The Edo is a civilization of humanoids who inhabit planet Rubicun III. Known for a curious mixture of hedonistic sexuality and almost puritanical respect for their law, the Edo are governed and protected by a transdimensional entity they call their god. Many years prior, Edo society was lawless and dangerously violent. They eventually adopted a system in which laws were enforced by a very small number of mediators (law enforcement officials) who monitored randomly selected areas called punishment zones. Violation of any law in a punishment zone would result in immediate death. Since no one except the mediators would know which area had been selected as a punishment zone, the system served as a strong incentive to obey all laws. The Edo God Powerful spaceborne life-form (or forms) discovered near the Rubicun star system. This immensely powerful, transdimensional entity cares for and protects the humanoid species on planet Rubicun III. When the crew of the Enterprise-D attempted to make contact with the inhabitants of that planet in 2364, the Edo god warned the crew to leave without interfering with the humanoids it called its "children." The Edo god also requested removal of a Federation colony established in the nearby Strnad star system. |
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