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- Dark Side of the Sun -

George Palmer's Journey From Prince Edward Island to
Hong Kong and the Omine Camp in WWII

His Story
    Chronology     Capt. Wilson Interview     Dr. Gingras Interview
OTTAWA, May 27, 1987 -- "A claim for compensation for maltreatment and forced labour for Canadian soldiers who were prisoners of war of the Japanese government during World War II was filed today with the United Nations by H. Clifford Chadderton, Chief Executive Officer of The War Amps who is handling the claim on behalf of the Hong Kong Veterans' Association.

The claim is based on nearly two years of research carried out by The War Amps... The services of Dr. Gustave Gingras, well-known specialist in physical medicine and former Director of the Montreal Rehabilitation Institute, were available as Dr. Gingras acts as medical consultant for The War Amputations of Canada.  The files on the Hong Kong Veterans, held by the Department of Veterans Affairs, were made available with the veterans' consent.  These were studied together with a number of interviews following which Dr. Gingras prepared a 250-page report which has been submitted to the UN as part of The War Amp claim."

- The War Amps
(George Palmer was interviewed by Dr. Gustave Gingras, in reference to The War Amps article below, at Monticello, P.E.I. on 1 November 1986.  The following is a transcript of the questions and answers)
1.  Identification
2.  The prison camp - generalities
3.  Forced labour
4.  Climate
5.  The habitat
6.  Clothing
7.  Dietary Aspects
8.  The League of Red Cross Societies
9.  Medicine, surgical, dental, hygiene, and preventive facilities
10.  Maltreatment and brutality
11. Post-liberation