“Deceit” – representing
as true what is known to be false; dishonest action or trick; to lead astray (Webster’s
New Collegiate Dictionary).
(Gk. “apate”) –
deceit; that which gives a false impression, whether by appearance, statement,
or influence (Vine’s, An Expository Dictionary of Biblical Words). For example, wearing a police uniform to make people
seriously think you’re a police officer.
Col. 2:8 Through what, are Christians to see to it that
they are not taken captive?
Are you being taken captive through philosophy (beliefs, concepts, and attitudes), according to the tradition of (ideas and values handed down by) men, according to the elementary (basic) principles of the world (all that floating mass of thoughts, opinions, maxims, speculations, hopes, impulses, aims/goals, aspirations, at any time current among humanity who are living alienated/apart from God – Wuest’s Word Studies, “Romans”, p. 207), rather than according to Christ (what He would want you to think, believe, say, and do, 2 Cor. 10:5)? Why?
[Some “traditions of men” are: “humanism” – the belief that mankind is the highest good, the center of the universe, and rejects supernaturalism; “materialism” – the belief that the highest value, objective, and good is in material well-being; “socialism” – an economic system of society in which the means of production are owned and controlled by the state and its distribution of goods administered, there is no private property; “communism” – a totalitarian/dictatorial system of government in which a single authoritarian party controls the state-owned means of production with the aim of establishing a stateless society, and economic goods are distributed equitably.].
[Some “philosophies and empty deceptions” are: “This life is all there is, so live it up.” “Get all the gusto you can since you only go around in life once.” “Heaven and hell are here on earth, so make the best of it here.” “There are no absolutes.” “We/mankind evolved from a single cell.” “Existentialism, only what you can experience is real/true.” “Atheism, there is no God.” “Agnosticism, you can’t know if there is a God.” “The end justifies the means.” “The majority is always right.” “Do unto others before they do unto you, and then split.” “You owe it to yourself, so get it or do it.” “To be happy and/or fulfilled, you have to conform to the cultural norm.” “The devil made me do it (whenever I sin).” I woke up on the wrong side of the bed, that’s why I am the way I am.” “If it feels good, do it.” “I’m OK, you’re OK.” “Everyone is doing it, so it must be OK.” “If we love each other and don’t hurt anyone, why not have sex?” “Be independent; don’t submit to anyone; don’t let anyone tell you what to do.” “Situational ethics, what’s right or wrong can change depending on the circumstances.” “I grew up on the wrong side of the tracks, so I couldn’t help what I did or the way I am.” “You’ll get another chance in the next life if you don’t make it this time around.” “I couldn’t help myself, after all, I’m only human.” “Be happy at any cost.” “Step on the next guy to get ahead.” “Eat, drink, and be merry, for tomorrow you die.” “Be a success at any price.”].
Through what means or vehicles of communications are these philosophies and empty deceptions usually communicated?
Eph. 4:20-23 What is our “old self” (unconverted self) being corrupted in
accordance with?
[“the lusts of
deceit” – deceit is personified. So,
it’s the passionate desires of falsehood].
can we be renewed in the spirit of our mind?
you meditating upon God’s Word, the Bible, and adopting its values and views? If so, why, and how
[Sin is deceitful in that it promises pleasure,
ease, prosperity, benefits, happiness, etc. without mentioning its
consequences. Sin makes “self” god (e.g., “you deserve it”), and deceit makes
sin look good or that God won’t care.].
can you prevent from being deceived by sin?
you encouraging other Christians daily? If so, how?
Mk. 4:14, 18, 19 The
thorns of what, choke the word (the
gospel) so that it becomes unfruitful in a person’s life?
[“worries of this world” – having enough
clothes, food, financial security, a nice home, job, spouse, transportation,
family approval, society’s acceptance, etc.].
[“desire for other things” – fame, prestige,
recognition, position, power, relationships, possessions, talents/abilities,
looks, skills, degrees, etc.].
what way are or can riches be deceitful?
God’s Word (any of His commands) ever
been choked out in your life because of the deceitfulness of riches?
so, which, and why?
can you do to prevent this from ever happening?
Do religious leaders
today make predictions, or even just statements, that are merely
deceptions/false beliefs of their own minds/thinking? If so, how do you know?
1 Thes. 2:2-4 How didn’t Paul’s exhortation of the gospel message come to
these Thessalonians?
did it come?
you falsely represent the gospel by changing its message in order to please
Or, do you state
that salvation is by grace through faith in Christ’s death as the complete payment
for the penalty and complete forgiveness of all our sins, and not by our good
works that we are saved and get to go to heaven? Why?
Psa. 5:6 Whom does the Lord abhor?
you ever guilty of giving people a false impression either by word or appearance? If so, why do you do so?
[In certain situations where revealing
total/complete information could either bring harm to yourself or others or
betray a confidence, it’s not wrong to only give partial, but true,
information. Such is the case where God
tells Samuel to only mention his offer of a sacrifice if Samuel is questioned
rather than mentioning the additional information of his anointing David to be
the next king of
our ministry being deceptive by calling our method of evangelism a “Philosophy
of Life” interview? Why?
Jer. 17:9 What is more
deceitful than all else and desperately wicked?
you view your heart (nature by birth)
this way? Why?
Prov. 27:6 What is deceitful? And why?
Do you have or have
you ever had anybody do that to you (not
necessarily a literal kiss, but falsely do some act of kindness for you)?
How could you tell
it was deceitful?
Prov. 31:30 What is deceitful?
would physical attractiveness or external, graceful mannerisms be deceitful?
you or have you ever been deceived by a person’s charm?
could you prevent this from happening again?
1 Ki.
you realized that God uses deceiving spirits in people to accomplish His will?
2 Cor.
11:7-9, 12-14 How does Paul describe those who were
trying to be recognized as apostles but weren’t (yet were making money off of people because they went about claiming
to be apostles)?
Do you know of
people who pretend to be Christian workers or ministers, yet are not really
Christian or are in Christian work for the wrong reasons?
How should you
relate to them? Why?
“Deceive” – to make (a person) believe what is not
true; mislead; implies deliberate misrepresentation of facts by words, action,
etc, generally to further ones ends.
(Other Hebrew and Greek words for “deceive” are “nasha”, “pathah”, “ramah”, and “apatao”).
Jer. 29:8, 9 What does Jeremiah write
to the Jews in exile, that God had said?
you think that God would say this today about most of the church leaders here
Jer. 37:7-10 What
shouldn’t these Jews deceive themselves in?
was God having this to happen (vss. 1, 2)?
Have you ever
deceived yourself into thinking that the consequences of your disobedience to
God’s word as taught by a teacher or discipler of God wouldn’t catch up with
you (i.e., rejecting aggressive
evangelism and being trained to be Christ-like in character and mission)? If so, what will you do
about it?
Jer. 49:7, 16 What deceived the Edomites?
were they proud of (Obad. 1:3, 4)?
Has the arrogance,
pride, or self-importance from your position, possessions, or accomplishments in
life ever deceived you into not repenting of your sin and disobedience to God? If so, how can you prevent this from
ever happening again?
Prov. 24:28 What are we told not to
you ever engaged in this? Why?
Prov. 26:18, 19 Who is a madman
who throws firebrands, arrows, and death compared to?
you ever belittled, slandered, cheated, or made a derogatory remark about a
person, and then when confronted about it, excused it by saying you were only
joking? Or, has anyone
ever done so to you?
should you do in each case? Why?
Eph. 5:5-8 What
shouldn’t we let people deceive us with, and why?
Do people ever try
to talk you into committing sin by saying that these sins (vs. 5) aren’t really sin, or that “you’re just human”, or it won’t
matter that much cause you can always confess them later and be forgiven?
1 Tim. 2:12-14 Why
shouldn’t women be allowed to teach or exercise
authority over a man?
do you think women tend to be more easily deceived?
Do you know people
who go to church, prayer meetings, teach Sunday School, read their Bible, or
are even a church leader, yet gossip, lie, or slander, and still think that
they’re good Christians? Or, are
you ever guilty of doing this?
can you control or prevent either of the above situations?
Have religious or
churchy people ever deceived you by their smooth and flattering speech into
believing wrong doctrine/theology (that
which is contrary to the Bible)?
Do religious/church
people you know try to deceive you into thinking that it’s not your
responsibility to aggressively evangelize and/or build up believers spiritually
in the way Jesus or Paul did? If
so, how do you respond to them, and why?
How should you
respond, and why?
Jas. 1:22-24 We
are to prove ourselves doers of the word and not merely what?
When you read or
hear the Bible and the responsibilities/commands for you to do, what do you do
with that information (e.g., Matt. 28:19,
20), and why?
Matt. 24:4-13, 24 Why were Jesus’ disciples told to see to it that no one
misleads them?
can you do to keep from being misled?
1 Cor.
Have you ever
thought that you could have non-Christians as friends for very long and not get
corrupted, if you spent very much time with them and they didn’t respect you?
How does a Christian
go about witnessing if keeping bad company is not good to do?
Gal. 6:7 What shouldn’t we be deceived about?
you ever been deceived into thinking that you can get away with sins that no
one else knows about?
it because you forgot that God sees and knows all?
Gal. 6:2, 3 Who deceives himself?
you deceived about yourself in this area, and why?
how do you see/view yourself, and why?
can you keep from being deceived in this area?
2 Tim. 3:12-15 What will be true of evil people and imposters?
was Paul’s advice to Timothy to counteract his possibly falling prey?
If someone comes
along and tells you that you don’t have to evangelize aggressively or build up
believers spiritually, what will you do, and why?
1 Jn. 1:8 When would we be
deceiving ourselves and not have the truth in us?
you ever deceived yourself into thinking that you’ve arrived or are perfect? Why?
1 Jn. 3:7, 8 What aren’t we to let
anyone deceive us in?
is it important that we not be deceived about this?
Rev. 12:7-9; 20:1-3, 7-10 Who deceives the whole world (inhabited earth)?
does Satan appear to be always involved with (12:9; 20:8, 10)?
does knowing the extent of Satan’s influence affect you, and why?
Can you see that
Satan can deceive people through the working of miracles through false prophets
to get people to worship demonic leaders?
Do you know of
religious/church people whose hearts have been deceived and have turned away
to serve and worship the gods of: career, sports, money, education, pleasure,
possessions, family, position, comfort, computers, etc.?
are you doing to keep from being deceived and making these things your gods?
Greek word for “deceiver” is “planos”.
2 Cor. 11:3 What was Paul afraid of?
might lead these Christians astray (vs.
you easily deceived by smart sounding, smooth talking, emotionally arousing,
religious people who claim to be Christians?
would Acts 17:11 help?
2 Jn. 1:7 What do certain
deceivers not acknowledge?
cults or people do you know of who don’t acknowledge this?
Jas. 1:13 What shouldn’t we be
deceived about (vs. 16)?
Are you ever deceived into thinking that God tempted you to sin? If so, why?