In February of 2002, the world watched as the events unfolded in Salt Lake City, Utah at the 19th Winter Olympic Games.  Everyone had their favorite events, but the event that most knew by the end of the games was pairs figure skating.  Jamie Salé and David Pelletier were favored to take home the gold, but after a flawless performance they were awarded the silver.  6 days later, they got their deserved gold and are truly “The Golden Pair!”
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Welcome to "The Golden Pair!"  A fan site 100% dedicated to the World and Olympic pairs champions, Jamie Salé and David Pelletier of Canda.  My name is Cortney Phillips and I have been a fan of ice skating since 1994 and a fan of Jamie and David since 2001.

Please take a look around and let me know what you think.  I am open to all suggestions that you may have.  Thanks for coming by!
"Ice skating is ice skating, a medal is a medal, but a flawless performance lives on forever!" 2/11/02
-Current Updates-

2/20/05:  I am finally breaking down to update!  :)  As of right now, I am going to be moving the page to another location.  I know! I have done it too much, but iI am tired of geocities. :)  Check for updates!
© 2004 "The Golden Pair"
Cortney Phillips
Disclaimer:  I do not know Jamie and David personally.  This is a fan site dedicated to them.  Please don't e-mail me for their e-mail, cause I do not know it!  Thanks!