“COMPROMISE” – is to partially do what is right or expected; to do less than what is expected; partial obedience.


Deut. 7:2, 16; 12:3; Judg. 1:4, 10, 17, 20, 28, 30, 33, 35; 2:1-3                Did Israel carry out God’s command to completely destroy the Canaanites?                          If not, what did they do?


What did God think of their partial obedience (Judg. 2:2)?

In what areas do you partially obey God?                       Why?


For example:

You never steal (Eph. 4:28), except for some little supplies from where you work that you can use in your Christian ministry.

You always forgive everyone (Eph. 4:32), except for this one person who really did you serious hurt.

You love everyone (1 Pet. 4:8; Lk. 6:27), except this one certain person.

You obey all the traffic laws (Rom. 13:1, 2), except for consistently speeding five miles over the limit.

You always tell the truth (Eph. 4:20-25), except when you’re in an embarrassing situation.

You’re never jealous (Gal. 5:26; Rom. 13:13), except of this one person.


Did you realize that God sees your partial obedience (compromise) as sin?


1 Sam. 10:8; 13:8-14          What was Saul commanded to do?


Did Saul wait until Samuel showed up?

What is waiting to almost the commanded time, but not the entire time called?


How did Samuel describe Saul’s behavior?


In what ways do you compromise by only partially obeying your spiritual teacher-trainer or doing less than what he expects, and why?


If your spiritual teacher-trainer has given you a “Scripture Memory” goal which says that you are to memorize 2 verses per week and review all the past week’s verses, do you check off the assignment even though you didn’t review “all” the past verses?                Why?


Or, if you have a book reading goal which states that you should read 50 pages per week, do you read only 48 pages, yet check off the goal as being done?                      Why?


Did you realize that God thinks you are acting foolishly (the Hebrew word means “to act stupidly, absurdly”) when you compromise by partially obeying or doing less than what your spiritual leader expects, and/or you’ve agreed to?                          Why?


Do you really care about how God sees you?                                Why?


What specific steps do you plan on taking to correct your behavior?


1 Sam. 15:1-3, 7-23            What was Saul commanded to do?


How did Saul compromise?


What was his rationalization for compromising?


Do you ever try to rationalize away or justify your compromising?                            In what way?


Some examples are:

“I know God wants me to build up Christians spiritually, but I won’t pursue it right now because God has put me in college, or has given me this wonderful girl/boyfriend, or has given me this great job.”

“I know God wants me to evangelize, but I’ll wait until I know more about the Bible, or I’ll wait until I’m not as scared or nervous, or until I know the person better.”

“I know God wants me to be an example of an ‘on fire’ Christian, but I’ll wait to do so after I’m away from my old friends and family, or after I finish college.”

“I know that I’m supposed to confront a sinning Christian I have fellowship with, but I won’t, because I’m afraid to hurt that person’s feelings, or I may lose that person’s friendship.”

“I know I told Joe I’d pay him today this $10 that I borrowed, but I want to buy this Christian CD for $6, so I’ll just give him $4 today.”

“I know I told Roy I’d be at his house by 5pm, but I want to go swimming first, so I’ll be late to his house by only 2 hours.

What do you think God’s attitude is toward compromise?

What did God do to Saul because of his compromise?

In what areas are you going to stop compromising?

What specific steps do you plan to take, and how soon?


Lk. 11:37-44        How were these Pharisees compromising (partially obeying), verse 42?


Do you ever compromise (obey partially) by doing any of the following, and why?

Go witnessing, just so that you can talk with someone of the opposite sex you’re attracted to; study the Bible, just to impress people with your knowledge; do your goals, just so your spiritual teacher-trainer doesn’t get angry at or disappointed with you; pray, witness, or read your Bible only out of obligation; go to Bible studies, just to see or find “him” or “her”; teach Bible studies, train others, or follow-up only because it’s a goal?


Can you think of any other areas that Christians compromise by being obedient, yet from wrong motives (see 1 Cor. 16:14; 10:31)?


Rev. 2:1-5              In what way did the Ephesian church compromise?




Do you partially do what is expected of you by going through all the outward right actions of being a Christian (e.g., going to Bible studies, having a quiet time and prayer time, doing goals, memorizing Scripture), but on the inside you allow other loves to squelch an intense and enthusiastic devotion to Christ (e.g., love of money; material possessions – 1 Tim. 6:10; the love of the world, which includes participating in sex outside of marriage, sexual fantasies, drunkenness, overeating, the coveting of things, objects, possessions or riches, sins of arrogance, self-importance, and pride of: position, office, power, wealth, prestige, popularity, abilities, talents, intelligence, achievements, possessions, associations, etc. – worldliness in general; or the love of family, girlfriend or boyfriend, love of sports, hobbies, computers, video games, music, school, degrees, career, pets, martial arts, weight lifting, philosophy, etc.)?                     Why?


Have you left your first love of Christ for any of the above or anything else?                         Why?


What did Christ command as the solution to the problem of leaving your first love?


If you’ve left your first love, what do you plan to do about it, and how soon?



What warning did Jesus give to the Ephesian church if they didn’t obey Him?


[“remove…lampstand” – remove your church as a testimony for Christ.  By the 6th century this church was reduced to insignificance.].


What will you do to keep this from happening to you?                When?



Rev. 2:12-16         The church in Pergamum is called by some theologians “The Church of Compromise.”  Why do you think this is so?



[The teaching of Balaam was the teaching that the people of God should intermarry with pagans and compromise in the matter of idolatrous worship.  It is the teaching which says, “Abandon godly separation and a pilgrim character in favor of worldly conformity.”  Instead of giving in, Christians are to remain pure and separate from defilement with the world and its religion and moral standards – see James 4:4.  (“Satan’s throne” – was the great temple of Asclepius, a pagan god of healing represented in the form of a serpent).  The teachings of the Nicolaitans seems to be the doctrine which taught that since the actions of the body didn’t affect the spirit, a person could go out and sin up a storm!  Cozy compromise with the world was the heart of this teaching.  The above teachings sought to combine Christian theology with pagan philosophy which resulted in compromise with worldly morality and pagan doctrine – J. Walvoord, The Revelation of Jesus Christ, pp. 58, 68.].


Are you compromising by holding to any of the following non-biblical and worldly values, and why?

“It’s O.K. to lie in order to save a life.”  “It’s O.K. to steal if you’re hungry.”  “If it feels good, do it.”  “You only live once, so you might as well try everything.”  “Be all you can be – for yourself.”  “It’s my money, time, talents, so I can do whatever I want with them.” Are you a sports fanatic, money hungry, or materialistic?  Do you spend large amounts of time in front of the TV watching programs which promote self-centered, worldly values?  Are your views on dating any different than a non-Christians (e.g., “It’s O.K. to have sex before marriage.” “It’s O.K. to go almost all the way.”)?  “You’ve got to have a job, nice home, college degree, and nice things for yourself in order to be a success.”  “It’s O.K. for a Christian to marry a non-Christian.”  It’s O.K. to get drunk once in a while on special occasions.”  “It’s getting my money’s worth to over-eat at an all-you-can-eat restaurant.”  “Family comes before God.”  “Do your own thing.”  “There’s nothing wrong with rock music or going to movies which have foul language, nudity, and/or sex in them.”  “It’s O.K. for a Christian to be a homosexual.”  “You need to love yourself first before you love your neighbor.”  “You always have to be smiling or be positive.  You should never be negative.”  “It’s O.K. to have non-Christians as your best friends and be continually immersed in their anti-Christian values, activities, and conversations just so you can win them to Christ.”


Knowing that God is going to discipline those who don’t change their attitudes and actions (vs. 16), when, how, and why are you going to quit compromising?


Rev. 2:18-23         How was the church in Thyatira compromising (partially doing what was expected)?


                [“Jezebel” encouraged believers to take part in immorality that accompanied pagan religions and to eat food that was sacrificed to idols/demons, 1 Cor. 10:14-33 – J. Walvoord, The Revelation of Jesus Christ, p. 73.].


Did you ever think that if you were good enough (e.g., had faith, love, service, and good deeds), then Christ would gloss over your sins of compromise on Judgment Day?                           Why?


What sin(s) are you tolerating in your life (e.g., pride, jealousy, gossip, pre-marital sex, hot-temper, racism, illicit drugs, alcoholism, greed, materialism, etc.)?

What are you going to do about it/them?


Rev. 3:1-3              How was the church in Sardis compromising (doing less than what was expected)?


Do you have a reputation of being an active, on-the-ball Christian but in reality are compromising by just going through the form or outward motions of being active and yet are really spiritually dead inside?


Do you fulfill your obligations as a Christian [e.g., when the authority you are under asks you to do something, do you do most of what he says but not everything?  If your spiritual teacher-trainer asks you to clean the apartment, do you clean everything but the mirror or shower walls and then check it off as done?  When your spiritual teacher-trainer sets goals for you to do, do you complete them (e.g., if your prayer goal says that you are to pray for 30 min., do you check it off as done even though you only prayed for 25 min.?  If your character trait goal says you are to listen to the same tape each week for 4 successive weeks, do you listen intently on the first week, but on the second, third, and fourth weeks turn the tape on and then take a nap, walk out of the room, or don’t pay attention?  Do you, however, check it off as done?)  Do you go to Bible studies, witnessing, and do other Christian activities, while not making much effort to get rid of the resentment, bitterness, unforgiveness, sexual fantasies, gossip, envy, jealousy, impatience, fear, worry, laziness, etc. in your own life?  Do you learn about or study the Bible without seeking to apply it to your life?]?       Why?


What is the solution for the compromise of being active in Christian activities, yet out of fellowship with God (vss. 2, 3)?



If they refused to heed the exhortation, what did Christ promise?


If you don’t want God’s judgment, what do you plan on doing about your compromising?                 When?


Rev. 3:14-20         Do you think that the church in Laodicea was compromising (doing less than what’s expected of them)?       Why?


What did Christ say He was ready to do to these lukewarm Christians?

Do you think that you are nauseating to Christ?           Why?


Do you compromise in any of the following ways?

Borrowing things from people and failing to return them, hoping the person will forget about the item or eventually move?

Settling for attending Bible studies instead of being discipled/trained by an experienced, biblically-qualified Christian leader?

Settling for friendship evangelism instead of aggressive/initiative evangelism?

Speeding, even though you may be going just 2-5 miles over the speed limit?

Taking more things from the office or store where you work at than you’re allowed?

When doing a Bible study for your goals, do you just read the answers on your Bible study sheets instead of looking up the passages when told to look them all up in the Bible?

When having a Quiet Time goal that says you are to read for 20 min., do you read for 15 min. and spend 5 min. letting your mind wander and then check it off as done?


Though these compromising, lukewarm Christians thought they were spiritual, rich (probably fostered by their worldly wealth), and had need of nothing, what did God say about their spiritual condition (vs. 17)?


[“poor, blind, naked” – figures of speech meaning “spiritually speaking”].


What was Christ’s advice to them (vs. 18)?


How do you think they were to buy/obtain the gold refined by the fire (i.e., spiritual riches; being right; the fruit of the Spirit), white garments (i.e., the righteousness which comes from a Christ-controlled life; doing right), and eye salve (i.e., spiritual insight from being Spirit-controlled; seeing right)?

(See Isa. 55:1; Jn. 15:5; Phil. 2:12, 13).


[“gold…garments…salve” – more figures of speech.  See meanings above – J. Walvoord, The Revelation of Jesus Christ, p. 95].


Since Christ will discipline those whom He loves, what should you do (vs. 19)?


[“zealous” – intense, serious, determined effort; “repent” – to have a change of thinking].


In verse 20, what is the benefit of repentance?


Why is being/staying in fellowship with God important?


“COMPROMISE” – is to give in to what is wrong, due to pressure or the desire for acceptance.


1 Ki. 3:1-4; 11:1-4              What was Solomon’s compromise?


Why did Solomon compromise?


Are you compromising by allowing your girl/boyfriend or family to keep you from being discipled/trained or from pursuing an obedient Christian life?                       Why?


Are you allowing your family to get in the way of your Christian training (see Lk. 14:26)?  Why?


Are you giving in to the pressure of your girlfriend/boyfriend or wife/husband to go after the gods of money, selfish career, materialistic things, sports, music, computers, fancy home or fancy car instead of pursuing God’s will of seeking and saving the lost (Matt. 28:19, 20; 2 Tim. 4:5), living a holy life (1 Pet. 1:15), and building up and training other Christians to be Christ-like in character and mission (Rom. 14:19; Eph. 4:11-13; 1 Thes. 5:11), and why?


Are you giving in to the pressures of your girl/boyfriend or spouse to go after/pursue the gods of money, self-centered career, materialistic things, sports, music, computers, fancy home or car instead of pursuing God’s will of seeking and saving the spiritually lost, living a holy life, and building up and training other Christians to be Christ-like in character and mission (Matt. 28:19, 20; 2 Tim. 4:5; 1 Pet. 1:15; Rom. 14:19; Eph. 4:11-13)?


If so, what are you going to do about it, and how soon?


Lk. 22:54-62        What did Peter’s apparent fear of being identified with Christ at the time of His arrest lead Peter to do?


Does your fear of being identified as a Christian ever cause you to compromise (i.e., give in to what is wrong because of your desire to be accepted by others)?                    Why?


For example, when you hear someone bad-mouthing other Christians for the purpose of tearing down their character or reputation (i.e., slander), do you chime in, and why?

Or, when you hear someone gossiping about some Christians, do you gossip too, and why?


Or, when one of your fellow workers on the job, a classmate, or friend wants you to gaze at the centerfold of a porno magazine or a porno website, do you stare at it for fear of being called a “holy roller” or “homo”, and why?


Or, you’re offered illicit drugs or alcohol, do you take it?


Lk. 23:4, 13-25    How many times did Pilate say that he didn’t find any guilt in Jesus (vss. 4, 14, 15, 22)?


Although Pilate was to protect the innocent, according to the Roman legal system, what did he do, and why (also see Mk. 15:15; Lk. 23:23; Matt. 27:24; Jn. 19:12, 13)?


Do you ever seem compelled to give in to what is wrong because you are afraid to get the person who is pressuring you angry?



Do you have any friends or associations who seem to pressure you by being overbearing so that you eventually give in to doing what is wrong, even though at first you determined not to compromise?                 Why?


What should you do if your friends are influencing you to compromise by pursuing other gods to immerse yourself in, such as: materialism, position, prestige, career, sex, sports, possessions, wealth, power, video games, computers, fancy cars, expensive clothes, etc. (see Psa. 141:4; 1:1; Prov. 13:20; 24:1-2; 1 Cor. 5:9-13 “idolater”; 15:33; 2 Tim. 2:22; 3:1-5), and will you?


Jn. 9:18-23           Why did the healed, blind man’s parents compromise their responsibility to speak out by putting it on their son to speak?



Do you ever fail to carry out your responsibility to contend (strive in defense) for the Christian faith (Jude 1:3) when your college professor or others are ridiculing Christian teachings, the Bible’s reliability, the deity of Christ, or creation?                   Why?


If you don’t know how to defend the Bible’s teachings or are afraid to, what do you think you should do to be obedient to the God-given commands in Jude 1:3 and 1 Pet. 3:15 (2 Tim. 1:7; Psa. 27:1; Acts 17:11; 1 Thes. 5:21; Eph. 5:18; Phil. 2:12, 13)?



Jn. 12:42, 43        Why did many of the rulers compromise by not confessing Christ?


Have you or do you ever compromise by making excuses to not witness, be trained or train and teach other Christians to be Christ-like (Matt. 28:19, 20; Rom. 14:19; Eph. 4:11-13)?                       Why?                                                     What excuses did you use?


If everyone around you is taking drugs, smoking, drinking alcohol, and/or going to a “R” or “X” rated movie, and they want you to participate with them, what would you do or say, and why?


Do your actions show that you love the approval of men or the approval of God?                                 In what way?


Why do you prefer the approval of men or the approval of God?


If your actions demonstrate that you love the approval of men, what steps do you plan on taking to deal with your sin (1 Jn. 1:9; Eph. 5:18; Phil. 2:12, 13; 1 Cor. 5:10; Prov. 1:7, 20-33 may help along with Acts 4:19, 20; 5:29)?


Jn. 19:38               What type of disciple was Joseph, and why was he that type of disciple?


Do you ever compromise by refusing to let others know that you are a Christian because of being afraid of what they will think about you?                            Why?


Do you ever compromise by saying curse words just like everyone else at your job because you are afraid of being an outcast and made fun of?                         Or, do you give in by taking longer breaks at work than your job allows because you want to be accepted by the people you hang out with who take longer break periods?             Why?


What do you think God thinks about your compromises?


Gal. 2:11-14         How and why did Peter compromise?


Have you ever compromised by going to R-rated movies with Christian friends?                   Why?


Or, have you ever compromised by condoning false doctrines (e.g., speaking in tongues, theistic evolution, “all roads lead to heaven”, a person is O.K. as long as he’s good, etc.) because you wanted to be accepted by the group who espoused those false teachings?             Which, when, and why?


Or, have you ever separated yourself from other Christians because these Christians had long hair, drank wine with their meals, played cards, or went to a movie theater to see a Christian film?


Or, have you ever compromised by not fellowshipping with someone of another race or denomination who was a Christian because your legalistic, religious, church friends would ridicule you, and you wanted their acceptance?         If so, what happened?


What should you have done, and why?


2 Ki. 16:10-18      What did king Ahaz do in an attempt to please king Tiglath-pileser of Assyria rather than offend or anger him?


                [King Ahaz did not completely do away with the Lord’s bronze altar, but he compromised (sinned) by putting it in a less prominent place, took away parts of it, and built and worshipped on a new pagan altar.].


                Do you ever compromise your biblical morals in order to be accepted by someone or group of people (e.g., take illicit drugs, drink alcohol, commit illicit sex, cuss, watch pornographic pictures, smoke, etc.)?

                Or, do you compromise your biblical morals due to pressure (e.g., you don’t read your Bible, go to a campus Bible study group, get trained to be a missionary, take the initiative to evangelize the spiritually lost, etc. because you’re parents, girl/boyfriend, church friends or leaders don’t want you to)?


Ex. 8:28                 What compromise did Pharaoh try to make Moses commit?

                [Pharaoh tries to sugar-coat this compromise by asking Moses to make supplication for him.].

                Do people (e.g., family members, friends, church people, etc.) try to get you to compromise by encouraging you to not be a “religious fanatic” (i.e., an obedient Christian), but instead not be very far away from the world and how it acts/lives?

                If so, how do you respond, and why?


Ex. 10:8-11           What compromise did Pharaoh now try to make Moses and Aaron commit?

                [Pharaoh tries to get Moses and Aaron to compromise by only taking all the men, not all the Hebrew families to hold a feast to the Lord. In other words, you can be religious, but don’t influence others to be.].

                Do you ever compromise biblical commands to influence others (e.g., Eph. 6:4; 1 Tim. 3:4, 12; 1 Thes. 5:14; 2 Tim. 4:2) by keeping your biblical beliefs private instead of sharing them with others?              If so, why?


Ex. 10:24-26         What compromise did Pharaoh try to make Moses do now?

                [Pharaoh tries to get Moses to compromise by not letting the Hebrews take their flocks and herds with them to sacrifice to God in order to worship God the way He wants to be worshipped.].

                Do people try to get you to compromise the way God has prescribed how He wants to be worshipped, which is in spirit (from within, spiritually, or in Spirit, Phil. 3:3) and truth (correctly, accurately, not in falsehood or wrongly)?                    If so, how do you respond, and why?


                [For example, praying or speaking in so-called “tongues” is false worship, not in truth, as that spiritual gift ended by A.D. 70 (1 Cor. 13:8; 14:21, 22 with Isa. 28:11, 13) when General Titus and the Roman army destroyed Jerusalem and captured and/or killed the Jews.].