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George Palmer's Journey From Prince Edward Island to
Hong Kong and the Omine Camp in WWII

His Story
    Chronology     Capt. Wilson Interview     Dr. Gingras Interview

Note: There were approximately 276 Canadian POWs at Niigata Camp.  Special thanks to Charles Roland who forwarded some of these names that were contained in a medical book - Niigata Individual Patient Records: 1943-45 - compiled by Maj. W.M. Stewart)

Arseneau, Edward
Atkinson, Harold
Babcock, Floyd
Babin, Alfred J.
Barlow, Edwin
Barnes K.
Barrieault, Albert H.
Bedard, Rene
Beebe, Jack
Benwell, Darren
Bernier, Danat
Bissow, George
Blanchette, Emil
Bottie, Leo J.
Briand, Alfred J.
Buchanan, Ralph
Boulding, Albert E.
Buck, Ernest
Bujold, Paul
Burden, Samuel
Burton, John
Cameron, Donald
Campbell, Joseph
Campbell, John
Cambon, Kenneth
Caron, Michel O.
Chanell, Albert Benjamin
Chanell, George B.
Chanell, Leslie B.
Chapman, Frerick O.
Clarke, Charles H.
Cole, Lewis A.
Coleman, Glen
Colvin, Frederick J.
Comeau, Isaac
Comeau, Bert
Commerford, Patrick
Danyliuk, William
Daull, Loyd C.
Daw, Ronald (15)
Drover, Archibald Frederick (14)
Dube, Roland
Dunlop, Robert H.
Dunn, George
Ebert, George H.
Evans, Robert
Fainsh, William
Falcon, Joseph M.
Falconer, George
Ferguson, George A.
Fidler, Raymond
?Findley, Joseph
Finlotte, Joseph Lawrence
Forsythe, Thomas S.
Fowler, Ray
Fraser, Cameron
Frieson, Isaac
Furey, Joseph
Gagne, William
Gallagher, Frank
Galley, Anthony P.
Gand, James P.
Gee, John Moffat
Gibbons, Earl H.
Gillis, Archie Peter
Gillis, Malcolm
Grives, Richard Horman
Guitard, Gabriel
Gunski, Joseph
Harrison, Edmond Cameron
Hawes, Malcolm J.
Heuft, Ernest
Hicks, Onwin W.
Hope, Alexander
Humicky, John H.
Hunter, Arthur H.
Hunter, Stanley H.
Ingalls, Keith Campbell
Irwin, Robert R.
Jansson, (182)
Jarvie, Thomas
Jenkins, Walter G.
Jones, Harold B.
Katchen, Michael
Kawalchuk, William
Kink, Roy
Kipling, George
Lance, Arthur W.
Lavallee, Frederick
LeBlanc, George
Lovell, Thomas R.
Lyman, Frederick
Mabley, Gerald K.
MacLaughlin, George
MacLean, Ralph
Maltman, William
Manchester, R.
Martin, Godfred
Martin, James
McArthur, Fredrick A.
McBride, Thomas
McCarthy, George
McDonald, John A.
McDowell, Wilfred
McLeod, Robert
Michalek, Paul
Millar, Herbert R.
Miller, John W.
Mitchell, Alexander
Moore, Bertrand Cyril
Mulvaney, Leonard
Myatt, Victor J.
Naylor, Howard
Neal, Ernest Robert James
Neault, Anthony J.
Nobiss, George
Olafson, Budvar P.
Osatchuk, Frank
Paul, William O.
Perrault, Arthur
Phillips, Edward
Pope, Colwin
Reisadorf, Peter
Ritteringham, John H.
Robertson, Guilbert Allan
Robinson, George F.
Roberts, Austin J.
Roussell, Leo
Sausin, Oliver R.
Sauson, Lester L.
Scott, Harold C.
Sellers, John
Settee, Clifford
Shane, Samuel
Skauanok, Leonard
Sluyse, Spencer
Snedden, John J.
Snell, Felix M.
Spier, Alfred W.
Sullivan, Robert
Steele, Ronald D.
Stratton, John J.
Street, Sidney C.
Stroud, John
Sword, David L.
Syvret, David
Taylor, Reginald Samuel
Thompson, Clarence
Thompson, Burns
Todd, John B.
Walcyuko, Joseph J. (81)
Wall, Frederick L.
Wallace, Herbert A.
Wand, Thomas L.
Waterhouse, William E.
Watson, Richard H.
Webb, James C.
Webb, John
Welburn, Angus
Wilson, Thomas W.
Winberg, Joseph
Woodward, Cyril S.
Young, Lewis E.
Zaidman, Fredrick
Zedan, Michael