Well, boy am I ever proud of myself!! I actually didn't expect to get much farther than this revolting redish-brown introduction page on  my "renovating the website" craze. But get-much-farther I did. Actually I got so into it that I didn't get around to eating ALL DAY until 6:00 p.m. Which is a big deal, for me. Actually a HUGE deal. Anything that gets in the way of me and my stomach... well, you just have a healthy respect for it, ya hear?

Anyways about my site. The whole thing is a LOT less cluttered.

Okay, the tribute to Canada is kinda re-modeled (because that's what we're all the most excited about, right?), and I added an ENTIRELY NEW FEATURE about Canada's national animals!! (haha and you're all screaming: GEEK!) but I had fun, and probably the only person who will ever read it all is me, so I guess it doesn't really MATTER what all you think about it, EEHHH??

Nope. Didn't think so.

Okay, letsee... I put up new pics of my family, so we're not all about twelve anymore. I'm planning to add some other things (but i'm just saying that because that's what you SAY when you're doing something like this, but I'm really not planning to add any other things. Unless I think up something so brilliant that I can't help but put it in. And only then. Which prety much tells you that what you see is what you get).

Sign the guestbook.

Funnies is WAY under construction there's hardly anything there.

And that's about all the boring drivel you're gonna get here on canadian_frogs, because everything else is PERFECT!! And you even sign my guestbook and say so.

Thank you, thank you very much, and g'day.
