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ACT II ~Work'n Time~ (Todd E, David, Alexei, John) The broom work was so much fun to watch in person! I am trying to decide if the one drop was suppose to happen or wasn't! LOL It was at the end! Oh man, I just loved seeing the show LIVE, but this was a great number! ~Shall We Dance~ (Jenni and Todd) Let me say, I was waiting for this! They had on ice projections of pictures of them growing up and they talked before the number. BUT BEFORE ALL OF THAT, and after the music died down, I yelled "Go Jenni and Todd!" hehehe Hey it got their attention! I had tears in my eyes watching this! This was just awesome! I hope they will tour again next year! I WAS ON MY FEET AT THE END! ~4 x 2 = 8~ (Elena, Kyoko, Yuka) I didn't follow this one bit, but it was really cute! The little pink ear muffs! hehe ~When You Come Back To Me Again~ (Todd E) This got the first full standing ovation! This was an awesome number and I loved the song! :) Todd had one fall! But I could tell it was going to come down, he was off in the air. (probably because the IDIOT behind me had a BRIGHT flash!) LOL I loved this! ~Out Of Time~ (Kurt) HAH! Todd took too long, now you will have to wait! hehehe :) I was like hey! LOL The audience was booing that he couldn't skate! LOL it was funny! ~Timely Advice (Suncreen)~ (Yuka, David, Todd S, John) This has to be my favorite number! LOL Todd S, not being able to get up! LOL This was just a cute and funny number! They were facing us when the music went (Do not read beauty magazines they will only make you feel ugly!) and I was watching just for one face, Todd Sand, and died! They all had cute facial expressions, but he was like what the heck! hehehe :) ~Ding Dong Daddy~ (Kurt) Now it was Kurt's turn! Hey some one got the shirt he was wearing! :) Lucky person! I was singing along with this, I enjoyed this number! I love watching Kurt skate! He got a standing ovation! ~Show You To Your Seat~ (Kyoko with Elena and Anton) This was a cute transititon! Elena carrying the big bucket and Anton the little one! Elena's was about the size of her! It was a cute transition! ~Kalinka~ (Elena and Anton) I loved this number! LOVED IT! The audience was clapping along the whole time, and let me tell you now, when we stopped, Anton got us going again! He stopped and started clapping his hands over his head, like come on! LOL Elena just stood there! LOL I loved this number and the outfits! People were up on their feet after this number! I was too! I loved it! ~Have You Ever Been In Love~ (Kristi) Kristi, I have to say, looks wonderful after just having a baby 6 months ago! She lives in the same area of Raleigh as I do, and oh man it was great to see her skating! She got a standing ovation! ~Rock Lesson~ (Jenni, Todd S and E, John, Kyoko, Elena, Yuka) I was rocking out! :) I wasn't on my feet just did it along with them! They did the one arm fist pump on our side, and got our section going! We had Jenni and Elena, I think on our side, and Todd Sand. LOL I loved this transition! ~Ain't That A Shame~ (Alexei) Some lucky person in our section got a major butt kiss from him! LOL This was a cool number to watch, and his dancing again! LOL Awesome, Standing Ovation too! ~Ballroom~ (Jamie and David) I WAS WAITING TO SEE THIS! I DIED LAUGHING! These two have put a new twist on skating! :) I enjoyed every second of this number, laughing so hard! Them bowing back to back at the end! "What did she/he have for lunch?" LOL They got some people up on their feet. I kept my promise to them on the board, and gave them one for this and Come Away With Me. ~Time~ (Cast) I was sad to see this all end! :( This was a great number! I liked the on ice projection at the end "See You Next Time!" hehehe Jamie being a little cheerleader stayed out by the tunnel and got us going! I wanted them to skate it again! :) LOL I had an awesome time! I hope the cast had a good stay here in Raleigh! It was great weather! *HIGHLIGHTS FOR ME* -yelling "Go Jenni and Todd!" and them both turning around! hehehe About gave them a heart attack probably! The way you do it is think that you want to say something, but then change your mind and then do it! :) You be surprise what can happen! -Jamie's face when she turned to see people standing up at the end of Come Away With Me...everyone saw "AWWW!" LOL -Home- |