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CORTNEY'S REVIEW OF RALEIGH, NC 2004 ~Before The Show~ -my aunt and grandparents came in for a surprise birthday! :) boy was I ever surprise! -watched the cast practice, met Jenni Meno and Todd Sand, got hellos from everyone else. which was alright with me. :) -had chinese and birthday cake! -got a program, autograph picture of Jamie and David, and a t-shirt ~Sunrise-Grand Canyon Suite~ (Cast) This was a great opening, but so much going on! I got home the next day I was watching the SOI tape I have of the show this year, and saw that I had missed stuff! It was hard to follow everything going on, ya know when they were doing the 50 zillion things at once. :) Todd E. got the biggest round of applause when they were all introduced! ~Moondance~ (Kurt Browning) This was great! Kurt is so much fun to watch! He doesn't cease to amaze me with his skating! ~Timing Is Everything~ (Kurt and David Pelletier) The worse part of seeing this before going, was you knew what was coming! When David came out, I wanted to scream let him get wet! LOL I dunno if David's outfit got the chuckles or the water dropping down got more! I was dying watching it from the start. ~Look at Little Sister~ (Kyoko Ina and John Zimmerman) I loved this number! I loved when John comes flying out and Kyoko jumps over him! My aunt made the comment that he just throws her around like she's a rag doll! LOL These two make an awesome pair! Not only that, my aunt had the hots for John! ~Metronome~ (Todd Eldredge) This got a few laughs! When Yuka moved the ticking thing up, people laughed at how they did that! :) ~Misty~ (Yuka Sato) I was really bad about not paying attention to this! LOL I knew who was coming out next, and did watch her skate, but can't remember much from the skate! Yuka is a beautiful skater, I love to watch her, but just that night I was anxious to see Jamie and David! :) ~Come Away With Me~ (Jamie Sale and David Pelletier) OK, some one yelled "We love you Jamie and David," as they came out from the tunnel! :) This number was just awesome! They skated so beautifully, and I can say that the handstand Jamie does, she held it longer than David expected her to! She held it for like 5 seconds! I know that feeling, sometimes you get up and just can't come down! :) They did this right in front of our section too! They got a standing ovation from me, and Jamie looked like she saw a ghost when she turned to our section! hehe ~Hands Of Time~ (Yuka Sato, Jenni Meno, Kyoko Ina) Very lengthy transition, but I loved watching it! Alot of the little moves were done center ice, and thank God for center ice seats! :) I love this piece! :) Very nicely done! ~Flamenco~ (Todd Eldredge) This was a great performance that got a few standing ovations, I might add! This was alot of fun to watch, the music picking up and then backing off! Oh it was a treat to watch! Alot of people in Raleigh were fans of Todd, so I am sure he enjoyed the response he got after skating. :) ~Time For An Olympic Champion~ (Jenni Meno and Todd Sand) I was dying with the outfits! Todd, lol, I think they put patting on his butt to make it bigger too! I love the outfits they had for the gimmic performances! Hey Todd its right side up, not right side down! hehehe :) ~Let Me Fall~ (Elena Berezhnaya and Anton Sikharulidze) These two I love to watch skate! You never know what they will be doing! This number was what Christopher Dean put as lyrical skaters! Very well skated, all though Elena had problems on the throw jump. The lady sitting next to my aunt was a fan of these two and we both were standing at the end of their performance! :) ~Jailbird~ (Todd E, John, Kyoko) I got this right away! The first time I saw this on TV, I got what they were doing. But people around me, were like what the heck?! I was like she's a jailbird, doing time, get it with the bars and everything! LOL Kyoko made a cute bird! :) ~Memorial~ (Alexei Yagudin) I am beginning to really see why he won the Olympic gold and got perfect scores! This guy can really dance on the ice! OMG! Forget the jumps, his footwork can go along way! I love watching him skate! :) ~TGIF~ (The Cast) -Steppin Out: Ok this was cute! LOL I think the laughs came at the end becuase the guys had trouble getting the clothes off! Todd Sand, bless his heart, couldn't get it off! It got caught on his skate and he kicked it off and it went flying over to I think David Pelletier, and he caught it and the threw the stuff off the ice! -Is She Really Going Out With Him- Ah, the monkey thing got a few chuckles, no wait them taking strides down the ice got laughs. The girls came out and they jumped off the ice on my side! :) This was a cute number! -Fools In Love- LOL! I think TGIF got all the laughs, but this was cute watching live! The guys did some great acting on ice! hehe :) Kyoko and Elena joined their partners, and it was cute watching this over all! -I'm The Man- Alexei Yagudin joins the guys! hehe He comes out and jumps back into the air and the guys catch him (thank goodness) lol I didn't catch what the pairs were all doing! DARN IT! I watched the ones they showed on TV, and not the ones they didn't show! OOPS! -Be My Number 2- OMG! Jenni, Jamie and Todd, LOL I was laughing once I heard the music start! LOL This was so funny! Jamie was on our side, but before she started skating down to our area, I was watching Jenni and Todd, and Jenni turned after the music goes "Won't you be my number 2?" and she turns around like 2! I was thinking these two are married and yet they are the comedy team! Watching Todd's facial expressions with two girls in his hands, I swear he was grinning ear to ear! I loved having down by the tunnel seats! hehehe! I watched to see what the girls did after they blew him off, and hey Todd turned to our section like where did they go? -Jumpin Jive- Aw the final number! :( LOL They came off on our side of the ice, and I couldn't see what they were doing! ARGERS! This got a lot of cheers at the end! :) All smiles on the skater's faces. Todd E came out and talked about the Boys and Girl's Club of America, and was like if you want the second half to come sooner and be better let me hear you scream! LOL -Intermission- Ok I was going to try and see if I could find Cassie and Alana, my luck they were on the other side of the ice! :( Oh well. I talked to Amanda during intermission and also had to look for my batteries that flew out of my camera! :( I found them all but 1! I found out then the lady by my aunt was an Elena and Anton fan, and so that was cool to see some one up for them! |