian growth; people as God’s wonderful creations;
living a holy/obedient life for God; how to act biblically/correctly in
different kinds of situations.
Lovely (Gk. “prosphile”)
means “what promotes peace rather than conflict” (Bible Knowledge Commentary,
NT, p. 664). It means “that which inspires love” (Wycliffe Bible Commentary,
p. 1330). It means “pleasing” (An Expos. Dictionary of Biblical Words,
p. 695).
Examples: God’s creation or nature; how to
increase group morale and/or unity; what you could say to compliment/encourage
someone; what someone said/did to comfort or encourage you; saying or doing
something nice for someone who dislikes you; how you can reconcile a broken
relationship; doing a special act of kindness for a needy person or to someone
who’s in full-time Christian work; the Bible; how you can please your spiritual
leader or others.
repute (Gk. “euphema”) means “what is positive and constructive,
admirable” (Bible Knowledge Commentary, p. 664). It means “uttering
words of good report or fair-sounding or good reputation” (An Expository
Dictionary of Biblical Words, p. 953).
Examples: Good things said about another
person; a biblical sermon/talk/seminar; someone’s biblical advice to you or
correction of you; the Bible itself; someone’s wise instruction; helpful
lessons learned in life shared; Christian biographies or testimonies;
witnessing experiences; tips on money management to be a good steward for God;
someone’s complimentation of another person.
Excellence (Gk. “arete”)
means “virtue; good in it” (Jamieson, Fausset, & Brown, Commentary on
the Whole Bible, p. 1312). It means “moral/spiritual excellence; virtue” (NT
Commentary – Philippians, p. 199)
Examples: People’s plans to serve God or to
obey the Bible; a right decision made; a good deed performed by someone; a
speech said that was biblical (i.e., true, loving, etc.); character changes in
the lives of Christians; Christ-like traits displayed.